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Fever (Breathless #2)(5)
Author: Maya Banks

Jace resumed his careful thrusts, his c*ck growing larger with every push. He seemed near to exploding and she wondered if she would even be able to accommodate him if he got any bigger. But the sensation of so much c*ck stuffed into her p**sy was amazing.

He withdrew, dragging the head of his c*ck to the mouth of her p**sy then pulled out even more until the tip barely rimmed her opening. Then he shoved in, quick, hard, hot.

She gasped and her entire body spasmed. She shook uncontrollably, her hands suddenly weak and unable to support her. Her arms folded and Ash caught her, going down to a sitting position so her mouth was still solidly around his erection. He caressed her hair, one hand on her chin, the other stroking through her tresses. It was . . . nice. They seemed so caring, which was stupid of her to even think. They didn’t give a shit about her. She was just p**sy to them. A piece of ass.

“Didn’t say you couldn’t come, sweetheart,” Ash said gruffly. “Just that Jace and I want to last a little longer. You’ll come again. I guarantee that. Don’t hold back. I want that mouth working around my dick while you come and Jace wants that p**sy to grip him like a fist.”

“Ash . . . Shut up,” Jace growled.

Ash went silent, but her body coiled, seemingly released by Ash’s husky words. Her orgasm rose, like flame to dry wood, crackling and blazing out of control. She couldn’t stay still. Ash’s hand tightened at her chin when she threatened to let his c*ck fall from her mouth. He pushed in deeper, seeking depth as she pushed back frantically against Jace.

“Please,” she gasped out around Ash’s cock. “Harder, Jace. I need it harder. Please.”

“Fucking hell, Jace. Give it to her,” Ash said in a strained voice.

Jace’s big hands spread out over her back, stroking reverently before sliding down to cup her ass in a deliciously possessive grip. He began to thrust hard. Rapid. Stroking deep, the friction so utterly delicious that the room began to spin around her.

She closed her eyes and sucked Ash deeper, her mouth tightening. Her entire body shook with the force of Jace’s possession. The pressure was exquisitely unbearable. The rush began low in her belly, coming from the very heart of her, tightening viciously, coiling, snapping like a whip, spreading like wildfire.

“Goddamn!” Ash groaned. “Fuck it all, I’m going to come.”

Just as her own orgasm flashed, a spark that quickly became a full-on explosion, the first jet of hot sem*n hit the back of her throat. She cried out but the sound was quickly muffled when Ash thrust upward, her lips brushing against the wiry hairs at his groin.

She writhed uncontrollably and she heard Jace’s muttered curse. His hands tightened on her ass until she knew she’d wear marks from his fingers. Faster, wetter, the slick sounds of his c*ck diving through her p**sy loud in the silence.

She swallowed the hot liquid spurting from Ash’s c*ck and some spilled over her lips. Then he carefully lifted her head and eased himself from her mouth. He gently laid her head down so her cheek rested against the mattress and he continued to stroke her hair, his fingers soft and caressing against her head, while Jace continued his relentless assault on her senses.

Jace powered into her, picking up speed, his h*ps slamming against her ass. She closed her eyes and lay there, limp, utterly sated, delighting in the aftershocks of her orgasm as Jace continued to thrust.

And then he went rigid against her ass, burying himself deep and holding himself while his body jerked and spasmed. His body came down over hers, blanketing her back with his warmth. He pressed a tender kiss to her shoulder. It was . . . nice. So very gentle. Loving.

“Did not intend for that to happen so fast,” Jace murmured against her skin. “But fuck, baby, you’re so goddamn sweet.”

His words hit her, warming her more than their touch, her orgasm. Settling into her heart, spreading feelings she’d be better off not examining. Sex was not a new experience for her. Meaningless sex was definitely something she’d become adept at in her days of mindless coping and searching for answers she had no place searching for. But this . . .

She had to put an end to this stupid thought process. This meant nothing. No different from the other strings of meaningless, mind-numbing sex. For her to think any differently was just opening herself up to pain and misery.

Ash lowered his head, his lips feathering across her cheek. “I’ll get you something to drink. Want more OJ?”

“Yeah,” she said in a dreamy voice, still reveling in the feel of Jace inside her, his heat surrounding her and his hard body cupped so protectively over hers.

Ash moved away from the bed and when he was gone, Jace kissed her shoulder again. Then to her dismay, he lifted himself up and eased out of her. A whimper of protest she did not mean to escape fluttered past her lips.

“Have to dispose of the condom, baby,” he whispered. “I’ll be right back.”

She was instantly cold the minute his warmth left her. Cold on the inside. She slid down to her belly, sprawled over the bed, unsure of what was supposed to happen next. Did she get up and leave? Did they expect her to sleep over? In the past, she’d known the score. This was totally out of her scope of experience. Besides, she had nowhere to go from here. Just back into the cold. She didn’t want this night to end. Sadness gripped her. She should have never agreed to this. While it had been a temporary reprieve and a welcome change from the loneliness that was her life, she knew it would just suck all the more when she was forced to leave.

Jace crawled back on the bed and she lifted her head, fearful of what she’d see. She opened her mouth to ask if she should leave, but he pulled her into his arms, cradling her against his side.

Okay, so maybe he didn’t want her to leave yet. That worked for her.

She snuggled into his body, his natural heat a luxury she refused to deny herself.

A moment later, Ash returned, crawling up on the other side of her. Jace’s hold immediately tightened on her, his arms a barrier to Ash touching her in any way.

“Got your OJ,” Ash said.

Jace carefully lifted her into a sitting position, but he came with her, his arm remaining solidly around her. It was a little bizarre to be sitting between two nak*d men while she drank orange juice, but it felt decadent.

