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Fifty Shades Freed

Fifty Shades Freed (Fifty Shades #3)(60)
Author: E.L. James

We sit at opposite ends of the bath, which is very full – so full that whenever we move, water laps over the side and splashes to the floor. It’s very decadent. Even more decadent is Christian washing my feet, massaging the soles, pulling gently on my toes. He kisses each one and gently bites my little toe.

"Aaah!" I feel it – there, in my groin.

"Like that?" he breathes.

"Hmm," I mumble incoherently.

He starts massaging again. Oh, this feels good. I close my eyes.

"I saw Gia in town," I murmur.

"Really? I think she has a place here," he says dismissively. He’s not interested in the slightest.

"She was with Elliot."

Christian stops massaging. That got his attention. When I open my eyes his head is inclined to one side, like he doesn’t understand.

"What do you mean with Elliot?" he asks, perplexed rather than concerned.

I explain what I saw.

"Ana, they’re just friends. I think Elliot is pretty stuck on Kate." He pauses then adds more quietly. "In fact I know he’s pretty stuck on her." And he gives me his I-have-no-idea-why look.

"Kate is gorgeous." I bristle, championing my friend. He snorts. "Still glad it was you that fell into my office." He kisses my big toe, releases my left foot and picks up my right, beginning the massage process again. His fingers are so strong and supple, I relax again. I do not want to fight about Kate. I close my eyes and let his fingers work their magic on my feet.

I gape at myself in the full-length mirror, not recognizing the vixen that stares back at me. Kate has gone all out and played Barbie with me this evening, styling my hair and makeup. My hair is full and straight, my eyes ringed with kohl, my lips scarlet red. I look . . . hot. I’m all legs, especially in the high-heeled Manolos and my plainly indecent short dress. I need Christian to approve, though I have a horrible feeling he won’t like so much of my flesh exposed. In view of our entente cordiale, I decide I should ask him. I pick up my BlackBerry, as I doubt he’ll hear me from upstairs.

From: Anastasia Grey

Subject: Does My Butt Look Big In This?

Date: August 27, 2011 18:53 MST

To: Christian Grey

Mr. Grey

I need your sartorial advice.


Mrs. G x

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Peachy

Date: August 27, 2011 18:55 MST

To: Anastasia Grey

Mrs. Grey

I seriously doubt it.

But I will come and give your butt a thorough examination just to make sure.

Yours in anticipation

Mr. G x

Christian Grey,

CEO Grey Enterprises Holdings and Butt Inspectorate Inc.

As I read his e-mail, the bedroom door opens and Christian freezes on the threshold. His mouth pops open and his eyes widen. Holy crap . . . this could go either way.

"Well?" I whisper.

"Ana, you look . . . Wow."

"You like it?"

"Yes, I guess so." He’s a little hoarse. Slowly he steps into the room and closes the door. He’s wearing black jeans and a white shirt, but with a black jacket . . . he looks divine. He stalks slowly toward me, but as soon as he reaches me, he puts his hands on my shoulders and turns me around to face the full-length mirror, while he stands behind me. My gaze finds his in the glass, then he glances down, fascinated by my naked back. His finger glides down my spine and reaches the edge of my dress at the small of my back, where pale flesh meets silver cloth.

"This is very revealing," he murmurs.

His hand skims lower, over my backside and down to my naked thigh. He pauses, gray eyes burning intently into blue. Then slowly he trails his fingers back up to the hem of my skirt.

Watching his long fingers move lightly, teasingly across my skin, feeling the tingles they leave in their wake, my mouth forms a perfect O.

"It’s not far from here." He touches the hem, then moves his fingers higher. "To here," he whispers. I gasp as his fingers stroke my sex, moving tantalizingly over my panties, feeling me, teasing me.

"And your point is?" I whisper.

"My point is . . . it’s not far from here" – his fingers glide over my panties, then one is inside, against my soft dampened flesh – "to here. And then . . . to here." He slips a finger inside me. I gasp and make a soft mewling sound.

"This is mine," he murmurs in my ear. Closing his eyes he moves his finger slowly in and out of me. "I don’t want anyone else to see this."

My breath stutters, my panting matching the rhythm of his finger. Watching him in the mirror, doing this . . . it’s beyond erotic.

