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Fever (Breathless #2)(7)
Author: Maya Banks

“Christ, she’s tight,” Ash breathed out. “I knew this ass would be sweet, but this is unbelievable.” Ash came to a stop, fully embedded. He leaned over her back, nuzzling against her neck, giving her time to adjust to the sensation of having two cocks buried in her at once.

“What do I do?” Bethany whispered. “I mean, what am I supposed to do? I feel like I can’t even move, that if I do, I’ll come apart.”

Jace cupped her cheek and rubbed his thumb in a soothing manner over her cheekbone. “You don’t have to do a single thing, baby. We’ll do all the work. I just want you to relax and enjoy the ride.”

“Okay,” she breathed. “I can do that.”

Ash eased back, causing her p**sy to ripple over Jace’s cock. He clenched his jaw, inhaling through his nose as he fought off his release. Then Ash pushed forward, gentle and slow. Bethany moaned and leaned farther into Jace, her br**sts nearly touching his chest.

Jace dropped his hands to her waist, curled his fingers underneath her ass and lifted slightly, arching up as he lifted. Soon, he and Ash found a rhythm they were well used to and they took turns, thrusting and retreating.

“Never imagined this,” she said in a strained voice. “It was never this good before.”

Ash chuckled. “Told you, sweetheart. You’ve been f**king the wrong men.”

She stiffened momentarily and Jace wanted to kick Ash’s ass for bringing up what was evidently a tender subject for her. But then, what woman wanted to be reminded of the other men she’d slept with while she was f**king someone else? For that matter, the very last thing Jace wanted was to be reminded of the other men who’d possessed Bethany first.

Jace lifted his head and took her mouth, kissing her deeply, mimicking his dick planting itself deep in her p**sy. He curled his hand around her nape, tangling in her hair as he anchored her against his mouth, deepening his possession. He wanted to be as deep inside her in as many ways possible. Mouth, tongue, dick. He wanted inside her and not just physically.

Her mouth moved up and down over his as Ash put more force into his thrusts. She gasped every time Ash bottomed out, the soft sigh escaping into Jace’s mouth. He swallowed them up, sucking in the air she breathed.

His balls ached, his dick was engorged and rigid, ready to dive deep and explode. He fought it, wanting her with him, wanting to ensure she received pleasure before he took his.

Ash’s hands slid around between her and Jace, cupping and molding her br**sts. He tweaked at the n**ples and her kiss became more urgent against Jace’s mouth. She wiggled and bucked, as much as she was able, stuffed full of two huge dicks. Jace knew she was close because she’d gone unbelievably wet, enabling him to thrust more easily.

“It hurts,” she moaned. “But God, it feels so good.”

“Hell yes, it does,” Ash agreed.

Jace refused to leave her mouth long enough to say anything. He reclaimed it the minute she went silent and arched upward, planting himself to the balls.

“Jace,” she whispered, his name swallowed up.

But Jace had heard it and a surge of triumph scorched through his veins, sending him spiraling over the edge. She hadn’t called Ash’s name in the heat of passion. She’d called his.

“Going to come,” he gritted out. “With me, baby. Let go now.”

Her hands that had been firmly pressed to his chest suddenly left his skin and then dove into his hair, tightly fisting the strands. She returned his kiss, nearly savage as she took his mouth every bit as hard as he’d taken hers.

Breathless, frantic, hot. Their tongues rolled and clashed, their lips arching and molding against each other.

Her cry was sharp, echoing across the room. Her head flew back, her br**sts arched forward. She closed her eyes and let out another cry as she went liquid around him, her release catapulting Jace to his own.

He followed her, his own cry mixing with hers. He vaguely heard Ash’s growl and then the entire bed shook as Ash pounded into her ass, forcing her forward onto Jace’s chest.

Jace caught her, wrapping his arms tightly around her, holding her as Ash drove into her over and over. She nuzzled into his neck and hung on to him as if she feared falling. And then Ash went still, his face showing agonizing strain. He leaned over, his chest pressed against Bethany’s back, and the three lay there, quiet, shaking, still quivering in the aftermath of explosive orgasms.

Holy f**k but Jace felt turned inside out. He’d come so hard, it had felt as though every ounce of liquid in his body had been ejaculated into that condom. He’d never resented a condom so much in his life. He wanted to come inside Bethany. Feel her squeezing every drop of sem*n from his cock.

He reached up for a lock of hair, toying idly with it as he attempted to regain control of his shattered senses. He wasn’t sure what the f**k had gone on here exactly. All he knew was that Bethany was a complete game changer.

She lay over his chest, sandwiched between the two men. Her eyes were closed and her chest heaved as she struggled for breath. Ash uttered a groan and then finally levered up, pressed a kiss to Bethany’s shoulder and then he slipped from her ass, alleviating the intense pressure around Jace’s cock, which was still buried in Bethany’s p**sy.

She moaned softly and Jace immediately wrapped his arms around her, covering the bare expanse of her back now that Ash was gone.

“I’m wasted,” Ash said. “Long day, long evening. I’m going to leave you two to it and crash in the other bedroom.”

Jace nodded, relieved. Ash never did stay after. He never slept with the women. He f**ked them and then left them to Jace. Not that Jace typically indulged in cuddle time either, but he at least shared a bed with their partners afterward.

But he made no move to separate himself from Bethany. He liked the feel of her surrounding him. He was still hard even after the mind-numbing orgasm, and he also knew he should pull out soon before the condom leaked or broke under the strain, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Not yet. He wanted a few more moments of her in his arms, her limp, warm body cuddled sweetly into his.

She stirred against him and he stroked her hair, kissing her forehead as she fluttered around him. God, but she was making him even harder.

“Need to take care of the condom,” he said.

