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In an explosion that rocked the cavern, the statue burst apart the black stone, flinging out wide enough that a few pieces even landed at my feet. I scooped one up and tucked it into a pocket, not really knowing why, but trusting my instinct. Perhaps I would need it later. Fiametta’s back was to me, but I couldn’t help but stare. “Mother goddess.”

“Run, Dirt Girl. You won’t get a second chance.” Peta urged me forward, butting her head against the back of my legs. I stumbled forward, around the close corner and into Brand’s home. I jogged to my room, stopping only to grab a cloth from the bathing room. Dipping it into a basin of water, I scrubbed at my face and arms. The mixture that flowed off me was a deep black, like coal dust. “There is no way—”

“Just hurry,” Peta looked over her shoulder. “They are coming faster now. She already suspects you.”

Great. I threw the wet cloth into the basin and bolted down the hall to my room. Peta slipped in as I shut the door. I stripped out of my vest and pants, dropping them onto the floor and then crawled into the bed. The silk sheets were cool on my skin and they covered the dirt on my legs, sticking to me where I was still wet. Peta curled up in the crook of my neck. “Until she commands you, do not open your eyes,” she said as I closed my eyes just as the door to my room slammed open.

Even with Peta’s warning, it was a struggle to lay relaxed, breathing slowly with my eyes closed tight.

“Terraling, awake,” Fiametta commanded and I slowly opened my eyes. Blinking up at her, it was no effort to yawn.

“What’s going on?” I whispered, sitting up and clutching the sheet to my chest.

Fiametta’s eyes narrowed as she took a step closer. Once more I thought for just a split second I saw a glimmer of pink at the edges of her eyes. But it was gone before I could say for sure.

“How is it that your skin is damp?” Her words snapped me out of my musing.

I frowned and then gave a slow shrug, thinking fast. “Sweating, I guess. It is far hotter here than I’m used to at the Rim.”

I didn’t think her eyes could narrow more, but I was wrong. Her eyebrows dipped as her two Enders slipped into the room. I held up my hands, allowing the sheet to drop, baring my chest. “I am unarmed.”

“I doubt that, as I doubt very much that you have been here all night. How did you keep awake when the bell tolled?” she said quietly, the tone of her voice anything but soft. Worm shit and green sticks, if she didn’t believe me, there was nothing I could say to sway her.

Peta leapt to the floor, stretching. “My queen, the Dirt Girl has been here all night and I have slept beside her. What you are suggesting would imply that she has some sort of strength against our magic.”

Fiametta’s eyes flicked between Peta and me. She bent and scooped the cat up and I stiffened, feeling like she was touching something of mine that I hadn’t given her permission to.

The queen held Peta up to her face. “And why should I believe you, bad luck cat?”

“Because my heart is here in the Pit, no matter where I am assigned by the mother goddess.” There was a deep sincerity in her words and for some strange reason a slice of pain cut through me.

Fiametta sniffed. “We shall see.” She lowered Peta to the ground gently. “Terraling, come with us. It is time for you to see your friend for the last time.”

I grabbed at the sheets to keep from leaping out of the bed and showing all the dirt on my legs. “You said three days, today is only the second day.”

An arch of her eyebrow and the Enders shifted on their feet. “And if I chose to kill him now, I would be within my rights.”

I swallowed hard. “Is that what you’ve decided?” What would I do if she said yes? Try and raze the Pit? Take Ash out by force?

I would start a war between our families, a war the world could not afford; even I knew that much.


That one word and I deflated. “Thank the mother goddess.”

“Do not thank her yet.” Fiametta’s words bit at me. “Neither of you are safe. You may not be in the dungeon, you may have tried to save me from treachery, but I do not trust you. Nor will I. I feel you trying to worm your way into my good graces.”

I couldn’t stop my eyes from widening as she spun and strode out of my room. Her Enders followed silently. I rolled out of bed and jerked my still warm clothes back on.

What had Fiametta meant by that? Worming my way into her good graces, how was I supposed to be doing that?

Peta meowed at me and patted my knee with one paw. “Pick me up, Dirt Girl.”

I bent and did as she asked and she curled onto my shoulder with a sigh that was one part relief and two parts pain.

My feet stopped in the threshold of my room, shock rolling through me as I sensed the pain deep in Peta’s ribs. “Peta, did she hurt you?”

“It is her way with familiars, to get them to be honest.” Her breathing was ragged and under my hands, several of her ribs felt lumpy, and out of place. The rage that lit along my nerve endings was sudden and sharp. That was the slice of pain I’d felt when Fiametta had picked up Peta. I strode out the door and through the house, fueled by anger.

Fiametta stood waiting with her arms crossed and I didn’t slow. I all but slammed my face into hers, using my body to push her back. “If you touch my familiar again—ever—I will pull this mountain down on your head. Do you understand?”

Peta let out a whimper and hid her face behind my neck, but I never took my eyes from Fiametta. The two Enders swept in as I spoke, but she lifted a hand, stopping them. Her eyes were carefully neutral.
