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Fire (Graceling Realm #2)(3)
Author: Kristin Cashore

More accurately, a poacher, since Archer forebade hunting in these woods at this time of day, just so that Fire could pass through here dressed this way. Besides, she’d never seen this shortish, tawny-haired, light-eyed man before. Well. If he was not only a poacher, but a poacher who’d accidentally shot Fire while hunting illegally, then he would not want to turn himself in to Archer’s famous temper; but that was what she was going to have to make him want to do. She was losing blood, and she was beginning to feel light-headed. She would need his assistance to get home.

‘Now I’ll have to kill you,’ he said glumly. And then, before she could begin to address that rather bizarre statement: ‘Wait. Who are you? Tell me you’re not her.’

‘Not who?’ she hedged, reaching again for his mind, and finding it still strangely blank, as if his intentions were floating, lost in a fog.

‘Your hair is covered,’ he said. ‘Your eyes, your face – oh, save me.’ He backed away from her. ‘Your eyes are so green. I’m a dead man.’

He was an odd one, with his talk of killing her, and himself dying, and his peculiar floating brain; and now he looked ready to bolt, which Fire must not allow. She grasped at his thoughts and slid them into place.

You don’t find my eyes or my face to be all that remarkable.

The man squinted at her, puzzled.

The more you look at me the more you see I’m just an ordinary girl. You’ve found an ordinary girl injured in the forest, and now you must rescue me. You must take me to Lord Archer.

Here Fire encountered a small resistance in the form of the man’s fear. She pulled harder at his mind, and smiled at him, the most gorgeous smile she could muster while throbbing with pain and dying of blood loss.Lord Archer will reward you and keep you safe, and you will be honoured as a hero.

There was no hesitation. He eased her quiver and her fiddle case from her back and slung them over his shoulder against his own quiver. He took up both of their bows in one hand and wrapped her right arm, her uninjured arm, around his neck. ‘Come along, miss,’ he said. He half led her, half carried her, through the trees toward Archer’s holding.

He knows the way, she thought tiredly, and then she let the thought go. It didn’t matter who he was or where he came from. It only mattered that she stay awake and inside his head until he got her home and Archer’s people had seized him. She kept her eyes and ears and her mind alert for monsters, for neither her headscarf nor her own mental guard against them would hide her from them if they smelled her blood.

At least she could count on this poacher to be a decent shot.

ARCHER BROUGHT DOWN a raptor monster as Fire and the poacher stumbled out of the trees. A beautiful, long shot from the upper terrace that Fire was in no state to admire, but that caused the poacher to murmur something under his breath about the appropriateness of the young lord’s nickname.

The monster plummeted from the sky and crashed onto the pathway to the door. Its colour was the rich orange-gold of a sunflower.

Archer stood tall and graceful on the stone terrace, eyes raised to the sky, longbow lightly in hand. He reached to the quiver on his back, notched another arrow, and swept the treetops. Then he saw them, the man dragging her bleeding from the forest. He turned on his heel and ran into the house, and even down here, even from this distance and stone walls between them, Fire could hear him yelling. She sent words and feeling into his mind, not mind control, only a message.Don’t worry. Seize him and disarm him, but don’t hurt him. Please, she added, for whatever it was worth with Archer.He’s a nice man and I’ve had to trick him.

Archer burst through the great front door with his captain Palla, his healer, and five of his guard. He leapt over the raptor and ran to Fire. ‘I found her in the forest,’ the poacher cried. ‘I found her. I saved her life.’

Once the guards had taken hold of the poacher, Fire released his mind. The relief of it weakened her knees and she slumped against Archer.

‘Fire,’ her friend was saying. ‘Fire. Are you all right? Where else are you hurt?’

She couldn’t stand. Archer grasped her, lowered her to the ground. She shook her head numbly.


‘Let her sit,’ the healer said. ‘Let her lie down. I must stop the flow of blood.’

Archer was wild. ‘Will she be all right?’

‘Most certainly,’ the healer said curtly, ‘if you will get out of my way and let me stop the flow of blood.

My Lord.’

Archer let out a ragged breath and kissed Fire’s forehead. He untangled himself from her body and crouched on his heels, clenching and unclenching his fists. Then he turned to peer at the poacher held by his guards, and Fire thought warningly,Archer , for she knew that with his anxieties unsoothed, Archer was transitioning now to fury.

‘A nice man who must nonetheless be seized,’ he hissed at the poacher, standing. ‘I can see that the arrow in her arm came from your quiver. Who are you and who sent you?’

The poacher barely noticed Archer. He stared down at Fire, boggle-eyed. ‘She’s beautiful again,’ he said. ‘I’m a dead man.’

‘He won’t kill you,’ Fire told him soothingly. ‘He doesn’t kill poachers, and anyway, you saved me.’

‘If you shot her I’ll kill you with pleasure,’ Archer said.

‘It makes no difference what you do,’ the poacher said.

Archer glared down at the man. ‘And if you were so intent on rescuing her, why didn’t you remove the arrow yourself and bind the wound before dragging her half across the world?’

‘Archer,’ Fire said, and then stopped, choking back a cry as the healer ripped off her bloody sleeve.

