Read Books Novel

Fifty Shades Freed

Fifty Shades Freed (Fifty Shades #3)(74)
Author: E.L. James

When I look up, Christian is sitting quietly at the end of the bed. I don’t know how long he’s been there.

"Hi," he says, his eyes glowing with compassion and concern.


"So, I’m going fishing with your dad, Mr. Rodriguez, and Jose?" he asks.

I nod.

"Okay. Let’s go eat. Let him sleep in peace."

I frown. I don’t want to leave him.

"Ana, he’s in a coma. I’ve given our cell numbers to the nurses here. If there’s any change, they’ll call us. We’ll eat, check into a hotel, rest up, then come back this evening."

The suite at the Heathman looks just as I remember it. How often have I thought about that first night and morning I spent with Christian Grey, now my husband? I stand in the entrance to the suite, paralyzed. Jeez, it all started here.

"Home away from home," says Christian, his voice soft, putting my briefcase down beside one of the overstuffed couches.

"Do you want a shower? A bath? What do you need, Ana?"

Christian gazes at me, and I know he’s lost – my lost boy dealing with events beyond his control. He’s been withdrawn and contemplative all afternoon. This is a situation he cannot manipulate and predict. This is real life in the raw, and he’s kept himself from that for so long, he’s exposed and helpless now. My sweet, sheltered Fifty Shades.

"A bath. I’d like a bath." I murmur, aware that keeping him busy will make him feel better, useful even. Oh, Christian – I’m numb and I’m cold and I’m scared, but I’m so glad you’re here with me.

"Bath. Good. Yes." He strides into the bedroom and out of sight into the palatial bathroom. A few moments later, the roar of water gushing to fill the tub echoes from the room.

Finally, I galvanize myself to follow him into the bedroom. I’m dismayed to see several bags from Nordstrom on the bed. Christian reenters, sleeves rolled up, tie and jacket discarded.

"I sent Taylor to get some things. Nightwear. You know," he says, eyeing me warily.

Of course he did. I nod my approval. Where is Taylor?

"Oh, Ana," Christian murmurs. "I’ve not seen you like this. You’re normally so brave and strong."

I don’t know what to say. I merely gaze wide-eyed at him. I have nothing, nothing to give right now. I think I’m in shock. I wrap my arms around myself, trying to keep the pervading cold at bay, even though I know it’s a fruitless task as this cold comes from within. Christian pulls me into his arms.

"Baby, he’s alive. His vital signs are good. We just have to be patient," he murmurs. "Come." Releasing me, he takes my hand and leads me into the bathroom. Gently, he slips my jacket off my shoulders and places it on the bathroom chair, then turning back, he undoes the buttons on my shirt.

The water is deliciously warm and fragrant, the smell of lotus blossom heavy in the warm, sultry air of the bathroom. I lie between Christian’s legs, my back to his front, my feet resting on top of his. We’re both quiet and introspective, and I’m finally feeling warm. Intermittently Christian kisses my hair as I absentmindedly pop the bubbles in the foam. His arm is wrapped around my shoulders.

"You didn’t get into the bath with Leila, did you? That time you bathed her?" I ask. He stiffens and snorts, his hand tightening on my shoulder where it rests.

"Um . . . No." He sounds astounded.

"I thought so. Good."

He tugs gently at my hair knotted in a crude bun, tilting my head around so he can see my face. "Why do you ask?"

I shrug. "Morbid curiosity. I don’t know . . . seeing her this week."

His face hardens. "I see. Less of the morbid." His tone is reproachful.

"How long are you going to support her?

"Until she’s on her feet. I don’t know." He shrugs. "Why?"

"Are there others?"


"Exes who you support."

"There was one, yes. No longer though."


"She was studying to be a doctor. She’s qualified now and has someone else."

"Another Dominant?"


"Leila says you have two of her paintings," I whisper.

