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Fever (Breathless #2)(41)
Author: Maya Banks

“Be good to her,” Jack said quietly.

There again in his eyes was that flicker that told Jace that Bethany meant more to Jack than a sibling.

“You need to understand this isn’t a temporary thing with me and Bethany,” Jace said, not caring that he was being merciless. Jack needed to understand where Jace stood and that Bethany was never going to be a possibility for Jack.

“Yeah, I get it,” Jack muttered. “I knew I never had a chance with her, but she’s always belonged to me.”

“Not anymore,” Jace said. “She’s mine and I protect what’s mine. You ever try to hurt her and I’ll crush you.”

“Just make her happy. That’s all I ask.”

“You can make her happy by cleaning up your act,” Jace pointed out.

Resignation was dark and churning in Jack’s eyes. For the first time, Jace got a glimpse of the demons driving the other man. Demons that had once held Bethany in their grip too.

“I’ll try,” Jack said flatly.

Chapter thirty-four

Jace and Bethany spent New Year’s Eve with Gabe, Mia and Ash. Things were less awkward for Bethany this time, but Jace still kept close watch on her. Jack was a constant worry for her and Jace cursed the selfish bastard for putting her through this.

The day after Jace had given the pack back to Jack, Jack had disappeared, and he hadn’t returned to the apartment since. Nor had he phoned Bethany or attempted to contact her in any fashion. Jace knew this because while Trevor kept close watch on the apartment, Kaden watched over Bethany from a discreet distance.

Even though Jace had made it clear that Kaden was to shadow Jack’s movements, Jack must have been aware that he was being watched because he made certain he disappeared and that his steps weren’t traceable.

So while Jack was off doing whatever the f**k Jack did, Bethany had made herself sick with worry.

Jace had enlisted the aid of Gabe, Mia and Ash in an attempt to give Bethany a New Year’s Eve where she would relax and enjoy. They’d gathered at Jace’s apartment—he’d thought if they entertained in a place Bethany felt at home that perhaps she would feel more at ease—and Jace had ordered in all of Bethany’s favorite finger foods. He also made certain he had plenty of black cherry soda—Mia’s favorite—on hand, and he’d quickly discovered that Bethany loved it at first taste. He immediately made a mental note to stock more on a regular basis.

“I wanted you all to be the first to know this,” Gabe said when conversation had quieted down.

Jace turned his attention to his future brother-in-law. He and Mia were sitting on the love seat, while Jace and Bethany were cuddled on the couch. Ash occupied the armchair on the other side of Jace and Bethany.

They’d eaten themselves silly and then relaxed in the living room with drinks, the television on in preparation to watch the ball drop in Times Square. Mia had suggested they all venture down to the square for the event, but Gabe and Jace had vetoed the suggestion, not wanting to brave the crowds. There was also the fact that since Jace had no idea where Jack was or if he’d cleared up the matter of the drugs, he wasn’t taking any chances with Bethany’s safety.

Gabe gazed tenderly down at Mia, who returned his smile, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

“We’ve finally set a date,” Gabe said after a long pause. “Or rather, Mia has set the date,” he added dryly.

Mia thumped him on the arm in reprimand and he chuckled, holding his arm in mock pain.

Bethany smiled and leaned forward eagerly. “Oh, that’s wonderful, Mia! When?”

“She’s making me wait until April,” Gabe said with a groan. “She wants a spring wedding. I tried to convince her to elope tomorrow so we could marry in Vegas on New Year’s Day. I can’t think of a better way to start the year than making the woman I love officially mine.”

Mia’s face went absolutely soft as she stared up at Gabe. Jace felt a tightening in his own chest and he squeezed Bethany back against him, enfolding her more firmly in his embrace.

This was nice. Hanging out with his family. The people who meant the most to him in this world. The woman he loved in his arms. Him watching his sister with the man who loved and adored her beyond measure.

The only thing missing was . . . Ash. Not that Ash wasn’t here. But Ash was conspicuously single. The only loner in the group.

“You make a very romantic argument for that elopement,” Mia murmured.

Gabe’s eyes gleamed mischievously. “Does that mean you’d consider it? I could have the jet fueled and ready to go in an hour.”

She whopped him again and rolled her eyes. “Nope. I want a wedding. My brother giving me away. The whole shebang.” Her expression grew wistful. “A gorgeous dress, a beautiful cake and for everyone to see me become Mrs. Gabe Hamilton.”

“And I want you to have whatever you want,” Gabe said in a serious tone that dropped all pretense of teasing. “All I want from the deal is you as my wife. Anything else is just icing on that beautiful cake you want.”

She leaned up and kissed him and Jace rolled his eyes in Ash’s direction. Ash shook his head in response.

“This means we’ll be subjected to this shit for the next four months,” Ash groaned.

Gabe laughed and Mia glowered in both Jace’s and Ash’s directions. Then she turned her attention to Bethany.

“I’d like you to be an attendant in my wedding, Bethany,” she said softly.

Bethany went tense against Jace, her mouth opening in surprise. She seemed genuinely befuddled and at a loss for words. Jace squeezed her reassuringly.

“But you hardly know me,” Bethany said. “I don’t want you to feel obligated to include me because of me and Jace . . .”

Mia smiled. “I don’t. I want you there. It’s my big day, according to Gabe, and every girl should have things exactly her way on her big day. And I want you with me.”

Bethany’s cheeks went pink but her eyes glowed with pleasure at Mia’s request. Jace wanted to hug his little sister for making Bethany feel important and included.

“Then I’d love to,” Bethany said quietly.

Mia beamed at her. “And while I’m in command mode, my girls and I are going out this week to Vibe.”

