Read Books Novel

Find You in the Dark

Find You in the Dark (Find You in the Dark #1)(41)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

“Maggie. When we make love, I want it to be special. Not some quickie in your bedroom before your parents come home. I want more than that for us. I want to be able to hold you all night and feel you against me as I fall asleep. I want us to be perfect together.” God, his words set me on fire. Had there ever been two people who loved each other as much as we did? I couldn’t put into words the way we felt about each other.

“I love you.” I breathed. Since saying it that first time, I found that I just couldn’t stop. I wanted him to know every second of every day how much he meant to me. “God, Maggie.” He whispered, leaning forward, capturing my mouth with his. “I love you more than anything. With everything that I am.” He answered me. Okay, I was done for. I crashed into him again. Our mouths molded together, our breath coming fast. “Just a little bit. Please, just give me something.” I begged into his mouth. Clay’s heart beat erratically beneath my hand as I pressed into him.

Helpless against my feminine wiles, Clay slipped his hands up my shirt and pressed his hands against my br**sts. He rubbed my ni**les with his fingers, sending shocks of electricity to that sensitive spot between my thighs. I groaned into his mouth and that seemed to be his undoing. He reached around my back and unclasped my bra. Then with an ease I didn’t want to focus too much on, he peeled off my shirt, taking my bra with it. I felt a little uneasy being so quickly exposed. I tried to cover myself, not sure how to behave.

Clay stopped me and pulled my arms away from my chest. His eyes were bright. “You are so beautiful.” He rasped, lowering his mouth to my breast, licking and kissing it slowly until I thought I would die with the pleasure of his touch.

With shaky fingers, I undid the buttons of his shirt and pulled it off of him. Clay’s mouth returned to mine as we pressed our naked flesh against each other. “I want you so much, Clay. Please. I need this.” I whispered hoarsely as his mouth trailed back down to my aching ni**les.

For a moment I thought I had won. Clay slowly unbuttoned my jeans and I raised my hips to give him easier access. He slid his hand inside, over top my underwear and pressed his palm against my wet warmth. I had never been touched so intimately before. I was breathing in rapid pants and I worried I would hyperventilate.

His fingers began to move underneath the edge of my panties. So close to where I desperately needed him to be. His mouth was hard and wet against my lips as he seemed to fight with himself for control.

I then I heard the worst possible sound. The front door slamming shut. Shit! My parents were home. I looked over at the clock, shocked to see that two hours had already passed. “Christ! You’ve got to get out of here! My parents will spit roast you if they find you in here.” I hastily put my bra back on, inside out I’m pretty sure, and I pulled my shirt over my head. Clay quickly buttoned up his shirt and slid his shoes on his feet.

“How am I going to get out of here?” He asked in a near panic. I looked out my window. The only way would be to climb out onto the roof and down the old oak tree. I pointed outside. “You have to go out that way!” I hissed, trying to shoo him in that direction.

Clay seemed frozen to the spot. I could hear my parents rummaging around in the kitchen, my mom’s laughter at something my dad had said. It would only be minutes before they come up here looking for me.

“Hurry!” I whispered frantically. Clay’s eyes had gone as big as saucers. “What is it?” I asked him hurriedly. What was the hold up here? “I’m deathly afraid of heights.” He whispered back to me. I closed my eyes and tried not to groan in frustration. He was just telling me this now?

I walked back over to my desk and dropped into my chair. Clay looked at me as if I had gone certifiably insane. “What are you doing? I have to get out of here! Your dad is going to kill me!” He was close to freaking out. I raised my hands in defeat. “If you can’t go out the window, there’s no way I can sneak you past them to the front door. So we might as well look like we’re doing something innocent up here and I’ll take whatever they dish out.” I pulled my Spanish book back out and flipped open to the page I had for homework.

Catching a glimpse of my flushed face and too bright eyes in the full length mirror over my shoulder there would be no doubt as to what we had been doing. But what else could I do?

Clay sat down heavily on the floor. “You’re dad already hates me. Let’s just give him another reason.” He sounded so resigned and sad that I wanted to smack my father for making him feel that way. I gave him a reassuring smile. “He doesn’t hate you.” I lied. Clay arched his eyebrow, letting me know he called bullshit. “Well, he might dislike you a bit. Hate is a strong word.” I conceded. I wish I could say something else to make him feel better.

At that moment I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. “Maggie May? You up here?” I sighed in relief. At least it was my mom and not dad. “In here.” I called back, throwing a look at Clay that told him to play it cool. He discretely pulled a pillow over his lap and put his American History book on top of it. I had to hide my smile at how pleased I was that I had affected him like that.

“We’ve got Chinese food, if you want some…” My mom trailed off as she looked in my room and caught sight of Clay on the floor. He looked up and gave her a sheepish smile and a small wave. “Hey, Mrs. Young.”

“Hi there, Clayton.” Her tone was icy and she shot me a look that would kill a lesser person. She had been cool with Clay so far. But I knew from the expression on her face, that her fuzzy feelings where my boyfriend was concerned, were at an end. “I believe the two of you know the rules about being alone in here when we’re not at home.” She said, making it clear that a serious grounding was in my future.

There was a moment of silence that screamed BUSTED! “Sorry mom. I know. I had to use my computer for my Spanish assignment. We have only been up here for a few minutes. No harm, no foul.” I said lackadaisically. It kind of bothered me at how easily I lied to my parents now. I had never been dishonest with them about anything. The guilt lying low in my gut threatened to burn a hole straight through me.

But I looked my mother right in the eye and internally willed her to believe me. Clay was quiet on the floor, only piping up with an apology after I had finished my explanation.

My mom seemed torn. I could tell she wanted to believe what I had told her, but needed to stick with her rules. “Well. I’m not happy about this. Clayton, I don’t want you over here without either her father or I present. Is that clear?” She told him. I could see Clay swallow and he nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”
