Read Books Novel

Fire Always Burns

Fire Always Burns(15)
Author: Krista Lakes

When the flame ignited, my eyes squeezed shut. Delicious licks of fire washed over my every nerve, intensifying every sensation that I felt. The red color of the flames was all I could see, and my ears roared with the intensity of the flame.

When the fire had burned itself out, I looked down at Andrew. He had felt it too, the sheer power of the moment washing over him as well. I gasped for breath, and he knew that I was his at that moment. He still looked up at me, expectantly, waiting for a sign to proceed.

"Oh, Andrew," I gasped. "I need you. Make love to me."

He needed no further encouragement. With a smile on his face, he stood up and began to unbutton his pants. I watched the show with anticipation, knowing that I was about to recross a bridge that I had once crossed with a man I didn’t love. I hoped that it would be a different experience this time.

I watched as he got nak*d, marveling at his fit body. He reached into his nightstand, pulling out a square wrapper. I grinned, reaching out and grabbed it. He looked confused for a moment, before I unwrapped it. I beckoned to him, and he smiled and came closer, his c*ck hardening in front of me.

I grabbed it in my hand, gently caressing it, watching as it grew to it’s full length. I considered putting it in my mouth, giving him the same oral pleasure I had just received, but I felt the need to have him inside me. I put the condom against the tip of his now throbbing member, and slowly unwrapped it. He moaned softly as I touched the length of his shaft.

He sat next to me on the bed, and we shared an intimate kiss. The kiss lasted just a moment too long, so I took charge. I pushed him down on the bed, grinning as I did so. As I straddled his body, I felt the fear and the thrill of consummating a relationship with someone I cared for. He put his hands on my hips, and I teased him, rubbing my pistil against his stamen.

I watched his eyes go wide as I lowered myself onto him. His eyes closed and he relaxed back. As he filled me, I felt a sensation I had never felt before. It was one of fullness, both physically and emotionally. I wished I had never done this the other way.

Andrew seemed to regain his senses, and he moved his h*ps against me in tandem with my rhythm. We rocked against each other, and his eyes looked my body up and down. I loved the way he looked at me, like I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. When our eyes met, he moved his hands up to my back, pulling me down into him.

Our bodies touched, every inch of my skin touching an inch of his skin. I felt as if we could merge into one person, as if our brains and bodies would soon be entwined forever. I never wanted the sensation to end, and as he began to thrust in and out of me, I knew that I would do anything to keep him, to keep this.

His eyes were still locked on mine, and his hands moved all over my back. His hands ventured upwards, moving to my hair, and the sensation was somehow even more intimate than when he had washed me. He continued to thrust within me, our passions rising. He was obviously feeling the same as I did, because suddenly he paused, and I knew he was trying to prolong the experience.

A hand went to my face, brushing the hair that had fallen into it behind my ear. I kissed his hand, loving the feeling of closeness that this moment contained. He moved his lips to my ear, whispering softly. "Relax."

I hadn’t even noticed that I was so tense, my body aching for release. I smiled, and rolled to the side, trying to keep him within me. He followed, remaining within my body. I smiled. I never wanted us to be apart.

I lay beneath him, and again he rocked against me. The shaft of his c*ck rubbed against my clit, bringing me closer to orgasm. I reached up, grabbing his headboard, as he began to lick my nipple. The sensations combined, and I could feel the fire within me sparking up again. As I looked up, I saw lust in his eyes. His motions became more forceful, his need driving him now. I could feel my own fire spread to his body, and his own fire about to engulf his body.

I brought him in close, pushing my fingernails into his back. I wanted him, wanted him to feel the same pleasure I was about to feel. I felt him tense, and as his rhythm changed, our eyes locked again. I could see the pleasure rush through him, and I had tunnel vision as my own pleasure sent a firestorm of pleasure through me. Meteors crashed against the surface of my Earth as I felt his body shudder with release. Our eyes remained locked during the entire experience, and I never felt closer to another person in my life.

I could barely breathe, and I kept him locked in place, unwilling to let him leave my body. He lay against me, his face against the pillow, exhausted. We lay this way for what seemed like forever before he raised his head and kissed me. Our kiss was the kiss of lovers, separated by events beyond their control but finally reunited.

He whispered in my ear those five words I had wanted to hear my entire life. "I love you, Holly Davenport."

I beamed. "I love you too, Andrew Miller."

He pulled out of me, kissing me. Then he stood, quickly heading to the bathroom. I heard the shower begin to run and he looked at me in the doorway. "Are you coming, Lazybones?"

I laughed. "Only if you promise to wash my hair again!"

Chapter 12

Flames devoured the trees as they exploded from the inside. Nests abandoned to the heat blazed in a short glory. Young green leaves wilted and browned before succumbing to the fire’s will. The landscape shuddered with the heat, the trees groaning for mercy. The fire showed no lenience.

Andrew held my hand as we both stared out the window, watching the world zoom past. It was quiet in the car as Audrey maneuvered the car towards the city. We were on our way to Elitch Gardens, an amusement park in Denver, courtesy of Ray and Audrey. The park had only been open for a week, but Ray had gotten discount tickets from a customer and invited us all to go. Luke turned down the opportunity to come with us. He was still avoiding us, so it was just Andrew, Audrey, Ray, and me.

