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Fifty Shades Darker

Fifty Shades Darker (Fifty Shades #2)(77)
Author: E.L. James

The brochures arrive back at the office, and I have to say, they look great. I take one into Jack’s office. His eyes light up, and I don’t know if it’s at me or the brochure. I choose to believe it’s the latter.

"These look great, Ana." Idly, he flicks through it. "Yeah, good job. Are you seeing your boyfriend this evening?" His lip curls as he says boyfriend.

"Yes. We live together." It’s sort of the truth. Well, we do at the moment. And I have officially agreed to move in, so it’s not much of a white lie. I hope that it’s enough to throw him off the scent.

"Would he object to you coming out for a quick drink tonight? To celebrate all your hard work?"

"I have a friend coming in from out of town tonight, and we’re all going out for dinner." And I’ll be busy every night, Jack.

"I see." He sighs, exasperated. "Maybe when I’m back from New York, huh?" He raises his eyebrows in expectation, and his gaze darkens suggestively.

Oh no. I smile, noncommittal, stifling a shudder.

"Would you like some coffee or tea?" I ask.

"Coffee, please." His voice is low and husky as if he’s asking for something else. Fuck.

He’s not going to back off. I can see that now. Oh… What to do?

I breathe a long sigh of relief when I am out of his office. He makes me tense. Christian is right about him, and part of me is pissed that Christian is right about him.

I sit down at my desk and my Blackberry rings – a number I don’t recognize.

"Ana Steele."

"Hi, Steele!" Ethan’s drawl catches me momentarily off guard.

"Ethan! How are you?" I almost squeal with delight.

"Glad to be back. I am seriously fed up with sunshine and rum punches, and my baby sister being hopelessly in love with the big guy. It’s been hell, Ana."

"Yeah! Sea, sand, sun, and rum punches sounds like Dante’s Inferno." I giggle. "Where are you?"

"I’m at Sea-Tac, waiting for my bag. What are you doing?"

"I’m at work. Yes, I am gainfully employed," I respond to his gasp. "Do you want to come here and collect the keys? I can meet you later at the apartment."

"Sounds great. I’ll see you in about 45 minutes, an hour maybe? What’s the address?"

I give him SIP’s address.

"See you soon, Ethan."

"Laters," he says and hangs up. What? Not Ethan, too? And it dawns on me that he’s just spent a week with Elliot. I quickly type an e-mail to Christian.

From: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Visitors from Sunny Climes.

Date: June 14, 2011: 14:55

To: Christian Grey

Dearest Completely & Utterly SS&S

Ethan is back, and he’s coming here to collect keys to the apartment.

I’d really like to make sure he’s settled in okay.

Why don’t you collect me after work? We can go to the apartment then we can ALL go out for a meal maybe?

My treat?


Ana x

Still SM&I

Anastasia Steele

Assistant to Jack Hyde, Commissioning Editor, SIP

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Dinner Out

Date: June 14, 2011 15:05

To: Anastasia Steele

I approve of your plan. Except the part about you paying!

My treat.

I’ll collect you at 6:00.


PS: Why aren’t you using your Blackberry!!!

Christian Grey

Completely and Utterly Annoyed, CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

From: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Bossiness

Date: June 14, 2011: 15:11

To: Christian Grey

Oh, don’t be so crusty and cross.

It’s all in code.

I’ll see you at 6:00.

Ana x

Anastasia Steele

Assistant to Jack Hyde, Commissioning Editor, SIP

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Maddening Woman

Date: June 14, 2011 15:18

To: Anastasia Steele

Crusty and cross!

I’ll give you crusty and cross.

And look forward to it.

Christian Grey

Completely and Utterly More Annoyed, but smiling for some unknown reason, CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

From: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Promises. Promises.

Date: June 14, 2011: 15:23

To: Christian Grey

Bring it on, Mr. Grey

I look forward to it too. ;D

Ana x

Anastasia Steele

Assistant to Jack Hyde, Commissioning Editor, SIP

He doesn’t reply, but then I don’t expect him to. I imagine him moaning about mixed signals, and the thought makes me smile. I daydream briefly about what he might do to me but find myself shifting about in my chair. My subconscious gazes at me disapprovingly over her half-moon specs – get on with your work.

A little later, my phone buzzes. It’s Claire at reception.

"There’s a real cute guy in reception to see you. We must go out for drinks sometime, Ana. You sure know some hunky guys," she hisses conspiratorially through the phone.

Ethan! Grabbing my keys from my purse, I hurry out to the foyer.

Holy shit – sun-bleached blond hair, a tan to die for, and glowing hazel eyes gaze up at me from the green leather couch. As soon as he sees me, his mouth drops open, and he’s on his feet coming toward me.

"Wow, Ana." He frowns at me as he bends to give me hug.

"You look well." I grin up at him.

"You look… wow – different. Worldly, more sophisticated. What’s happened? You changed your hair? Clothes? I don’t know, Steele, but you look hot!"

I blush furiously. "Oh, Ethan. I’m just in my work clothes," I scold as Claire looks on with an arched eyebrow and a wry smile.

"How was Barbados?"

"Fun," he says.

"When’s Kate back?"

"She and Elliot are flying back Friday. They’re pretty damn serious about each other."

Ethan rolls his eyes.

"I’ve missed her."

"Yeah? How have you been doing with Mr. Mogul?"

"Mr. Mogul?" I snicker. "Well, it’s been interesting. He’s taking us out for dinner this evening."

"Cool." Ethan seems genuinely pleased. Phew!

"Here." I hand him the keys. "You have the address?"

"Yeah. Laters." He leans over and kisses my cheek.

"Elliot’s expression?"

"Yeah, kind of grows on you."

"It does. Laters." I smile at him as he collects his large shoulder bag from beside the green couch and exits the building.

When I turn, Jack is watching me from the far side of the foyer, his expression unreadable. I smile brightly at him and head back to my desk, feeling his eyes on me the whole time. This is beginning to get on my nerves. What to do? I have no idea. I’ll have to wait until Kate is back. She’s bound to come up with a plan. The thought dispels my bleak mood, and I pick up the next manuscript.
