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Find You in the Dark

Find You in the Dark (Find You in the Dark #1)(59)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

I blushed a deep and furious red. Crap. She was so going to turn this whole chit chat around on me. Damn her! Rachel tapped her chin with her finger thoughtfully. “Yes, something is definitely different. But I can’t quite put my finger on it.” Rachel cocked her head to the side and then grinned at me deviously.

“You and Clay totally did it!” Rachel squealed. I rolled my eyes, trying to hide my embarrassment. “Uh yeah.” I said. My face was on fire! Of course I wanted to share that important piece of information with my best friend. But I felt a little strange talking about it.

“And…how was it?” She prompted. Rachel was notorious for needing the dirty details and I fully intended to disappoint her. “Well, he had me hanging naked from the rafters for a little while…and then I decided to use the end of my hair brush and…”

“You’re so ridiculous, Maggie.” Rachel retorted as she cut me off. She pinched my arm. “You aren’t going to tell me anything are you?” My friend knew me too well. I shook my head. “Not a thing.” I grinned, crossing my arms over my chest.

Turning the conversation around, I looked at my friend and gave her a look. “So, you and Daniel…” I trailed off, hoping she’d fill in the blanks.

Rachel flushed red and turned away from me, which surprised me. Rachel wasn’t one to skimp on information. So her sudden hesitance to talk threw me. “What happened last night? Did you guys talk?” I prompted, urging her to tell me.

Rachel covered her face with her hands and groaned. “Ugg. I don’t know. I guess we worked through some things. We talked.” She said through her fingers. I reached out and pulled her hands down. “Why are you so embarrassed? That’s not like you. I mean, is everything okay?” I asked, getting a little worried.

And then I saw the huge grin spread across Rachel’s face and I relaxed. She closed her eyes a moment and touched my arm. “We’re more than okay.” Well, that was good. But she still wasn’t explaining much. She must have seen the frustration on my face because Rachel suddenly laughed.

“Annoying isn’t it? Wanting to know something and your best friend not giving an inch?” She raised her eyebrows at me knowingly. “Yeah, yeah. I get your point. Now, just spill it already before I have a litter of kittens here.” I smacked her hand playfully.

Rachel flopped back on the bed, pulling me down with her so that we lay side by side. She stared up at the vaulted ceiling for a minute before finally answering me. “Well, I was pissed. No, I take that back. I was bordering on a murderous rage when Daniel came in after talking to you.” I snorted, knowing how true her words were. No one could do vengefully angry like Rachel.

“And…” I said, prodding her on. “And, he apologized and I yelled at him some more and he apologized again. And somewhere in the middle of all that he kissed me.” I sat up and looked down at my friend, questioning whether I heard her right. I wasn’t expecting Daniel to take that plunge. At least not yet.

“He kissed you? For real?” I asked her, still in disbelief. Rachel nodded. “Yeah. And it was beautiful, alright. I know what you’re thinking, that I’ll just get hurt. And I told him as much. But we sort of hashed everything out.”

“Including where Kylie fits into this happy little picture?” I asked a little more harshly than I meant to. I was just worried that Daniel would hurt Rachel and then our threesome would be irrevocably damaged. But I had wanted this. Had wanted them to get their acts together and acknowledge that there was more than friendship between them. But now that it was finally happening, I was scared of the change. And selfishly I worried about what all of this meant for me.

Rachel looked momentarily hurt by the mention of Danny’s ex. “Yeah. We talked about Kylie. And Daniel admitted she has been more of a bad habit he just hasn’t been able to shake. But that he wants to give us a try. And, in spite of all the doubts and worries I have, I want that too.”

I flopped back down beside Rachel and took her hand in mine. “If he hurts you, Rachel, I will rip off his nut sack and shove it in his ear. I love him, I really, really do. But us girls need to stick together.” I swore to her as she laughed.

“He knows that, Maggie. Trust me. Your reaction was a source of some serious angst on his part last night.” I snorted at that, knowing that Daniel would be freaking out over how I would take all of this. Fine, let him sweat.

“Well, as long as it’s what you want. Just try not to let your friendship become collateral damage. Promise me that.” I implored, squeezing her hand. Rachel rolled her head to the side so she was looking at me. “I promise. I won’t let that happen.” Promises were easy to make but even easier to break, I thought as we lay there silently together.

We were still like that when Clay came into the room. He saw us and started to back out. “Sorry. I was just seeing what was taking you so long. But if you’re still talking, I’ll give you some space.” Rachel sat up and got to her feet. “No, Clay. You’re fine. Thanks Maggie.” She leaned over and gave me a loud kiss on the cheek.

She gave Clay a grin before disappearing down the stairs. Clay came over and kissed me, sitting down on the bed beside me. “Was everything okay?” He asked, putting his arm around me, pulling me up against his side.

I snuggled close, burying my nose into the soft fabric of his shirt and spent a few seconds just enjoying the scent of him. “She’s great. I guess she and Daniel finally got their crap together.” I told him as he rested his chin on the top of my head.

“That’s great.” Was all he said, leaning down to kiss the skin below my ear. I felt heat erupt inside of me and I let out a tiny sigh. “I wish we could stay here. You know in our own little bubble.” I said mournfully as Clay placed small, shiver inducing kisses on the underside of my jaw.

He nuzzled my neck as he spoke. I could feel his warm breath on my skin and the tickle of his lips.

“We’ll just have to move the bubble back to Davidson is all.” Clay said confidently. “But bubbles have a nasty way of popping.” I was being really gloomy, but I couldn’t help it. Nothing good ever lasted.

“Then we’ll just make a new bubble.” Clay murmured as he pulled me into another mind blowing kiss. And I let my pessimistic thoughts go as I thought that my forever was starting right now.

Chapter Eighteen

But I was right. The bubble did pop and it was loud and painful. It started with my month long grounding that came courtesy of some very pissed off parents. I was so deliriously happy from my night with Clay that I was oblivious to the twenty some texts I had received over the last 24 hours from my parents.