Sprigs of green were starting to appear on the trees as we approached the city, the tiny leaves struggling to grow under a bright blue sky. It hadn’t rained in weeks, but the grass was attempting to turn a pale green, the world full of growth and opportunity. We were all quiet as we drove, our minds busy with thoughts. I closed my eyes, feeling the car hum along the highway, remembering the past two weeks with Andrew. They were the happiest weeks I had experienced in years.

There was our date night at the pizza place, the flirting at my work, watching movies cuddled on the couch, the hot tub. The hot tub made me smile. We snuck into Andrew’s neighbor’s hot tub at two in the morning and messed around. I loved the way his fingers felt under the water, the jets, and the the splashing.

Just thinking about it made my insides start melting. It had never felt so comfortable with anyone. With Andrew, I could just be myself. Best of all, I liked who I was with Andrew. When I was with him I was the smart, sexy, and happy person I always wanted to be. The broken me didn’t exist when he was with me.

There was some dark spots the past two weeks. Luke refused to speak to me since catching Andrew and me in the store, even leaving the grocery store when I was working. Andrew said Luke switched all his shifts so the two of them would never even cross paths.

He wasn’t the only one mad with the two of us; Britney and Eli both avoided Andrew and I like we had the plague. Britney spoke to me once when she bought groceries and I was the only lane available. The anger and disappointment in her voice broke my heart. I had never felt so guilty in my life as when she reminded me how seriously Luke took his promises. The looks of disappointment they shot us on the street told us all we needed to know. I wished I had a way to make them see how happy Andrew and I were, a way to make us all friends again.

I felt the car slow as we exited the highway and turned onto the exit ramp. We quickly parked and headed into the park. I could see the Ferris wheel slowly turning, surrounded by the giant colored tentacles of the roller-coaster tracks. My adrenaline started pumping just looking at the coasters, feeling my excitement grow with every step into the park.

Andrew bounced around the parking lot like a kid on sugar, excited to ride the rides with me. Audrey and Ray followed slightly behind us, a distance between the two of them. It only struck me as odd for a moment before the childlike excitement of entering the park overwhelmed me.

Ray handed over our tickets at the entrance and the four of us entered the park. Carousal music floated on the spring air, the smell of cotton candy and popcorn winding through the street. I couldn’t wait to get to the rides, but I waited patiently as Ray picked up a map.

"We don’t need a map, Ray. I can see the coaster we want from here, and besides we have all day to get to the rides," Audrey said with just a hint of anger in her voice. I wondered what was going on between them. I looked over at Andrew, but he wasn’t paying any attention.

"I’m using a map, because I like to have a plan. Seriously, this will take me five minutes and save us from wandering all over the park like idiots," he growled back at her. This time Andrew turned to look at the two of them, his face surprised.

"I know where we should go for the first coaster. If you two want to follow me, then we can look at the map in line and come up with a plan there," he said trying to break the tension. Audrey turned smiled at Andrew. It was a fake smile that I knew meant trouble.

"You know what Andrew, you and Holly go on ahead. We’ll catch up."

"Thanks Mrs. Miller. We’ll save you two a spot in line," I jumped in quickly grabbing Andrew’s hand. He looked baffled for a second but let me lead him away. Just as they were almost out of sight I could see Audrey round on Ray, her face angry. Ray began to wave the map around and I was glad we were out of earshot.

"What was that about?" Andrew asked glancing behind us as we walked.

"I have no idea, but I didn’t want to be there," I replied still pulling on his hand. "They don’t need us there to watch them argue." I could tell he wasn’t happy about the situation, but we continued on.

"What are they fighting about?" Andrew asked as we got close to the line for the ride.

"I guess the honeymoon is over. They’ll be alright. They couldn’t stay lovey-dovey all the time. They’ll argue a little, and then by the end of today they’ll be better. Promise," I said feeling confident in my relationship reading. I knew Audrey and Ray were good together, and I wasn’t worried about them. Andrew seemed to debate the concept in his head for a moment before coming to the same conclusion.

"I guess you’re right," he said grudgingly but then smiled and pulled me towards the end of line for the roller coaster. Since we had arrived early there was hardly a line and we were quickly to the turnstiles guarding the platform to the ride. I could feel my stomach rising in my throat, my heart starting pound as I watched the people before me strap into the coaster cars.

My hand was sweaty in Andrew’s as our turn came and we pulled the safety bar down over our heads. The coaster lurched forward and my heart threatened to pound out of my chest. I focused on breathing as we climbed the hill, Andrew laughing anxiously next to me as we teetered for a moment at the precipice before falling forward at incredible speeds. I screamed, fear quickly turning into exhilaration as we spiraled and spun, defying physics for a short moment in time.

I stumbled out of my seat and onto the exit ramp, giggling as Andrew pulled me close for a kiss. I could taste his adrenaline, his heart pounding against my hand on his chest. The ride operator gave us a dirty look to keep moving and we hurried out to look at our picture. It only took a minute before the picture of the two of us screaming like little girls came up on one of the screens. I elbowed Andrew in the ribs, both of us laughing at our silly expressions. The line was still short, so we decided to ride it again. We were half way back to the ride entrance when a deep voice called my name.
