Read Books Novel

Finding the Lost

Candi did.

Madoc didn’t take long. Maybe forty-five seconds. He shot his wad without making a sound, but Candi was a professional and she knew when a man was finished.

She straightened, but Madoc pushed her back down. “I’m not done yet.”

“Hate to argue, but I felt you—”

“Give me another rubber or I’m going in bareback.”

Candi snagged another condom out of her bra and handed it to him. Madoc pulled off the used one and tossed it in the trash before rolling the clean one on.

The whore tried to move, but Madoc’s hips kept her pinned. He was still hard, throbbing as if he hadn’t had a woman in a year. The orgasm hadn’t done much, but at least he didn’t feel like his body was going to rip apart anymore.

Maybe the next three or four times would make him feel normal again. At least for a while.

Chapter 5

Andra felt like she’d just fallen asleep, but glancing at the clock told her she’d been out for almost twelve hours. At least she was feeling better. Stronger and able to take on all the things that waited for her. Like the child who would no doubt be taken tonight. And if not tonight, then soon. The abductions never stopped.

It was just starting to get dark outside. The monsters were probably gearing up, planning where to attack.

Time to get to work.

She sat up slowly, feeling a bit woozy. She wasn’t sure how much blood Logan had taken, but she hadn’t eaten since, and she was pretty sure that wasn’t great for her blood volume recovery. She eased her legs over the side of the bed and nearly kicked Paul. He knelt on the floor between piles of dirty laundry, beautifully bare chested with his sword in front of him. His eyes were closed, but she sensed he wasn’t asleep. His breathing was too deep and controlled for sleep. He looked like he might be meditating.

Not wanting to disturb him, she carefully stepped around him on her way to the bathroom, trying to be quiet. She was in the bathroom a few minutes, and when she came out, he still hadn’t moved.

She’d almost made it to the door when Paul’s fingers latched onto her bare ankle, just above her sock. That tingling hum slid up her leg and warmed the insides of her thighs. She let out a rough moan, unable to keep the telling sound from slipping from her.

God, his touch felt good. She stood there soaking it in, letting it sink into her flesh and bones and become a part of her. It was more than merely a physical kind of pleasure, though it was that. It was also a sense of contentment—of rightness. When he touched her all the bad things in her life slipped away for just a while, leaving her feeling clean and content. None of her mistakes haunted her here. None of her fears. None of her grief. She was free. Happy.

His long fingers rubbed over her ankle, sliding a few inches under the hem of her jeans. Another sound of contentment poured from her, and she wished he’d keep creeping those fingers up all the way. If he could make her feel this good by touching her ankle, she could only imagine how much better it would be if he focused on her more sensitive spots.

She really wanted to find out.

“Logan was right,” said Paul in a quiet, almost reverent voice. “You do feel something, don’t you?”

“Yes.” The word hissed out of her. Maybe she shouldn’t have let him know the kind of power he held over her, but she didn’t care. Not now. She was willing to give him almost anything, and the truth was easy to give.

He took her hand and rose from his kneeling position. She missed his touch at her ankle, but she forgave him as soon as his fingers traced a gentle line over her cheek.

Andra shivered, and it made Paul’s brown eyes darken with satisfaction. She leaned into his touch, unable to stop herself. “What are you doing to me?”

“Do you like it?” he asked, sounding pleased, as if he already knew the answer.

She watched his mouth move. It was a nice mouth—soft-looking, with a full bottom lip that made her want to nibble at it. “You know I do.”

“Then I won’t stop. The closer we are, the easier it will be for you.”

Andra didn’t know what he meant by that. She was too busy deciding that she was going to kiss him. Sure, she didn’t really know him, and yes, he carried a sword and killed monsters, but that wasn’t part of the whole deciding-to-kiss-him equation. It was simply a matter of needing to see if he tasted as good as he felt.

She threaded her hands into his soft, mussed hair and went up on tiptoe. He didn’t try to stop her. In fact, he met her halfway.

Her lips touched his and the rest of the world ceased to exist. His mouth was smooth and firm. Perfect. He didn’t try to rush her or shove his tongue into her mouth like so many men did. Instead, he let her take her time while she learned the feel of him. She flicked her tongue out and tasted just the corner of his mouth.

Paul let out a low rumble of appreciation and pulled her body hard against his own. She could feel the muscles of his chest and abs, so beautifully defined. But even more distracting, she could feel his erection through their jeans, big and hard and ready for her.

“This can’t be happening,” she breathed. “Nothing this good is real.”

His fingers slid under her shirt and splayed across her bare back. “Feels pretty real to me.”

She kissed him again, sucking his full lower lip into her mouth. His fingers clenched against her back, telling her just how much he liked it.

