Read Books Novel

Following Her

“There is no way no how I’m going into a haunted house. The last time I did wasn’t a pleasant experience,” she said, her wineglass now on the table so she could wrap her arms around herself.

“Come on. It’ll be fun,” he told her with a laugh. “How can a grown woman be so frightened of the make-believe?”

“How could I be so frightened?” she gasped. “Let me tell you! The last time I went through a haunted house I was a sophomore in high school. My boyfriend at the time thought it would enhance ‘the experience,’ since one of his moron friends told him that scaring a woman witless would make her more than eager to have sex, and not only sex, but really great sex. Found that part out later right before I slugged him in the stomach. But I digress. All the way there he was telling me stories about haunted houses where real killers slipped inside and were murdering victims and people just kept on walking by thinking it was all part of the setup. I was so freaked out that by the time we got there I refused to go in,” she said before picking her glass back up and taking a long swallow.

“You didn’t even go in? He was just screwing with you.”

“Oh, he finally managed to talk me into going into the dang thing. I was so scared I ended up bawling halfway through so loudly they had to escort me out. People were laughing at me, and then the jerk-off told me his sex theory, asked if my hormones were on hyperdrive, and tried to kiss me.”

Axel sat back, desperately trying not to crack a smile. If his lips so much as twitched he knew that not only was he not going to get her into the haunted house, but that she’d most likely walk out of the restaurant. He didn’t know how he maintained a straight face, but somehow he managed. He wouldn’t mind testing out the sex theory himself. Not that the two of them needed anything to make it any better. It could jump to dangerous levels if it got any hotter.

“He was obviously an idiot. I promise not to scare you, and I promise not to let anyone touch you,” he said, holding up his hand in a scout’s honor salute. “What happened to the boyfriend?”

“When the idiot tried kissing me, I punched him and walked away. I figured I’d cool off enough for the long ride back home. But, no. Since he wasn’t going to get any sex from me, the ass took off and left me there, three miles from town!”

“That’s seriously uncool.”

“After I calmed down and realized I was stuck there, I managed to get a ride home with a group of drunk college kids,” she said, and then her own lips twitched, thankfully.

“That is one hell of a bad night.” He still managed not to smile. Massive restraint.

“Yes, it was, and thank you for not laughing at me,” she said, reaching for his hand.

“Since I’m not that jackass boyfriend, would you be willing to go with me?” he begged, placing just the right amount of pleading in his tone.

“Fine, but if I start sobbing halfway through, it’s all on you,” she warned with a stern look.

“I’ll risk it,” he said, finally smiling.

They finished their dinner, and Axel was eager to get to the haunted house. It was an old Victorian home with rumors of real ghosts roaming its halls. He knew he wouldn’t get scared, but if he could get her blood pumping . . . It could be quite the pleasant night.

Ella was silent as they parked and joined the line of people waiting to get into the house. Costumed characters were peeking out windows and scaring people at the front door. Axel was impressed with their makeup. They’d put some time and money into this event.

He didn’t say a word to Ella, too afraid she’d back out if he gave her half a chance. He didn’t do too many things anymore that were purely about fun. And Halloween used to be his favorite holiday. All the mischief involved with it, and the costumes, and of course the candy. His job sometimes made him too cynical. It was nice to sit back and enjoy life right now, even if he was still protecting Ella.

“Welcome! Enter only if you dare.” The kid at the door was wearing a Scream mask, tilting his head and coming close to Ella’s face. She tensed, but she didn’t back off, just clung tightly to Axel’s hand. Hey, this was great already.

“Here we go,” he said as he led her inside.

The normally fearless woman was practically sewn to his side as they made their way down dark hallways with creepy crawly things rushing past them, and lights flickering, while eerie music added to the atmosphere.

Axel had seen better houses, but this one wasn’t bad. When they came to a scene with a mad doctor carving the guts out of his latest patient, Ella began to shake.

“Seriously, it’s not real,” Axel said, beginning to feel bad for pushing her to do this.

“Oh yes it is, my dear. And you’re next,” the bloody doctor said as he made eye contact with Ella and rushed forward with his hatchet.

Axel was about to tell the kid to back off, that she was seriously freaking out, when she suddenly wasn’t clinging to him anymore. Before he could stop disaster from happening, Ella clocked the kid right between the eyes before she turned to run back the way they’d come, but she managed to get tangled in some wires and instead fell right on top of the kid she’d just knocked out.

Another couple came around the corner, saw the commotion, and the girl screamed, causing even more chaos to break out in the small hallway.

“Help! Help!” the girl behind them screamed. “Someone is really getting killed!”

“Calm down! Everyone just needs to calm down,” Axel said, beginning to get really annoyed with the flickering lights and creepy music accompanying the entire scene. “Ella, let me help you.”
