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Following Her

“I was worried about you when the clouds opened up and decided to turn the town into a skating rink,” he replied.

“I don’t enjoy driving in the snow, but if I take it really slowly, I can get around, just not too far,” she said with a shrug as she cuddled against his warm chest.

“You’re freezing. Why don’t we leave your car here for now and I’ll give you a lift home?”

She was sorely tempted, but she didn’t like feeling stranded, and even if she only drove ten miles per hour, having her car in her driveway made her feel better.

“I’d love to, but I’m almost done,” she said before her eyes narrowed. “Wait! Did you throw a snowball at my back?”

“Um . . . maybe,” he said, a twinkle in his eyes.

Before he had a chance to say anything further, Ella stepped back from his warm embrace and reached down, picking up a big wad of snow as she began forming a ball.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Ella,” he warned, taking a tentative step toward her.

“What’s the matter, Axel? Afraid of a little snow?” she asked as she began circling her car, keeping something between them because she knew there’d be retaliation once she threw the ball.

“Ah, baby, I’m not afraid of anything,” he said, a megawatt smile brightening his face.

Perfect timing. She released her professionally molded snowball and hit him right between the eyes, wiping his grin away and making him sputter. “Next time, don’t aim for someone’s back,” she taunted.

“You know you’re going to pay for that, right?” he said as he brushed snow off his face and began stalking her.

“I’m not afraid of you, Spider-Man,” she said before she took off running. She knew she didn’t have a chance of escape, but she didn’t mind.

She didn’t even make it ten steps when his arms circled her again, but this time they were in motion and both of them began sliding through the snow, their bodies heading for the ground.

Luckily the powder was fresh, and when they hit, the landing wasn’t hard. Ella was laughing as Axel picked up a bundle of snow in his hand and held it above her head.

“You wouldn’t dare,” she taunted him, even though he clearly had the upper hand.

“Damn woman,” he gasped before the snow fell away and all thoughts of a snow fight were over as his mouth claimed hers and he began melting the snow still falling all around them. Ella wound her arms around his neck and gave back as good as she was getting, as she got lost in his embrace, lost in the magic of being held by this man she couldn’t get enough of.

Soon, though, the reality of the weather snuck up on them, and the snow was seeping through her clothes, sending shivers through her, even with the heat of Axel’s kiss.

“This wasn’t a good idea,” he said, almost in a fog as he lifted his head and looked down into what she was sure was a bright red face.

“I don’t care about the cold. Totally worth it,” she sighed, reaching up and brushing a piece of his hair back.

“I really need a haircut,” he said with a laugh.

“You’re perfect just the way you are,” she replied, realizing no matter how much she fought her feelings for this man, it was too late. She was in love with him.

She loved everything about him: the way he smiled, his overprotectiveness, his lovemaking, his ridiculous sense of humor. She loved him.

“I love you.” The words were so quiet she was almost sure she didn’t say them, almost positive that the thought had only been in her head.

But when his eyes widened, when he pulled back just the slightest amount, she had no doubt she’d said them aloud. And from the confused, dazed look on his face, it appeared he wasn’t taking it too well. A shiver racked through her, and she didn’t know if it was from fear or from the cold. But she had a feeling those words were the exact wrong thing to say at this moment.

“I shouldn’t have you on the ground like this,” Axel said, and he immediately rose, leaving her feeling completely empty. He stepped back, leaving her lying there for a moment, and she was too stunned to even think about moving. Finally, almost as an afterthought, he moved back toward her and reached out a hand.

Without her permission, he tugged her up. She was desperately fighting tears, and more than anything she needed to get away and lick her wounds.

“We really need to get you home. Why don’t you let me drive you?” he offered again, his voice so cool, so impersonal.

“I appreciate it, Axel, but I really need my car,” she said as she began moving toward it, surprised her legs were even carrying her.

“If you insist, then I’ll follow you home,” he said as he moved toward her car and opened the driver’s door. A blast of heat shot out toward them, but she didn’t think anything was going to warm her up at this point.

Without another word, Axel helped her into her car, then jogged back to his SUV. The drive home took a half hour where normally it took her fifteen minutes, and she wasn’t sure how she managed it without shedding a single tear, but she did.

Pulling into the driveway, she looked over to see Axel parked at the curb, but he wasn’t leaving his car. She carefully walked up the path and opened her door, and then the first tear fell when he drove off.

It appeared she’d given her heart to the wrong man again.

For the first time Ella could remember, she felt alone while sitting in a room full of her crazy family members. Yes, they were crazy, and yes, they were meddling, but they were hers through good and bad, and she loved each and every one of them.