"So be a good girl and don’t bend down, and you should be fine."

"You approve?" I whisper.

"No, but I’m not going to stop you wearing it. You look stunning, Anastasia." Abruptly he withdraws his finger, leaving me wanting more, and he moves around to face me. He places the tip of his invading finger on my lower lip. Instinctively, I pucker my lips and kiss it, and I’m rewarded with a wicked grin. He puts his finger in his mouth and his expression informs me that I taste good . . . real good. I flush. Will it always shock me when he does that?

He grasps my hand.

"Come," he orders softly. I want to retort that I was about to, but in light of what happened in the playroom yesterday, I decide against it.

We are waiting for dessert in a plush, exclusive restaurant in town. It’s been a lively evening so far, and Mia is determined it should continue and that we must go clubbing. Right now she’s sitting silently – for once – hanging on Ethan’s every word as he and Christian talk. Mia is obviously infatuated with Ethan, and Ethan is . . . well it’s difficult to tell. I don’t know if they are just friends or if there’s something more.

Christian seems at ease. He’s been talking animatedly with Ethan –

they obviously bonded over the fly-fishing. They’re talking about psychology, mainly. Ironically, it’s Christian who sounds the more knowledgeable. I snort softly as I half listen to their conversation, sadly acknowledging that his expertise is the result of his experience with so many shrinks.

You’re the best therapy. His words, whispered while we were making love once, echo in my head. Am I? Oh, Christian, I hope so. I glance over at Kate. She looks beautiful, but then she always does. She and Elliot are less lively. He seems nervous, his jokes a little too loud and his laugh a little off. Have they had a fight? What’s eating him? Is it that woman? My heart sinks at the thought that he might hurt my best friend. I glance at the entrance, half expecting to see Gia calmly saunter her well-groomed ass across the restaurant to us. My mind is playing tricks – I suspect it’s the amount of alcohol I’ve had. My head is beginning to ache.

Abruptly, Elliot startles us all by standing and pulling his chair back so it scrapes across the tile floor. All eyes turn to him. He gazes down at Kate for one moment then drops to one knee beside her. Oh. My. God.

He reaches for her hand, and silence settles like a blanket over the entire restaurant as everyone stops eating, stops talking, stops walking, and stares.

"My beautiful Kate, I love you. Your grace, your beauty, and your fiery spirit have no equal, and you have captured my heart. Spend your life with me. Marry me."

Holy shit!

Chapter Fourteen

The attention of the entire restaurant is trained on Kate and Elliot, waiting as one with bated breath. The anticipation is unbearable. Silence stretches like a taut rubber band. The atmosphere is oppressive, apprehensive and yet hopeful throughout the room.

Kate stares blankly at Elliot as he gazes up at her, his eyes wide with longing – fear even. Holy crap, Kate! Put him out of his misery. Please. Jeez – he could have asked her privately. A single tear trickles down her cheek, though she remains expressionless. Shit! Kate crying? Then she smiles, a slow disbelieving I-think-I’ve-discovered-the-fabled-lost-city-of-El-Dorado smile.

"Yes," she whispers, a breathy, sweet acceptance – not Kate-like at all. For one nanosecond there’s a pause as the entire restaurant exhales a collective sigh of relief – and then the noise is deafening. Spontaneous applause, cheering, catcalls, whooping – and suddenly I have tears rolling down my face, smudging my Barbie-meets-Joan-Jett makeup.

Oblivious to the commotion around them, the two are locked in their own bubble. From his pocket Elliot produces a small box, opens it and presents it to Kate. A ring . . . and from what I can see, an exquisite ring, but I need a closer look. Oh no – Is that what he was doing with Gia? Choosing a ring? Shit! Oh, I’m so glad I didn’t tell Kate. Kate looks from the ring to Elliot then throws her arms around his neck. They kiss, remarkably chaste for them, and the crowd goes wild. Elliot stands and acknowledges the approbation with a surprisingly graceful bow then, wearing a huge self-satisfied grin, sits back down. I can’t take my eyes off them. Taking the ring out of its box, Elliot gently slides it onto Kate’s finger, and they kiss once more. Christian squeezes my hand – I didn’t realize I’d been gripping his so tightly. I release him, a little embarrassed, and he shakes his hand, mouthing, "Ow. "