Before she could go any further, Gabe broke into a groan and Jace added his own.

“Shush, you two!” Mia admonished. Then she looked apologetically at Bethany. “As I was saying. My girls and I are going to the club and we’d love for you to come.”

Bethany glanced quickly up at Jace as if seeking his approval and he frowned.

“Of course you can go,” he whispered so the others couldn’t hear. “You don’t need my permission.”

She sent him a look that suggested she was adhering to the rules of their relationship. Something agreed upon by both of them. And he loved her for that, that she was so willing to cede power and control to him. But he wasn’t going to be a bastard about it either. He’d damn near give her the moon if she wanted it.

Besides, he already knew Mia had planned to invite Bethany for a night out with the girls. When he’d explained the situation with Jack and how down and worried Bethany had been the last several days, Mia had seized the opportunity and declared that what Bethany needed was a girls’ night out.

“I’d love to,” Bethany said to Mia.

Mia’s face lit up in delight. “Good! It’s settled then. Night after next, we’ll hit the club. I’ll run by and get you from Jace’s apartment and then we’ll swing by to get the other girls on the way. Gabe’s providing a driver for the evening.”

“Damn right,” Gabe muttered. “Last thing I need is a bunch of drunken girls wobbling all over f**king Manhattan.”

Ash chuckled. “No shit.”

“Our apartment, Mia,” Jace corrected gently. “It’s mine and Bethany’s apartment. Not mine.”

Mia flushed, her eyes growing worried. “Of course! I’m so sorry. I’m so used to calling it your apartment. I’m sorry, Bethany. I wasn’t thinking.”

Bethany looked embarrassed and sent Jace a frown of reprimand that had him grinning. He wasn’t the least bit repentant for reminding the others of Bethany’s place in his life.

“It’s okay, Mia. I knew what you meant,” Bethany said.

“Oh look!” Mia exclaimed. “It’s almost midnight. The countdown is on!”

Their gazes jerked to the television just in time to see the clock wind down to midnight.

“Happy New Year!” Mia cried.

“Happy New Year,” Ash said, raising his glass in toast.

“Happy New Year,” Gabe echoed.

Jace leaned down, touching his lips to Bethany’s. “Happy New Year, baby.”

“You too,” she whispered as she kissed him back.

“Know what I plan to be doing New Year’s Day?” he whispered.

“What?” she whispered back.

“Making love to you. They say whatever you do on New Year’s Day you’ll be doing the entire rest of the year.”

She grinned. “For real?”

“So the saying goes.”

“In that case, I vote we do exactly that,” she said before kissing him again.

“No arguments from me.”

“And they say we’re bad,” Mia grumbled, jerking Jace back before he completely lost himself in Bethany’s kiss and forgot where they were.

He shot his sister a glare. “Oh please. Like anyone is worse than you and Gabe.”

Gabe looked amused but kept his mouth shut.

“Try being me,” Ash muttered. “Jesus, it’s like a couples’ retreat around here.”

“So find you a woman,” Mia said lightly.

Ash rolled his eyes and then drained his wineglass. “No hurry there, sweetheart. Besides, who in their right mind would ever marry into my crazy-ass family?”

Mia gasped. “Did he just insult us?”

Jace smiled, loving her even more in that moment. Ash looked dumbstruck for a moment and then a warm smile lit up his entire face and his eyes gleamed with affection.

Mia had effectively reminded him that they were Ash’s family. Not his father or mother or batshit crazy siblings. Here in this room was Ash’s real family. The ones who supported him unconditionally.

“Never that,” Ash said. “And thanks for the reminder, sweetness.”

Bethany was looking at the others with something akin to wonder. Her smile was achingly filled with longing. For what the others shared. That unbreakable bond. One that extended to her now, even if she hadn’t fully grasped it.

“They’re your family too,” he murmured into her ear.

She turned to him, her eyes bright with happiness for the first time in days. They were clear and not clouded with sadness and worry.

“Yeah,” she breathed. “I guess they are, aren’t they?”

He kissed her lingeringly, hugging her tightly to his chest. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”

“It’s the best,” she said fiercely. “It’s something I never imagined having. I still can’t believe it. I still wake up and have to tell myself this is really happening and not some crazy dream I’ve hatched.”

He smiled gently, his chest aching with the love he felt for her. “Believe it, baby. It’s real and it’s yours.”

Chapter thirty-five

“I feel so guilty,” Bethany said.

Mia glanced over from where she sat beside Bethany in the limo, her brow furrowed in question.

Bethany sighed. “I have no idea where Jack is. If he’s dead or alive, hungry or cold. Nothing. And yet I’m going on about my life, going out with girlfriends clubbing. It seems so . . . cold and heartless.”

Mia reached over and squeezed Bethany’s hand. “Oh honey, you’re anything but cold and heartless. Give yourself a break here. Jack is a grown man. He’s made his decisions, whether they’re good or bad, and you have to accept that. You can’t live his life for him. You can’t make him do the right thing. But what you can do is live your life, be happy and make your own choices free of guilt.”

Bethany blinked at the other woman, astonished by how much sense Mia made.

“I’m an idiot.”

Mia laughed. “First you’re cold and heartless and now you’re an idiot?”

Bethany breathed a deep sigh. “You’re right. I know you’re right. Jace has been telling me the same thing, only I haven’t been listening. And then you say it and suddenly it makes so much more sense.”

“That’s because I’m smarter than Jace,” Mia said smugly.

Bethany grinned, feeling lighter than she had in an entire week. “Thank you for inviting me tonight,” she said, reaching over impulsively to hug Mia.

Mia hugged her back fiercely. “Thank you for making my brother happy.”