"I used to. I didn’t really care for them. They had technical merit, but they were too colorful for me. I think Elliot has them. As we know, he has no taste."

I giggle, and he wraps his other arm around me, sloshing water over the side of the bath.

"That’s better," he whispers and kisses my temple.

"He’s marrying my best friend."

"Then I’d better shut my mouth," he says.

I feel more relaxed after our bath. Wrapped in my soft Heathman robe, I gaze at the various bags on the bed. Jeez, this must be more than nightwear. Tentatively, I peek into one. A pair of jeans and a pale blue hooded sweatshirt, my size. Holy cow . . . Taylor’s bought a whole weekend’s worth of clothes, and he knows what I like. I smile, remembering this is not the first time he’s shopped for clothes for me when I was at the Heathman.

"Apart from harassing me at Claytons, have you ever actually gone into a store and just bought stuff?"

"Harassing you?"

"Yes. Harassing me."

"You were flustered, if I recall. And that young boy was all over you. What was his name?"


"One of your many admirers."

I roll my eyes at him, and he smiles a relieved, genuine smile and kisses me.

"There’s my girl," he whispers. "Get dressed. I don’t want you getting cold again."

"Ready," I murmur. Christian is working on the Mac in the study area of the suite. He’s dressed in black jeans and a gray cable-knit sweater, and I’m wearing the jeans, the hoodie, and a white T-shirt.

"You look so young," Christian says softly, glancing up, his eyes glowing. "And to think you’ll be a whole year older tomorrow." His voice is wistful. I give him a crooked smile.

"I don’t feel much like celebrating. Can we go see Ray now?"

"Sure. I wish you’d eat something. You barely touched your lunch."

"Christian, please. I’m just not hungry. Maybe after we’ve seen Ray. I want to wish him goodnight."

As we arrive at the ICU, we meet Jose leaving. He’s alone.

"Ana, Christian, hi."

"Where’s your dad?"

"He was too tired to come back. He was in a car accident this morning," Jose grins ruefully. "And his painkillers have kicked in. He was out for the count. I had to fight to get in to see Ray since I’m not next of kin."

"And?" I ask anxiously.

"He’s good, Ana. Same . . . but all good."

Relief floods my system. No news is good news.

"See you tomorrow, birthday girl?"

"Sure. We’ll be here."

Jose eyes Christian quickly then pulls me into a brief hug.

"Manana. "

"Goodnight, Jose."

"Good-bye, Jose," Christian says. Jose nods and walks on down the corridor. "He’s still nuts about you," Christian says quietly.

"No he’s not. And even if he is . . ." I shrug because right now I just don’t care.

Christian gives me a tight smile, and my heart melts.

"Well done," I murmur.

He frowns.

"For not frothing at the mouth."

He gapes at me, wounded – but amused, too. "I’ve never frothed. Let’s see your dad. I have a surprise for you."

"Surprise?" My eyes widen in alarm.

"Come." Christian takes my hand, and we push open the double doors of the ICU.

Standing at the end of Ray’s bed is Grace in deep discussion with Crowe and a second doctor, a woman I’ve not seen before. Seeing us, Grace beams. Oh, thank heavens.

"Christian." She kisses Christian’s cheek, then turns to me and folds me in her warm embrace.

"Ana. How are you holding up?"

"I’m fine. It’s my father I’m worried about."

"He’s in good hands. Doctor Sluder is an expert in her field. We trained together at Yale."

Oh . . .

"Mrs. Grey," Dr. Sluder greets me very formally. She’s short-haired and elfin, with a shy smile and a soft southern accent. "As the lead physician for your father, I’m pleased to tell you that all is on track. His vital signs are stable and strong. We have every faith that he’ll make a complete recovery. The brain swelling has stopped, and shows signs of decreasing. This is very encouraging after such a short time."

"That’s good news," I murmur.

She smiles warmly at me. "It is, Mrs. Grey. We’re taking real good care of him."
