Read Books Novel

Following Her

“Well . . .” Bryson hesitated. Axel’s fingers twitched as he held the phone. He might have to throttle his best friend.

“I knew you weren’t going to call her. Am I going to get arrested again for helping you out?” he said before his lips turned up in a crooked smile. “Not that I would mind; at least then I could finish my vacation in peace.”

“You won’t get arrested, but she’s been such a pain in the ass I figured an unannounced visit was best. I did, however, tell her I had a surprise showing up this afternoon. She might think it’s a package . . . one that isn’t attached to a man, that is,” Bryson replied, thinking he was so damn funny.

Axel didn’t even bother replying this time, he just hung up and studied the house of Ella Brooks, a twenty-five-year-old lawyer and the cousin of Bryson Winchester who’d managed to get her life into a hell of a big mess by dating a guy who just happened to be as crooked as they come, and was her former boss at the law firm.

She’d overheard some incriminating information and was now a state’s witness, one whom this man most certainly wanted to shut up. Bryson hadn’t filled Axel in yet on what that information was. The more Axel thought about the situation his friend had put him smack-dab in the middle of, the more pissed off he got.

Shaking off thoughts of his annoying friend, Axel focused on Ella’s home instead. Yeah, he could see why Bryson was worried. She had zero protection here. No alarm system, lots of windows—probably not all of which were locked—and doors that were a robber’s delight to break into.

Security certainly wasn’t something on her mind, even though the crooked lawyer out to get her had made it more than clear that she was now a problem. She knew too much. She was foolish enough to not even be frightened, but her cousin had said that she was stubborn as hell and figured she could fight the evil ex-boss on her own.

Bryson disagreed, and Axel did, too—reluctantly.

So here he sat, contemplating his next move. He played with the key Bryson had given him as he eyed the house. He’d rather not use it, but he also had a job to do, and whether Ella wanted it or not, he was here to protect her. Once Axel decided to do a job, he accomplished it. Even if it meant babysitting a spoiled trust fund princess who didn’t have to work for a living.

He had to give her props for working in spite of that, though, because judging by her home, he had a clear impression that she liked the finer things in life. Hell, his whole apartment could probably fit into her walk-in closet.

Stepping from the car, he walked to the front door, noting the tall shrubs near the windows, which offered a hiding place to anyone who might want to tamper with the home.

Reaching the front door, he tested the knob and found it locked. That was good. But with a few tools, he could be inside in seconds. Not for much longer, he thought; not after he secured the property. But still, a determined criminal could get to this girl without a problem.

And the men after her were most certainly determined, and definitely criminals.

The trial for her twisted ex-boss was coming up soon, and once the man was put away, Ella wouldn’t have anything to worry about. But until he was convicted, she was in constant danger. It was Axel’s job to make her realize that.

Knocking on the door, Axel waited, his expression most likely frightening to anyone who didn’t know him. It was a mask he’d honed over the years—his eyes cold, his expression blank. Those who noted his chiseled jaw and sharp cheekbones described him as handsome in a dangerous way. That thought made the corners of his full lips turn up.

He’d been gifted with good looks, but he’d also been blessed with an I-don’t-give-a-damn attitude. The combination made him great at his job but impossible to hold down.

Too often, it also made him bored.

When there was no answer at Ella’s door, he knocked again. A silver sports car sat in the driveway—her car, based on the report he had—but she wasn’t answering. Crap, he’d have to use the key.

Knocking once more, he waited. When no one appeared after two more minutes, he slid the key into the lock and stepped inside the elite home, then listened. It took a moment before he heard a sound coming from upstairs.

Running water. Just his luck! Ella was in the shower, and apparently enjoyed singing while she bathed. Well, he’d just have to wait in the kitchen, because it was too dang cold to sit on her front porch while she was in the bathroom for who knew how long. Axel had a younger sister. He knew it could be another hour—easily.

Eyeing a pot of hot coffee, Axel found a cup and filled it, taking a sip. Good brand, brewed strong, just the way he liked it. Sitting at the breakfast bar, he picked up his phone and dialed Bryson. Even though he’d hung up on his friend moments before, the call was answered after the first ring.

“You’re right. This house is a dream come true for anyone who wants to get to her. The best thing would be to get her out of town. How likely is that?”

“Not gonna happen, Axel. Like I told you, she doesn’t think she’s in danger. I tried getting her to come stay with Misty and me, but she said she was fine on her own.”

“She’s in the shower. I’m waiting to meet her.”

“I wish I could be there, buddy. She’s going to try to stab you, you know that, right?”

“Yeah, I figured as much.”

Hanging up, Axel noted the shower had stopped. He thought about retreating from the house and knocking again, but it’d started raining and he didn’t feel like getting soaked as he waited for Ella. He raised his warm mug to his lips and took several slow gulps until it was gone.
