Read Books Novel

For Keeps

For Keeps(8)
Author: Adriana Hunter

Sex wasn’t a relationship; they could have sex and not live together, not be a couple. People did it all the time. It didn’t mean they had feelings for each other.

But somewhere along the way, Valerie had allowed herself to fall madly, deeply, hopelessly in love with Tyler. He treated her with respect and kindness, and he brightened a room with his smile. He was adventurous, and sometimes she lived vicariously through the stories he told about the things he’d done, even through his races and, she’d hoped, through him being drafted to the minor league hockey team.

With a deep breath that burned as her heart broke, she looked at Tyler, who had placed a cup of coffee and a plate with toast slathered with butter and jelly the way she liked it in front of her. “You aren’t happy, are you?”

Tyler frowned at her. “Why would you say that?” he asked through a mouthful of his own toast.

She shook her head. “Don’t pretend, Tyler. This isn’t the lifestyle you’re used to. I don’t have a yacht, I don’t have parties with rich friends, and I’m not adventurous. I’m not even that pretty. I could certainly stand to lose a few pounds, at least, and maybe start going to the hairdresser and a nail salon.”

Hating how she always beat herself up, Tyler reached out and caressed her hand, running his thumb specifically over her nails. “Valerie, I love the way you look. You are gorgeous and sexy with curves in the right places. You’re reasonable rather than high maintenance. There’s a reason I’ve never spent much time dating. I hate phony, superficial people, and all the women I met through my father and his friends were fakes. Everything about them was plastic.”

He leaned forward. “No, this isn’t the lifestyle I’m used to, but I hated my life. I really, really enjoy this life with you.” He gestured around the apartment. “This place is cozy, and more than enough for me. Getting up and making coffee and toast, spending a few minutes in the morning with someone that I cherish…those are things I never thought I’d be able to enjoy.”

His words struck her, and Valerie felt tears prickle her eyes. He said he cherished her. That was beautiful, and it touched her. Of course, it still didn’t mean he was in love with her. “Are you sure you’re okay with settling down like this?”

There was a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he responded. “Sweetheart, neither of us is ever going to ‘settle’ for anything, especially down. But yes, I’ve more than okay with this arrangement. I’m thrilled that you let me be a part of your life.” He stood, pulling her to her feet and kissing her fully on the lips with her body pressed to his. “I wouldn’t want it any other way, Valerie,” he whispered against her lips. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I have to climb in the shower, or I’ll make us both late to work.”

* * *

With giddy excitement, Valerie sat outside the rink, awaiting Tyler’s return. She wasn’t the biggest hockey fan, but in her opinion, he’d looked amazing on the ice, and she would have thought he was a professional player already. Like, NHL worthy. She nibbled her thumbnail, wishing he would come out already and not leave her hanging so long. Supposedly, he was supposed to talk to the coach, get his feedback, and then leave.

That had been almost forty minutes ago, when he’d skated by the side of the hockey rink and given her a kiss. Now, she couldn’t imagine what was going on inside and only hoped that, maybe, they were signing some papers and setting him up with a locker.

Starting to lose her confidence in this decision, she worried at strands of her hair that blew around in the breeze, defiantly escaping the braid down her back. Maybe she shouldn’t have pushed Tyler so hard. After all, maybe he’d given up on this as a career goal long ago and his heart wasn’t in it anymore. For all she knew, this whole day was causing him pain.

But he’d looked so confident out there on the ice, and the glimpses she had of his face showed her pure, unadulterated joy. Of course, there was always the chance they wouldn’t take him, but with the talent he showed, that seemed like an extremely remote possibility, even though this seemed to be taking forever.

And second guessing herself had always gotten Valerie in trouble.

She sucked in a deep breath as Tyler finally emerged from the door to the locker rooms and held that breath as he walked toward her, a deep scowl on his face. Her heart sank. What the hell could have happened? This was perfect, and it was supposed to work out.

She stood, ready to offer comfort as he approached, but instead, he dropped his bag on the ground and pulled her into a bear hug, swinging her around and chuckling in her ear. “I had you going for a second, didn’t I?” he asked, setting her down and kissing her forehead, both cheeks, and finally, her lips.

She giggled. “You, sir, are an ass. You had me thinking it was the end of the world.”

He scoffed. “With the measly money their offering, it just might be.” A worried expression furrowed his brow as he stared down at her. “I’m serious, you know. This isn’t the ideal job for most people. There’s a lot of overnight travel involved, and it pays shit money. I’d still be racing to get us the money we need to have a good time.”

Valerie waved her hand and made a face, letting him know it was no big deal. “The nights apart are going to be harder than the money. Trust me, I’ve lived with much less in my life.”