When she would have lifted herself off him, he wrapped his arms around her and rolled so she was beneath him. Then he eased from her p**sy, regretting every inch he lost of her.

Her eyes were a mixture of sleepy and confused, almost as if she couldn’t quite process what had just taken place. That made two of them. He had no idea what the hell had happened. He could safely say he’d never felt so . . . possessive . . . over a woman, much less one he’d only met a few hours ago and one he knew nothing about.

It was a situation he’d remedy immediately.

His nature was to control. To come in, take over. It was what he wanted now. It was his first instinct. To lay down the law, inform Bethany that she was his and that he’d take care of her now.

There were several problems with that and they buzzed heavily in his mind as he rose from the bed, tore off the condom and disposed of it. Not bothering with his underwear, he crawled back onto the bed and pulled Bethany into his arms before reaching down to pull the covers over both of them.

He didn’t want to scare the hell out of her and he had a very good idea that she wasn’t like other women. She was different. Somehow more fragile. The last thing he wanted was to push her too hard and scare her away.

The other problem was . . . Ash. What the hell to do about his best friend? A friend he shared everything with and had never had a problem sharing a woman with.

Never again would he share Bethany with Ash.

He closed his eyes, inhaling her sweet scent as he surrounded her with him, with his touch. Hell, who was he fooling? It wasn’t that he was surrounding her with him. No, he was surrounding himself with . . . her.

He sighed, knowing that this wasn’t going to be easy. It was likely going to be messy as hell. He’d talk with Ash in the morning. Let his friend know how he felt and go from there. He had no idea how Ash would respond. It wasn’t as if this had ever come up between them. They were always so in tune with each other. Jace had never had to worry that he would tire of a woman before Ash or vice versa. Or that he’d want a woman Ash wouldn’t. They were in sync. Their bond went deeper than simple friendship.

Only now, things had changed in a huge way. Ash was his friend. His brother. As close to him as Mia. And yet for the first time, Jace sought to cut him out of the picture. He wanted no part of Ash when it came to Bethany. And that was f**ked up. He knew it was f**ked up. But it didn’t change a damn thing.

He just hoped to hell that Ash would understand. He had to.

He glanced down at Bethany, knowing he’d been quiet. He’d said nothing to her since Ash had left, other than he had to take care of the condom. Not exactly romantic.

Fuck it all. He was worried about being romantic?

He shouldn’t have worried. Bethany was sound asleep, her eyelashes resting gently on her cheeks. He sucked in his breath at how beautiful—and vulnerable—she looked. He was instantly assailed by a fierce surge of protectiveness that defied explanation.

Whatever this was between them, it wasn’t going away. It was here, tangible and solid. Now he just had to figure out how to play this out, because when morning came, he was not letting her go.

Chapter six

Jace came awake with none of the sharpness he usually possessed. He was a habitual early riser. He didn’t even own an alarm clock. He woke every morning at the same time no matter whether it was a workday or not.

This morning, however, he roused reluctantly, his body loose and sated, contentment slogging through his veins. He reached automatically for Bethany, wanting the feel of her skin beneath his fingers.

Finding only an empty spot, he frowned and came more fully awake, rising up on his elbow to stare at the very vacant space next to him. The only evidence she’d been there was the indented pillow, though she’d spent the majority of the night with her head nestled on his shoulder, her body curled into his side.

How the hell had Bethany gotten out of bed without him knowing it? He shook his head and threw his legs over the edge of the mattress. He pushed upward, stretching as he went in search of her.

He ambled into the living room of the suite, rubbing his hand over his nape and up into his hair. It was completely silent. And empty.

His gaze went to the closed door of the second bedroom just across the living room and he was struck by the thought that it was very possible Bethany was inside that room. In bed with Ash. He clenched his fists and inhaled sharply. He strode across the distance and hesitated once he reached the door, his hand hovering over the handle.

The very last thing he wanted to see was Bethany in Ash’s arms. Rage sizzled hot in his blood. He sucked in several breaths in an attempt to get control. His hand tightened around the handle to the door until his knuckles were white.

He gave the handle a sharp twist and pushed inward, his eyes immediately seeking the bed. His gaze narrowed and his brows came together when he saw Ash sprawled on the bed. Alone. No sign of Bethany anywhere.

Ash stirred and his eyes opened. His head lifted, and he scowled when he saw Jace.

“Is the hotel on fire?”

Jace didn’t answer and Ash’s head flopped back onto the pillow.

“No? Then go the f**k back to bed and leave me the hell alone,” Ash grumbled. “It’s too goddamn early.”

“I was looking for Bethany,” Jace said quietly.

Ash’s head came back up, his gaze sharp. “I left her with you, man.”

“She’s not there. She’s not anywhere in the suite.”

Ash pushed himself up to his elbows, the sheets tangling at his waist. “She bail?”

Jace’s lips tightened. “I don’t know. Maybe she just went down for something.”

Ash lifted an eyebrow as if to say he thought Jace was a dumbass. Jace blew out his breath and turned around to walk back out of Ash’s room.

“Hang on a sec, man, and I’ll help you look,” Ash called.

“I got it.”

Jace’s gaze swept the room again, looking for anything. A clue. Something that told him she’d be back. When he got back to the bedroom where he and Bethany had slept, he noted this time that none of her clothing was where it had been tossed the night before. There was nothing that suggested she’d been here at all.

“Jace, she left a note.”

Ash’s voice drifted to Jace and Jace strode back out of the bedroom to see Ash standing in the living room in front of the coffee table holding one of the stationery note cards with the hotel logo. Ash held it out as Jace walked over and reached for it.

Flipping it open, he frowned as he read the feminine cursive that flowed across the surface.

Thank you for a wonderful night and for dinner. You made it special. I’ll never forget it or you.