Good, because she wasn’t anywhere close to being through with him. There was a bed only two feet away and it was already a wreck anyway. Might as well make good use of it.

Andra maneuvered him back until his legs hit the side of her bed, but he didn’t go down, as she’d hoped. He was too strong and solid for her to push around unless he allowed it, and right now, he wasn’t.

She lifted her mouth from his and looked at him. “You’re not interested.” Just saying the words nearly made her scream. Her body was primed, slick, and ready to take him on.

“I’m more than just interested. I’m just not sure this is smart.”

“Of course it’s not smart. I don’t even know you. I don’t normally screw strangers.”

“Exactly. This isn’t like you.”

He was right. Whoever was in the driver’s seat of her body, it wasn’t her. Something else was going on here. Something freaky.

Still, her body was humming and hot for him, and she didn’t think she was strong enough to pull away. Not when she knew bleak reality was out there waiting for her. This was so much better.

She kissed him again, tasting him, allowing him to do the same. Their tongues mingled, making her dizzy. She sagged against him, but Paul held her up, taking her weight easily.

When he pulled his mouth away he was breathing hard. “I’m stopping this now. Before I can’t. I don’t want to scare you away.” He set her on the bed, but didn’t go far, as if he were afraid she might pass out or something.

When another wave of dizziness washed over her, she didn’t think that was such a bad idea. That needy haze was fading, but this time it didn’t disappear. Not entirely. She was right on eye level with the impressive bulge in his jeans, and there wasn’t a red-blooded woman out there who wouldn’t have been a little awed by a sight like that.

He wanted her, and the proof of it thrilled her down to her toes.

Andra had to stop staring. She flopped back onto the bed and covered her eyes with her forearm. The sudden motion spun her head around until she thought she might throw up.

Wouldn’t that turn him on?

Now that she was no longer touching him, she wasn’t feeling so hot. In fact, she felt more than just a little ill. Her joints ached and her eyes burned like she had a fever.

Too bad. There wasn’t time to be sick. “I’ve got to get some water or something. I think Logan might have taken a little more than a pint.”

She couldn’t see him, but she could practically feel the vibration of his anger filling the room. “It won’t happen again.”

Andra waved her hand. “I’ll be fine. Just need some juice and cookies.”

“Madoc ordered some pizza. You interested?”

The idea of food turned her stomach, but she knew she’d feel better if she managed to choke something down. “Pizza works as well as anything. Give me a sec and I’ll be right out.”

She didn’t take Paul’s hand when he offered to help her off the bed. He scowled, but he could just keep on scowling. As much as she enjoyed the way he made her feel, she had more important things to worry about. So did he.

Night was coming.

Andra’s phone rang and she thanked it for the distraction. She pushed herself from the bed without any help, thank you, and scooped it up. “Hello.”

“Andra, this is Melanie at Twin Oaks Hospital. I think you should come over here immediately.” The woman’s voice was high-pitched, nearly frantic. Something terrible had happened.

Andra locked her knees to keep from sinking to the floor in fear. So many horrible things flashed through her mind. Nika was so fragile. She could be hurt so easily. “What’s wrong, Melanie?”

“The doctor said not to bother you, that she’d deal with it, but I knew you’d want to know.”

“Know what?” Please, God, let Nika be okay. Andra didn’t think she could bear to lose another sister.

“Nika’s gotten worse. Much worse.”

Part of Andra was relieved that she was still alive, while the rest of her was seething with rage. Why hadn’t they called sooner? “Did something happen?”

“I don’t know. Her deterioration seems way too sudden,” said Melanie. “I really think you should come. She needs you.”

Paul watched Andra’s face drain of blood. Whoever was on that phone had scared her more than demons charging her with claws extended and teeth bared. He couldn’t hear what was being said on the other end, but he didn’t have to hear it to know it was bad.

He crossed the distance between them, making sure he was close enough to catch her if she passed out or something. She looked as if she were on the verge of doing just that.

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

The phone fell from Andra’s fingers. She looked vulnerable. Afraid.

Paul moved to put his arm around her, but she flinched away from his touch.

Just like Kate had done so many times.

It wasn’t going to happen again. Not with Andra.

She headed out of the bedroom and he was right on her heels, refusing to let her get away from him.

“Tell me what’s going on,” he urged.

Logan was sleeping on the couch and woke at the noise. Madoc was watching professional wrestling and pumping iron on Andra’s impressive weight bench. He shot Paul a questioning look and Paul gave him a hell-if-I-know shrug.

Andra stopped in the kitchen and started rummaging through stacks of papers and mail. A bright sheen of tears filled her eyes, but she blinked several times to clear it. “I, uh, need to go. It’s an emergency.”

“What emergency?”

Her movements grew more frantic and she started throwing mail to the floor as she searched for something. “I just have to go,” she said. “Lock up when you leave.”