Tyler watched her eyes grow bright, and he could feel her pride in him and her happiness for him. He’d accomplished his dream. Maybe he wasn’t in the NHL, but that could still happen. He was young and healthy, and he could very well end up with a long, satisfying sports career. The truth was, he just wanted to play hockey, and even if the money sucked, he was now a professional hockey player.

And it was all because of Valerie. She was so supportive, he didn’t even know how to react to her.

“That could be a problem for me, too. Maybe you could come along on some of the trips? We could travel together, and that way, after a game, I can enjoy the beautiful woman of my dreams in my bed.”

That sounded like heaven to Valerie. She gave him her most winning smile. “And maybe you can have that woman twice if you win.” She nuzzled his neck and sighed with contentment before pulling away and looking up at him. “So, I’ve planned a little celebration. I hope you don’t mind.”

He raised an eyebrow, taken off guard. “Oh, really? And just what did you have in mind?”

Her eyes twinkling with mischief, she told him, “It’s a surprise. Now, hand over the keys and let me drive.” If she thought the idea of handing over the keys to his sports car would rankle him, she was wrong, and, anxious to see what her plan was, he tossed them to her without protest or hesitation. With a bounce in her step, she started toward the car, and he shouldered his bag to follow behind her.

* * *

Tyler couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten in a sports bar, but it had been far too long. “Would you like to eat in a booth or at the bar?” Valerie asked over the buzz of the place.

He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter to me. Whatever makes you more comfortable.”

She led the way to a table in the bar, and they took a seat on the tall stools next to each other, facing one of the large screen televisions mounted around them. Wondering what difference the time mattered as Valerie checked it on her phone before dropping it into her purse, he squinted at her suspiciously. “Are we meeting someone here?”

“No.” She shook her head and continued to stare at the television, not even looking his direction. He followed her gaze and found a commercial, making him want to hurl something into her line of vision to try to get her attention. Instead, he attempted to be subtle in checking his watch, which showed him it was a few minutes before five. It was his turn to worry about the end of the world.

He watched Valerie intently, even as they ordered their drinks, and slowly, a small smile crept over her face. Tyler started to elbow her and demand an explanation for why she was ignoring him, but he heard an announcer and turned to the television, finding the major league regional hockey game on. He started laughing, and she cracked up. “Is this what you were planning?”

She scrunched up her face. “Well, this is part of it. I hope you like it. I just know it’s something we haven’t done, and it seems an appropriate way to celebrate this specific occasion.”

He agreed wholeheartedly. “You are amazing, Valerie. So, what’s the other part?”

She hesitated. She hadn’t wanted to give the rest of it to him till after dinner, but he wouldn’t wait. So, she reached back into her purse and pulled out a business card, handing it to Tyler. He looked at it for a moment, then gazed at her quizzically before returning to the card, which held only a name and a phone number.

“What’s this for, Valerie?”

“I noticed your skates needed a little work. So, that guy is one of the best locals in the business. He’s going to sharpen your blades, clean up the leather, and customize them for the team. He’s also going to duplicate them so you have a second pair, just in case.”

Tyler blinked at her in awe. For someone who didn’t really know or care too much about sports, Valerie sure had an eye for detail. Not that getting this done would have been a huge expense for him, but it was the fact that she had invested enough interest to understand the importance to him. It touched him how considerate she was of his needs and how selfless she could be.

“I don’t know what to say, Valerie. Thank you. This means much, much more to me than you know.” He hugged her tight to him, and he wondered if now would be the time…

No, it definitely wasn’t. But there was something he could offer. “Valerie…” He trailed off. He’d never been in this situation before, and he didn’t want to come off the wrong way. Closing his eyes for a moment to gather his wits, he continued, “Valerie, I don’t think you’ll ever understand how important you are to me. I don’t think I could live without you now.”

Blushing, she answered in a playful tone, “You sure are easy to please.”

“No, I’m not actually. I’ve never been more content than I am with you.” Her smile faded, and he tucked a lone strand of hair behind her ear as he looked her straight in the eye. “And that’s because I love you.”

It was the first time he’d spoken the words, and it caught Valerie off guard. She felt lightheaded and dizzy, but she smiled wide, her heart beating hard in her chest.

“I love you, too, Tyler. So much. I just want to make you happy.”

Kissing her softly but with all the deep emotion he felt toward her, Tyler stroked her cheek with his thumb. “Valerie, you always make me happy. Just you. And that’s never going to change.”

Valerie prayed that it didn’t and clung to that desperate hope as they ordered, ate, shouted at the game, and discussed the logistics of Tyler traveling a lot and what the future held in store. Valerie hated the idea of him being away so much, but she wanted him to have all his dreams come true, and she would do anything she had to, sacrifice anything including time with him, to assure he got what others had denied him.
