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For Keeps

For Keeps(10)
Author: Adriana Hunter

“If you think I haven’t followed you over these last months, you’re wrong. I know what happened out there today, Tyler, and I hope you finally realize how irresponsible it was to even think about chasing your so-called dream. Are you done with it now? Now that your body says no?”

Anger exploded in Tyler’s chest, whether because his father had been keeping an eye on him and waiting for him to fail, or because the man had called to rub it in before anyone even knew the extent of the damage, he wasn’t sure. “I don’t expect much from you, old man, but this is an all time low. I’m lying here not even sure what is going on and this is all you care about? Being right? Making sure that I finally give up? Give into what you want for me?”

He leaned back, closing his eyes and trying to gain control of his emotions. “Look, Dad, this is over. This whole relationship where you think you can still tell me how to live my life. I’m a grown man now, and no longer under your thumb. Live your life and I’ll live mine.”

There was silence at the other end of the line except for heavy breathing. He’d really pissed the old man off. Finally, his father told him, “If you drop this insanity, I will still hold to the terms of our agreement. You come back to the firm, take the bar exam and pass, and you get your trust fund. One condition will change. You don’t have to get married. I should have known better than to push that, especially when it drove you into the arms of someone like that girl you are with.”

Seething, Tyler shook his head. “She’s better than you’ll ever be, Dad. She’s better than the both of us.” He hung up and tossed the phone across the locker room with a cry of rage.

* * *

Valerie stood outside the hospital room as the doctor broke the news, having already heard it herself and wanting to give Tyler time to absorb it before she joined him. There was no screaming, no denial that she heard, and when the doctor came out he nodded to her and motioned for her to go inside. “He’s asking for you.”

“Thank you, Doctor.” She moved through the door, shutting it behind her, and tentatively peeked around the corner to where Tyler lay in the hospital bed, his leg in a brace from mid-thigh down. She smiled at him. “Well?”

His expression was dark, but she knew it didn’t reflect on her. “I’m sure you heard it destroyed my ACL. Even with surgery and physical therapy, my hockey days are over.” He shook his head and reached out to her. She hurried toward his side and took it, stroking the back of his hand with her thumb.

Taking a deep breath, she told him, “Listen, Tyler, I’ve been thinking…” This time, his scowl was aimed at her, and Valerie assumed he could sense she was going to say something he wouldn’t like. “Just give me a minute and hear me out.” She braced herself and let the words spill. “I think you should take your father up on his offer. You’ll get the best medical care, the best of everything. And lots of opportunity for the future.”

Tyler was visibly aggravated. Maybe what had really happened on the rink was a body check that had slammed his head around and knocked him unconscious. “What are you talking about, Valerie? Are you telling me you don’t want to be with me anymore, now that I’m useless?”

“No!” Dammit, he was taking this all the wrong way. “I’m saying that you have better options open to you than what I can give you. And for your happiness, I think you should consider taking those options.” It broke her heart to tell him that. The last thing she wanted was to lose him. But honestly, she knew it would be best for him, and in the end, no matter how much she hurt, she just wanted him to be okay. She’d go on, as she always had, alone.

Rage burst in Tyler’s chest. He’d been feeling sorry for himself for a split second, but now it was pure anger that took over his thoughts.

“Valerie. I told you before, I’d rather be with you and give up everything else than lose you at any price. Why can’t you accept that?”

Valerie swallowed, trying not to cry. “Tyler, it’s all fine and good to have good intentions and be idealistic, but that’s not how life is. It’s time to look at reality and know that you’ll never get anywhere if you stay with me. I love you, so much that it’s killing me to say this to you, but I also love you enough to let you go so you can be happy.”

Tyler tightened his grip on Valerie’s hand, just in case she tried to walk away. He wouldn’t have it, not today, not ever.

“If you leave me now, I will never forgive you.” He reached up with his other hand and cupped her cheek, and she instinctively leaned into his touch. “I’m crazy in love with you, Valerie, and I’m determined to stay with you. I won’t take what my dad offers because he doesn’t accept you. And the only reason I didn’t ask you to marry me months ago is because I was afraid you’d still think I was using you to get the trust fund. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, even if we live in a hovel with old beaters for cars.”

While she appreciated all his words, Valerie focused on one thing. “You want to marry me?” Her voice came out smaller and meeker than she’d intended, and it made her blush.

With a deep, warm chuckle, Tyler kissed the back of her hand. “Yes, Valerie, I would be honored if you would be my wife.” He frowned. “I just wish I had the ring on me.”

She gaped at him. “You have a ring?”

“I’ve had one for quite a while. So, are you going to give me an answer?” he teased.

