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Fire Always Burns

Fire Always Burns(22)
Author: Krista Lakes


Flames. Fire everywhere. There was no where left to run… I had to get out, but I couldn’t walk. The heat was rising, smoke everywhere- I couldn’t breathe-

"Holly! Holly, wake up! You’re having a nightmare," Andrew said shaking my shoulders. I woke up shaking, sweat covering my body.

"The fire- the fire was going to get me!" I wanted to scream.

"Shh, shh, it’s okay. It was just a dream, you’re okay," Andrew’s voice was soft and soothing as he held me in his arms. I held onto him like I was drowning, like he was the only stable thing in my world. It was the third night in a row I had woken up screaming about fire. After the first night, Aunt Heather put an air mattress in my room so Andrew could sleep there at night. She didn’t want us sleeping in the same bed, but she didn’t want me to be alone with my nightmares.

"It was so real," I sobbed, burying my face into his shoulder. He hugged me tighter and rubbed my back.

"It’s alright, I’m here. I won’t let the fire get you," he whispered. I sniffed and wiped my face with the back of my hand.

"Thank you for saving me," I said, looking up at him. He smiled.

"You know I will always save you," he whispered back, kissing me softly on my forehead. "Do you need more meds?"

"No," I said shaking my head. "I think they are giving me the nightmares."

"Can I get you anything?" he asked, his hand still rubbing my back gently.

"Just stay with me. I don’t want to go to sleep again. Not yet," I said. I could hear the fear in my voice despite my best effort to hide it.

"I’ll stay here with you as long as you want," he said. I leaned into his strong arms, feeling his body wrap around me. I reached up and touched his face, tracing the curve of his jaw. His two day stubble felt rough beneath my fingers, but I liked the way it felt. I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and pulled him into a kiss.

His lips were soft and inviting. He kissed me back, deeper this time, a passion stirring within me.

"Your aunt is working tonight, right?" I whispered, a naughty grin spreading across my face.

"She isn’t supposed to be home until eight," he answered slowly, my grin mirroring on his face.

"Then kiss me again," I whispered.

"Gladly," he replied, his voice gaining a husky quality. He kissed me, our lips meeting and merging, tasting one another. He gently bit my lower lip, making me moan softly. His kisses flowed down my neck, stopping to nibble on the curve of my shoulder. My body temperature was rising, a primitive need beginning to take control.

I grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt, pulling it up over his head. He wiggled out of it, tossing it to the side as I ran my fingers down his front. His muscles hardened under my hand, as he kissed my shoulders and neck. He nuzzled the strap of my tank top, pushing it until my shoulder lay exposed in the moonlight. He bit it gently, sending a thrill through me. His hand crept up the soft fabric, cupping my breast in his hand through the thin material. My nipple beaded into a tight point as his fingertips caught it, and he let out a chuckle.

With his opposite hand he pushed the other strap of my shoulder, his thumb gently rubbing against my nipple. A low moan escaped my lips, and I could feel him smile. He let go of me for just an instant, pulling my tank top up over my head. Moonlight caught the curves of his shoulders and highlighted the grin on his face. I lay back slowly, feeling his eyes absorbing me.

With touches lighter than feathers, he slowly traced his fingers across my collarbone and along the curves of my br**sts. My breath caught in my throat as he traced gentle designs across my skin. He chuckled again, a sound that made me dampen with excitement. Keeping his fingers gently caressing the tender edge of my far breast, he bent down and took the other in his mouth.

I arched my back as he flicked his tongue against my nipple, waves of heat rolling through me. His suckled gently, still teasing me with his fingers as his hand crept lower and lower. His fingertips brushed my bellybutton and crept down to the elastic waistband of my pajama shorts. I tensed for a moment as he slid under the band and pushed his fingers against me.

He pushed gently at my panties, his fingers navigating to find me pleasure. In less than a heartbeat he began stroking across the fabric, teasing the part of me that was throbbing with need. He made slow constant circles with his thumb, his tongue still flicking against my nipple. I could feel my legs begin to twitch, my core vibrating with need.

He stopped and sat up, pulling his hand up and out. I groaned with need, which he answered with a short laugh. "Just wait a second," he said, his voice husky. He tugged gently on my shorts, pulling them low on my hips. I happily raised them, allowing him to slide them off. He was gentle as he maneuvered them across the bulky cast. I bit my lip, watching the way his muscles rippled in the moonlight. He grinned impishly, and pulled on my panties, tossing them on top of my shorts.

I lay bare in the moonlight, ready for his touch. He put his thumb against my cl*t again, slowly starting his circles. A gentle finger parted my folds and navigated towards my opening. With wonderful slowness, he pushed it inside, and the slowly out again. I arched my hips, begging him silently to fill me again. He rocked his fingers in and out, his thumb never stopping its slow circles. My entire being began to quake, desire and pleasure threatening to overwhelm me. Bliss rolled through me like a wave crashing into the shore. For a glorious moment, I was floating on a sea of joy and sensation; colors washed through me and I forgot to breathe.