She sipped gratefully at the juice, her mouth dry and a little sore from accommodating Ash’s size. Other parts of her would be sore as well. It had been a long time for her. But it was a sensation she would hold close to her, a memory of one night away from the reality of her life.

“Should I go now?” she asked awkwardly as she handed the glass back to Ash.

Ash’s lips tightened and Jace’s arm became like a steel band around her waist.

“Fuck no,” Jace bit out. “We’re not even close to being done. You’re staying over. Too damn cold to be out tonight and it’s late. Don’t want you going anywhere at this hour.”

She tried very hard to control her sigh of relief, but her body sagged against Jace’s and he kissed the top of her head.

“Give us a minute to recover and we’ll go again,” Ash said.

Desire gleamed in his green eyes. He studied her a moment as Jace’s hand slid up to her breast, cupping the small mound, his thumb lightly brushing over her nipple. She’d just had the most awesome orgasm of her life and already her body wanted more.

“You said you’ve had a threesome before,” Ash said casually. “You think you can take Jace in your p**sy and me in your ass? You ever done that before?”

Her cheeks went crimson, the heat scorching over her face. She shook her head, too embarrassed to vocalize her response. The image his question evoked burned hot in her mind. The idea of taking both men in that way at the same time gave her a heady buzz of desire.

“Want to try it?” Ash asked with a grin.

“You don’t have to,” Jace murmured next to her ear.

“If you’ve had a threesome, how did it go down if you weren’t taking on two men at the same time?” Ash asked curiously.

Her cheeks still burned and she couldn’t even meet his gaze. For someone as experienced with sex as she was, she felt like a stupid virgin.

“Like before,” she said in a low voice. “Like we just did.”

“Ah,” Ash said. “One f**ked your mouth while one f**ked your p**sy.”

She nodded.

“Ever had anal sex then?”

“Ash,” Jace growled a warning. “For fuck’s sake. Lay off. You’re embarrassing her.”

Ash shrugged. “Not much to be embarrassed about. We’re sitting here butt nak*d and we just f**ked her.”

That was true enough.

“Yes, I’ve had anal sex,” she said.

“Did you like it?” Ash asked.

“Not really, no,” she admitted.

“Then we won’t do it,” Jace said firmly.

His jaw was tight and his gaze was fixed on Ash as if daring him to pursue the matter.

She cleared her throat nervously. “I’d like to try. I mean, the guy I was with wasn’t exactly . . . good. You know, nothing like you two.”

Ash chuckled.

“Don’t, baby,” Jace said in a quiet tone. “You don’t have to do anything because you think it’s what we want.”

“You’d make it good,” she whispered.

“Hell yeah,” Ash said, his lips twisting as if she’d insulted him. “Not going to hurt you, sweetheart. We’ll take it nice and slow and if you don’t like it, we’ll stop. It’s hot as hell, though.”

Yeah, she could absolutely see that much. What woman wouldn’t want men like Ash and Jace initiating her in a situation like this?

“You hungry?” Jace asked. “You didn’t eat much. Want to eat something else before we go again?”

He pushed back a strand of her hair, tucking it behind her ear as he spoke. She glanced up at him, taking in his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

“I could eat something,” she murmured. And it was true. She was suddenly famished and the idea of finishing her leftover burger appealed.

“I’ll order up more room service,” Ash said, moving to the phone on the nightstand.

“You don’t have to do that,” she protested. “I left half my burger.”

“We’ll get you something fresh and hot,” Jace said, leaning down to kiss the corner of her mouth.

“You want another burger or something else?” Ash asked, holding the phone to his ear.

“Any kind of sandwich,” she said, not wanting to be picky. “And hot chocolate, if it’s not too much trouble.”

Ash smiled. “No trouble at all.”

Chapter five

Jace watched Bethany as she sat cross-legged on the bed eating the club sandwich they’d ordered from room service. She seemed to savor every single bite, eating with a reverence he didn’t often see. She didn’t hurry, but there was an urgency to her movements he couldn’t quite figure out.

And she sipped at the hot chocolate, her face going dreamy with every sip. He wished they’d gotten more than one cup.

They hadn’t wanted her to get dressed—Jace wanted her here in his bed, right where he could see her, feel her and touch her when he wanted. Ash had dressed when he’d gone to meet the room service attendant.

It would be so easy to tell Ash to leave so Jace could enjoy the rest of the night alone with Bethany. He liked the idea of it being just the two of them, here and nak*d, enjoying each other and sliding into making love as often as they wanted.

“That was really good,” she said when she drained the last of the hot chocolate. “Thank you.”

“Welcome,” Jace said in a low voice.

Ash cleared away the plates, taking the dishes back into the living room. When he returned, he immediately stripped out of his clothing, and Bethany sucked in her breath at the air of expectancy that had invaded with Ash’s return.

Jace watched her closely, looking for any sign that she was hesitant about what was going to happen next. If she looked even the least bit reluctant, he was going to pull the plug on the whole damn thing, and he didn’t care if it pissed Ash off or not. This whole evening was ten kinds of f**ked up. He didn’t want his best friend here, sharing his woman.

His woman.

Jace had already laid claim and yet he was about to let Ash f**k her. Again. Twisted didn’t even begin to describe this.

“Up on your knees and use your mouth on Jace, sweetheart. Don’t want to rush into this. I’ll take it slow and easy, get you worked up so we don’t hurt you.”

Her eyes widened and Jace’s senses went on alert. The hell he was going to let Ash run this show. They’d do this Jace’s way, even if it wasn’t what he wanted to begin with.

Jace shook his head, stopping Ash as he headed for the bed.

Then he simply turned to Bethany, kissing her sweet mouth, stroking his tongue inside. She tasted of the chocolate she’d just drank. Warm and delicious. Her breaths escaped in little gasps, bursting into his mouth. He wanted more. So much more.