Swallowing past the lump in her throat, Valerie nodded, wishing she could stop the tears that were about to run down her face.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

He narrowed his eyes at her. “Don’t you get it yet? I’m in love with you, Valerie. And that’s all that matters.” He pulled her closer so he could reach her face and kiss her solidly. “Trust me, you are the perfect woman for me.”

* * *

The next few weeks proved difficult, with Tyler completely out of commission, having surgery and going into his first physical therapy sessions. Valerie was exhausted, going to work and running him back and forth to the therapist’s office as well as checkups and still trying to maintain the house. She couldn’t even begin to think about a wedding or getting married, though she absolutely adored the ring. And it was making it hard on her to appreciate her relationship. There had been no sex for a few weeks while they worked on Tyler’s recovery. One night she found him waiting for her in the dimly lit foyer when she arrived home from work, a devilish grin planted on his face.

His touch went a long way, and Valerie couldn’t even think about how long it had been since they’d been this intimate. Their relationship, like any that are worth keeping, was going to take some work, but she certainly didn’t want to lose what they’d built together before Tyler had been injured. It was too good to let it slip away.

Leaning back she reached for his face and kissed him, deep and with all the longing she’d put aside as she’d run herself ragged for the last several weeks. She wanted to jump into his arms but knew his knee wouldn’t support her weight so, rather, pulled out of his arms, grabbed his hand, and led him to the bedroom. She undressed him while he kissed her neck and shoulders, making it hard for her to undo the buttons on his shirt. His c*ck was ready and waiting as she pulled her own clothes off and threw them on the floor next to his.

With urgency, she crawled on top of him and rubbed herself over the full length of his shaft, watching him shiver at the sensation. He reached up and grabbed her hair, pulling her into a fierce kiss as he massaged her breast with his free hand and rolled her nipple between his fingers. Valerie moaned and couldn’t wait any longer. With a smug smile and a wave of pleasure, she lowered herself onto him, sheathing him completely inside of her and reveling in the incredible slippery friction of the motion of her body heaving against his broad, muscular frame.

Tyler reached for her h*ps and began to lift her, rocking her on him in quick thrust movements. She let him control her body, to move her however he wished as her orgasm built and crested into a screaming wave of ecstasy. And just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, he released his hold on her, reaching down to tease her cl*t with lingering circles that drew a completely different cry of desire from her.

Tyler gritted his teeth, barely able to contain himself, but he wanted to bring her to orgasm one more time, and he fondled her cleft with quicker, sharper motions until her whole body shivered and she nearly collapsed on him. Only then did he drive deep inside her with an animalistic cry and knowing she was sated, he allowed himself to ride the wave of desire, his hunger spilling inside of her within seconds.

They lay together for a long time, their sweat-soaked bodies spent and sated as they breathed in rhythm with one another.

* * *

Tyler was back at the law firm where he and Valerie had worked within a week, and it went a long way in helping him regain his confidence. Getting to the therapist wasn’t nearly as much of a race against time, since they could go straight from the office, and that also meant more time together, just to talk and enjoy each other’s company.

On weekends, Valerie helped Tyler finish studying for the bar, and as his limp subsided, he started racing again. The income was better, and when he passed the bar exam, they celebrated with a weekend away in the mountains.

There were several times when Tyler wanted to bring up the fact that they had yet to even start planning the wedding, but he felt maybe, with all that they had to deal with, that he probably shouldn’t say anything to push Valerie just yet.

Valerie could see the positive change in Tyler, and he only glowed more when the law firm offered him a position as a court attorney. He quickly accepted, and Valerie wanted to jump for joy. However, she had something else on her mind, something that she’d been waiting for the right moment to talk about. So, as they sat at dinner, eating steaks and baked potatoes as a small celebration of what they were calling a promotion, she steeled herself for the conversation and looked at Tyler.

“How are you feeling now?” she asked hesitantly.

But Tyler obviously saw right through it, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at her.

“I’m doing great. Is something wrong?”

She shrugged. “No, no. Nothing’s wrong. I just wondered what you were thinking about in terms of this whole marriage thing. Are we ready to set a date or talk about it, or are you feeling hesitant about it now, after everything?”

With a laugh of pure happiness, he shook his head. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you about it for awhile, I just thought it was never the right time – with so much going on. If you’re ready though, I’m definitely ready.”

Valerie smiled, feeling encouraged. But she had more to say. “I’m glad to hear that. I was really sort of nervous that maybe you’d decided you didn’t want to be with me, or tie yourself down, or have a family?” She put emphasis on the last word, waiting for his reaction, but he looked confused.

“We hadn’t talked about family yet, but Valerie, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so of course I want to start a family with you one day.”