‘He was under my control, and I didn’t think of it. Leave him alone.’

Archer swung on her. ‘And why didn’t you think of it? Where is your common sense?’

‘Lord Archer,’ the healer said testily. ‘There will be no yelling at people who are bleeding themselves to unconsciousness. Make yourself useful. Hold her down, will you, while I remove this arrow; and then you’ll do best to look to the skies.’

Archer knelt beside her and took hold of her shoulders. His face was wooden but his voice shook with emotion. ‘Forgive me, Fire.’ To the healer: ‘We’re mad to be doing this outside. They smell the blood.’

And then sudden pain, blinding and brilliant. Fire wrenched her head and fought against the healer, against Archer’s heavy strength. Her scarf slipped off and released the shimmering prism of her hair: sunrise, poppy, copper, fuchsia, flame. Red, brighter than the blood soaking the doorpath.

SHE ATE DINNER in her own stone house, which was just beyond Archer’s and under the protection of his guard. He had sent the dead raptor monster to her kitchen. Archer was one of very few people who made her feel no shame for craving the taste of monster meat.

She ate in bed, and he sat with her. He cut her meat and encouraged her. Eating hurt, everything hurt.

The poacher was gaoled in one of the outdoor monster cages Fire’s father, Lord Cansrel, had built into the hill behind the house. ‘I hope there’s a lightning storm,’ Archer said. ‘I hope for a flood. I would like the ground under your poacher to crack open and swallow him.’

She ignored him. She knew it was only hot air.

‘I passed Donal in your hall,’ he said, ‘sneaking out with a pile of blankets and pillows. You’re building your assassin a bed out there, aren’t you? And probably feeding him as well as you feed yourself.’

‘He’s not an assassin, only a poacher with fuzzy eyesight.’

‘You believe that even less than I do.’

‘All right, but I do believe that when he shot me, he thought I was a deer.’

Archer sat back and crossed his arms. ‘Perhaps. We’ll talk to him again tomorrow. We’ll have his story from him.’

‘I would rather not help.’

‘I would rather not ask you, darling, but I need to know who this man is and who sent him. He’s the second stranger to be seen on my land these two weeks.’

Fire lay back, closed her eyes, forced her jaw to chew. Everyone was a stranger. Strangers came out of the rocks, the hills, and it was impossible to know everyone’s truth. She didn’t want to know – nor did she want to use her powers to find out. It was one thing to take over a man’s mind to prevent her own death, and another thing entirely to steal his secrets.

When she turned to Archer again, he was watching her quietly. His white-blond hair and his deep brown eyes, his proud mouth. The familiar features she’d known since she was a toddler and he was a child, always carrying a bow around as long as his own height. It was she who’d first modified his real name, Arklin, to Archer, and he had taught her to shoot. And looking into his face now, the face of a grown man responsible for a northern estate, its money, its farms, its people, she understood his anxiety. It was not a peaceful time in the Dells. In King’s City, young King Nash was clinging, with some desperation, to the throne, while rebel lords like Lord Mydogg in the north and Lord Gentian in the south built armies and thought about how to unseat him.

War was coming. And the mountains and forests swarmed with spies and thieves and other lawless men.

Strangers were always alarming.

Archer’s voice was soft. ‘You won’t be able to go outside alone until you can shoot again. The raptors are out of control. I’m sorry, Fire.’

Fire swallowed. She’d been trying not to think about this particular bleakness. ‘It makes no difference. I can’t play fiddle, either, or harp or flute or any of my instruments. I have no need to leave home.’

‘We’ll send word to your students.’ He sighed and rubbed his neck. ‘And I’ll see whom I can place in their houses in your stead. Until you heal, we’ll be forced to trust our neighbours without the help of your insight.’ For trust was not assumed these days, even among long-standing neighbours, and one of Fire’s jobs as she gave music lessons was to keep her eyes and ears open. Occasionally she learned something

– information, conversation, the sense of something wrong – that was a help to Archer and his father, Brocker, both loyal allies to the king.

It was also a long time for Fire to live without the comfort of her own music. She closed her eyes again and breathed slowly. These were always the worst injuries, the ones that left her unable to play her fiddle.

She hummed to herself, a song they both knew about the northern Dells, a song that Archer’s father always liked her to play when she sat with him.

Archer took the hand of her uninjured arm, and kissed it. He kissed her fingers, her wrist. His lips brushed her forearm.

She stopped humming. She opened her eyes to the sight of his, mischievous and brown, smiling into hers.

You can’t be serious, she thought to him.

He touched her hair, shining against the blankets. ‘You look unhappy.’

Archer. It hurts to move.

‘You don’t have to move. And I can erase your pain.’

She smiled, despite herself, and spoke aloud. ‘No doubt. But so can sleep. Go home, Archer. I’m sure you can find someone else’s pain to erase.’

‘So callous,’ he said teasingly, ‘when you know how worried I was for you today.’

She did know how worried. She merely doubted that the worry had changed his nature.

OF COURSE, AFTER he’d gone, she did not sleep. She tried, but nightmares brought her awake over and over again. Her nightmares were always worse on days when she’d spent time down among the cages, for that was where her father had died.
