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Find Me

Find Me (The Found Duet #2)(57)
Author: Laurelin Paige

I bit back a groan. Next they’d be whipping out their dicks and measuring. I’d expected the pompous attitude from Chandler, but JC? When we’re alone, I told myself, I’m kicking his ass.

“Oh,” Chandler said, obviously surprised that I’d mentioned him. “Well. Good to hear.”

Great. Now he’d probably think that meant he was more important in my life than he was.

But I didn’t have time to worry about that or worry about if there would be a mess to clean up after the men had finished their pissing contest, because, just then, Hudson announced dinner was ready.

JC found my hand again as we followed the others to the dining room. “See? That wasn’t so bad.”

“Not so bad,” I agreed. Still, I had a feeling the showdown had only just begun.


Dinner began well. The conversation was light and easy, and the first course, a wedge salad, was perfectly in line with what we hoped to include on the menu at The Sky Launch.

It wasn’t until the first plates were gathered and more wine was poured that Chandler shot his first pointed question at JC.

“I see you aren’t drinking, Justin? Are you an alcoholic?”

Every muscle in my body tensed, but under the table, JC put a calming hand on my thigh. “I don’t believe I am, Chandler. I’m usually fine with moderation. Just, the last time I did drink too much, I embarrassed myself. Now I’m taking a break.”

“And I’m supporting him.” I raised my water glass as if in demonstration and took a swallow.

“Ah.” Chandler’s expression narrowed suspiciously. “That sounds like a story.”

“Not a story that’s going to be shared tonight,” I said. Before he could pursue the topic further, I turned to Mira. “So how’s that adorable baby of yours. Please tell me you have pictures.”

The main course was served and discussion shifted to Arin, her eight-month old daughter. Mira’s phone was passed around so everyone could see the latest photos and a video of her first steps. It was slightly uncomfortable considering it had only been a handful of hours since JC had said he wanted children himself but was way less awkward then continuing any conversation with Chandler.

“She’s so, so smart,” Mira said. “When I found out I was having a girl, I stereotypically assumed that she’d love the fashion world as much as I do. The way she’s developing, I think it’s more likely she’ll go to med school like her father.”

“Maybe she’ll go to Yale,” JC suggested, and I wondered if he wished he had a child that would maybe go to Yale.

“Justin, did I hear you say you attended Yale as well?” Hudson’s use of JC’s given name was less grating than Chandler’s. He called practically everyone by their full name.

“I did. Law school.”

“Law school?” Chandler chuckled. “That’s got to be interesting considering how much Gwen hates lawyers.”

I knew what he was doing. Trying to prove he knew me as well if not better than JC. But he didn’t. The only lawyer that I had ever hated was my father’s, which I may have mentioned once in Chandler’s presence.

Well, two could play at that game. “JC’s not actually a lawyer. He just uses a lot of law in his business dealings.” I felt smug, reciting information I’d learned on the Internet as proof that I knew things about JC.

Unfortunately, JC didn’t catch on to my objective. “Impressive. You did your research.”


I smiled, hoping my face didn’t show my defeat. “Of course I did, honey.” I’d never called him honey before. God, what was I trying to prove?

Whatever it was, I was failing.

Chandler puffed with confidence. “Oh, that’s right. Gwen told me you were an investor. What sorts of things do you fund?”

“A little bit of everything. A lot of computer software and mobile applications.”

“I had a great idea for an application. Maybe you’d want to invest.” As if Chandler didn’t have enough money of his own to fund a project. “It’s simple really. A bowling app that allows you to play your real-time game with friends across the country.”

“Sounds fascinating,” JC lied.

“Gwen can tell you more about it. She was there when I came up with the idea. You remember that night, don’t you, Gwen?”

“I don’t think so.” I did, though. Remembered it well. I’d met up with him at a bowling alley where he’d been hanging out with some of his friends. He sat out the next game after I arrived so that he could join me in the women’s bathroom, where I’d given him a blowjob before he’d fucked me in the handicap stall. Nothing else notable happened that night that I could think of.