He slowly withdrew his hand as my lungs began to work again. A wonderful sense of relief filled me, but an ache for more replaced it. I opened my eyes, and looked up into Andrew’s. He could see the need within me, his eyes shining with need of his own. He stood and slipped out of his shorts and boxers, his member already hard and erect.

I licked my lips, my h*ps arching with desire to feel him between my legs. He turned and knelt on the floor, fumbling for his jeans. I heard the plastic packaging open, and he returned ready for me. He climbed up onto the bed and kissed me deeply as he moved over my body. I wrapped my arms around his back, and he positioned himself at my entrance. We locked eyes, the blue of his eyes shining even in the dark as he delved into me.

I cried out, my nails digging into his muscular back as he began to rock in and out. With every thrust I felt a fullness that threatened to overwhelm me. I wanted more; I wanted every inch of him to merge with me. I wanted to wrap my legs around him, to pull him deeper, but my cast forced my leg to stay still on the bed.

"Roll onto your side," he said, his voice deep in my ear. He moved behind me as I lay on the side of my injured leg. He tucked his arm under my head, his hand wrapping around my breast, as slid back into me. His top hand held my hip, guiding it up and down. I rocked my h*ps in time with his, feeling him move within me. His breath was hot in my ear, spurring me on. I wanted him so badly I could taste it, the ache growing within me yet again.

"Harder," I moaned as he pushed into me. His hand tightened on my hip and I could feel my body beginning to shake yet again. He pounded deeper into me, fueling the fire building inside of me until I lost control. I cli**xed again, squeezing tight around him. He groaned into my hair, his fingers pushing into my skin.

"I want to look at you," he whispered when I had finished. I rolled back onto my back, and he slid into me as though we had never been apart. His strong arms bulged on either side of me as he began to thrust. I could feel him swelling within me, his eyes dilating and loosing focus. I felt him shudder, his body going stiff as his eyes closed. I smiled as he continued to rock, slowly melting into me. He slowly stopped, staying within me but resting on top of me like a human blanket. I never wanted him to move.

"I love you Holly," he whispered, his voice full of love. I wrapped my arms around him, snuggling my chin into his shoulder.

"I love you too."

We lay there, each of us lost in bliss. The moonlight glowed on the muscles of his back and across the curve of his ass. His weight was pleasant and comforting on top of me. I never wanted this moment to end, but he finally sighed and rolled carefully away from me. He turned his head, a smile across his handsome face.

"Be right back," he murmured. I watched his attractive body stand and walk to the bathroom. He came back a moment later with a warm washcloth for me. He then helped me dress myself again, getting clean pajamas from my bag before dressing himself. He sat down on his air mattress, the dawn still far away.

"Stay with me? I don’t want to fall asleep alone," I said softly. His eyes softened and he climbed next to me. He wrapped his arms around me, my head nestling into the hollow of his shoulder. I felt safe and happy. The soft beating of his heart along with the even rise and fall of his chest lulled me to sleep. I closed my eyes and didn’t dream of fire.

Chapter 18

The flames were long since gone. The trees lay scarred and bare, their branches burned and blackened. The world was made of ash. Yet hope remained. A thin green tendril of life, forged in the heat of flame emerged from a tiny seed. Another followed quickly. Life sprung from the fertile ground, ready to start the cycle anew. The circle of fire and life continued.

I stood staring at the ruined remnants of West Hardware. The fire was finally contained and we were allowed to return to the ashes to start rebuilding. My dad was a few feet away talking with Audrey and Ray. I could hear them laughing about something, their voices melting together in the warm summer wind.

Audrey’s hand rested comfortably on Ray’s forearm, a diamond ring glinting in the sun. The wedding had been four days after the fire started in an intimate ceremony at the local chapel. The town had celebrated their wedding, throwing a party in the hotel where most of the evacuees were staying. Everyone said it was the best party in the history of the town as everyone celebrated instead of worrying over something we had no control over.

The next day, the tentative line that the firefighters had held for the past three days broke, and the fire traveled towards the town itself. Ray said he had to get away, that he couldn’t watch as the life he had built over the past twenty years turned to ash and dust. Audrey had insisted that she had to stay and help at the clinic, but then came the emergency evacuation order for the clinic itself.

They had left for their honeymoon immediately, leaving the fire to rage and destroy the past while they built a new future. I watched them now as they smiled and laughed with my father, never straying from one another. The two of the radiated happiness, a joy in one another that I couldn’t help but smile at. They had finally found where they belonged.

In their absence, however, the fire had consumed everything.

When the line broke, the rest of the forest caught like a match, lighting the town. The western half of town was nothing but ash after the fire raged for over three weeks. Hundreds of firefighters from multiple states had worked tirelessly to stop the flames, but in the end it was the second largest fire in the recorded history of the state. The smoke could be seen for over a hundred miles in either direction as about 150,000 acres, 120 homes, 17 businesses, and millions of memories burned. My home was nothing but cinders. Andrew and Luke’s homes were nothing but ash. West Hardware and the Conifer Grocery were both just land with charred wood standing at odd angles.
