Read Books Novel

Find You in the Dark

Find You in the Dark (Find You in the Dark #1)(13)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

Oh god. It was like watching a mating ritual on the Discovery Channel. The pheromones these girls were throwing out could choke a donkey. I realized I was being rude but I really didn’t want to introduce them.

Clay looked down at me questioningly and finally stuck out his hand. “Hi, I’m Clay.” He said tightly. I could tell he was uncomfortable and I felt like an ass for not stepping in to make it easier for him. But I was trying to suppress the need to inflict bodily harm on the dumb bimbos standing in front of us. Dana jumped in first and wrapped her hand around his, pressing closer to him than was socially acceptable. “I’m Dana. You’re the new guy aren’t you?” Her voice had dropped a few octaves and I knew she was trying really hard to be seductive.

I watched Clay’s mouth fall open as she held onto his hand. He seemed a little at a loss. If he fell for this bitch’s bullshit, I vowed to make him take me home.

Finally, he extracted his hand from her iron clad grip. “Uh, yeah. That’s me.” He put his hand through his hair. “I’m Kylie and this is McKenna. We’re just so excited to meet you.” Kylie sort of elbowed her way in front of Dana so that she was now standing absurdly close to Clay.

I didn’t even try to hide the fact that I was rolling my eyes. Were these girls for real? Clay seemed a little weirded out. “Excited to meet me? Why?” His eyes darted to me and I only shrugged. Kylie put her hand on his arm. Did this girl have no shame? She was currently dating my best friend and here she was hanging all over someone else. Right in front of me!

“You’re all anyone is talking about. You’re very mysterious.” She purred. Oh gag. Enough was enough.

I positioned myself between Clay and Kylie and gently pushed Clay toward the door. “Well it was fantastic seeing you gals, but we have to run. Later!” I called over my shoulder as I herded Clay out of the ice cream parlor.

“Those girls were…um…” Clay started. “Overbearing? Trashy? Walking STDs?” I finished, getting into his car. Clay shot me a look. Okay, I had to get my raging jealousy in check. “I was going to say they seemed nice.” I rolled my eyes again. “I guess it depends on your definition of nice.” I muttered, fastening my seat belt.

Clay turned in his seat and looked at me. I wouldn’t turn his direction and stared in front of me. I was being really juvenile and I was probably ruining any chance I had with this amazing guy who sat beside me. But Clay made me feel sort of out of control and it was more than a little disconcerting.

“Well, I think you’re nicer.” Was all Clay said and turned the key into the ignition. I couldn’t stop the smile that spread on my face. “Where to next on our grand tour of Davidson?” Clay asked before leaving the parking lot.

It was really warm under the glass. The day was hotter than average for September. I grinned over at him. “Wanna go swimming?” I don’t know what had come over me. I was feeling spontaneous, which was so unlike me. Clay grinned back. “Hell yeah! Lead the way!” I laughed and gave him directions to the local swimming hole.

We ended up down a dirt road outside of town that ended in a big field. Clay got out of the car and looked around. “Mags, I don’t see any water.” He said. I started walking through the tall grass. Clay easily caught up with me. Finally we broke through some trees and found ourselves by the river. It was really pretty. I used to love coming to that particular spot with my parents when I was younger. “Now this is awesome!” Clay enthused from beside me.

I looked over at Clay who had pulled his shirt over his head. My mouth went dry as I took in his perfectly chiseled abs. Oh crap. I hadn’t thought about what we’d be swimming in. I looked down at my denim skirt and blue short sleeved top, feeling like I was frozen in place. Do I just jump in with my clothes? I didn’t think this through very well.

Clay dropped his pants and stood before me in his boxers. Fuck! He was mouthwatering. I tried not to stare, but it was really hard. He was too perfect. Clay noticed I hadn’t moved. “I thought you wanted to go swimming.” He frowned. “Well, I don’t have anything…you know…to swim in.” I indicated my clothes.

Clay laughed. He seemed so different than he had at school. Like he was two people. This Clay was carefree and fun. I liked him a lot. Not that brooding, angsty Clay wasn’t hot. But this side of him was so easy to be around.

“Well, you’ve seen me in my skivvies. I think it’s your turn.” My jaw dropped. “I’m not stripping in front of you!” I gasped. I knew I sounded like a prude. But I just couldn’t do it. I barely knew him. Hell, even Daniel had never seen me in that state of undress.

Though, if I was honest with myself, the thought of the two of us in so little clothing made my blood boil. Clay raised his eyebrow at me in what I was learning to be a characteristic expression. “I promise I won’t look. I’ll get in the water and wait for you.” I looked at him in disbelief. He held his hands up. “I promise.”

And like that, he turned his back and made his way into the river. “Fuck me it’s cold!” He yelled as he plunged in. I stood there for another minute, not sure what to do. “Screw it.” I muttered -(that seemed to be my mantra for the day-) and dropped my skirt onto the ground. I then pulled my shirt over my head. I was glad I had decided to wear my cute navy blue bra and matching underwear.

I ran to the water. I squealed when I stuck my toes into the frigid water. Clay still had his back turned. “Come on, if I can do it, so can you.” He called to me. I sucked in a breath and jumped in. The cold of the water shocked the air right out of my lungs and I kicked myself to the surface. The water was really deep. A few feet from the shore, you couldn’t feel the bottom any more.

“Is it safe to look?” Clay asked. I treaded water, keeping most of my body submerged. “All clear.” I said. Clay turned around and I splashed him in the face. He sputtered and wiped water from his eyes. “Oh, that’s it. Pay back’s a bitch.” He growled and lunged for me. I yelped and swam away from him, laughing so hard that I drank a mouthful of nasty river water.

Clay finally caught me, his arms going around my waist. Before I could relish the feeling of his naked skin against mine, he hefted me out of the water and threw me. I landed with a huge splash. “You suck!” I yelled and went after him.

I dunked him, he threw me. I splashed him, he pulled me under. I felt like a little kid. I couldn’t remember the last time I had that much fun. And Clay laughed and smiled the entire time.

After calling a truce in our ongoing water battle, Clay and I floated for a bit in the river. “This is so much fun, Clay. Thank you for hanging out with me.” I looked over at him. He smiled, but continued to look up at the sky. “So, spontaneous swimming isn’t something you usually do?” He joked.
