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Find You in the Dark

Find You in the Dark (Find You in the Dark #1)(34)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

After fifteen minutes of pictures, we finally got out the door. “One o’ clock curfew.” My dad yelled as we walked down the sidewalk. I knew what my curfew was, but was very aware that he was saying it more for Clay’s benefit than mine. “Yes sir, not a minute later. I promise.” Clay assured, giving his best parent pleasing smile.

Finally, we were in Clay’s BMW and heading toward Red Lobster, where we’d be meeting Daniel’s friend Raymond and his date, my friend Clare. “You guys look awesome! Even in that horrible color!” Rachel stated enthusiastically. Daniel chuckled. “Yeah, you don’t know how hard it is to find an ugly get up.” I laughed. “I’m just not sure if this color suits my complexion.” Clay commented. The four of us laughed together. I felt on top of the world. Tonight was going to be wonderful. I just knew it.

Clay looked at me sideways and grinned. He was in a great mood tonight. Laughing and joking with everyone. He didn’t seem tired or out of it. It was nice to see. Maybe the meds were finally working the way they were supposed to. Whatever it was, I wasn’t going to focus too much on it. I was going to have a good time with my friends and my maybe boyfriend.

Our dinner at Red Lobster was a blast. Daniel, Clay, and Ray insisted on wearing those silly plastic bibs and we all ordered piles of crab legs, trying not to get melted butter on our tacky formal wear. It was good to hang out with Clare. I hadn’t seen much of her since school had started.

By the time we got to the high school, the dance was in full swing. The gym was decorated in fall colors and fake leaves. Twinkling lights hung from the rafters and a picture booth had been set near the door to the boys’ locker room.

Our group made its way to a table set up in the back of the gym. The DJ was playing some current pop hits and a bunch of kids were dancing in front of the stage. Clay took my jacket and went to check it in with the chaperons out in the hallway.

Daniel and Ray had gone to get something to drink and Clare had spotted a group of her friends and had gone to join them. Rachel leaned over toward me. “So, I’m thinking you need to get your act together girlfriend and claim good ol’ Clay before he’s whisked out from under your nose.” I blinked in mock surprise. Though I was more than a little surprised by her sudden approval of a relationship with Clay. “Whatever do you mean?”

Rachel rolled her eyes. “You guys have been circling around each other for months. Come on, put us all out our misery and get together already. Because if you don’t jump at it, you may find that you’re too late.” Her eyes shot over to the entrance of the gym where Clay had been stopped by Kylie’s friend Dana.

Dana just wouldn’t give up. She stalked Clay almost as much as I did. Always putting herself in his way, making excuses to talk to him. I had to suppress the urge to body check her. But I had to admit that Dana looked hot tonight. She wore a tight fitting red dress with a plunging neckline and her puppies looked about ready to spill out. Her blond hair was a mass of curls down her back and most guys would have been drooling at the sight she made.

My face flushed red as I saw the way she moved in close to Clay, laughing at something he said. He was smiling down at her and I could see he was having a hard time keeping his eyes on her face. I suddenly felt very foolish in my stupid teal dress and teased hair.

I turned away from them, trying to keep my voice even. “Well, if that’s what he’s interested in, then why should I bother?” I wasn’t fooling Rachel in the slightest. She smacked my hand. “Don’t be an idiot. Clay likes you. A lot. And even though I’m not entirely sold on him, I see how you guys feel about each other. And I’m not one to get in the way of young love. So, I think you should stop being a moron and go for it.”

I looked back toward Clay and Dana. She was pulling him out onto the dance floor. He was following her, laughing. He looked over at me suddenly and I cast my eyes down to my lap. The evil jealousy monster, rearing its ugly head. I blinked back the tears that had suddenly formed in my eyes.

Daniel had returned to the table and was trying to talk Rachel into dancing with him. “Come on, Rach. Let’s get our groove on.” He danced in front of her. Rachel’s eyes lit up and she got to her feet. “You okay?” She asked me, but not waiting for an answer before she followed Daniel onto the dance floor.

I looked over at Clay, who was dancing entirely too close to Dana for my taste. I wanted to have a good time and I would not mope over that stupid boy who I naively thought would be spending time with me.

But there I was left, sitting alone like a pathetic wall flower. The song ended and another started and still Clay hadn’t come back to the table. Once again, he was the life of the party. He was dancing with a group of kids in the middle of the dance floor; Dana beside him. I was relieved to see that he didn’t make any move to touch her, not that she didn’t touch him. Because her hands were all over him.

Yuck. I pretended to be looking for something in my bag so I didn’t feel like such a loser as I sat there alone. “Nobody puts Baby in a corner.” A voice said beside me. I looked up at Daniel who was standing there grinning. I smiled back. “God, you are such a dork.” I told him. Daniel laughed and pulled me to my feet. “Come on, lets go do some dirty dancing.” Thank god for my friends, or I would be running from the room sobbing right now.

We were soon dancing with Rachel, Ray, and Clare. I had lost sight of Clay and that hurt. I really thought he’d be hanging out with us. I thought that was the point of us all coming as a group. Maybe I had waited too long. Maybe we had played friends to the point that that’s all he thought that I was. Mixed signals be damned. So I danced and tried to put my misery over him out of my mind.

After a few more fast songs, a slow one started. Daniel pulled Rachel into his arms and they started swaying together. I couldn’t help but smile at the happy expression on her face. She met my eyes and I gave her a thumbs up. She grinned and closed her eyes as she laid her cheek against Daniel’s shoulder.

Left standing there all by myself, again, I made my way back to our table. “Oh no you don’t.” Clay said from behind me, putting his arm around my waist. I looked over my shoulder and there he stood, glistening with sweat from dancing. He smirked and turned me around.

“What, no one else would dance with you? Where’s Dana?” I made a show of looking around the room. I couldn’t help the blatant jealousy that came through in my words. Clayton put his arms around me and walked backwards until we were in the middle of the throng of dancers. “Don’t be like that, Mags. There’s no one I want to dance with but you.” He whispered into my ear. “Liar.” I whispered back as I pressed my cheek into his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
