Read Books Novel

For You

For You(39)
Author: Mimi Strong

The tip of his c**k moistly kissed against my skin as I nudged up and down on his body, our mouths locked together.

No longer nervous, I reached back and untied the top of my bikini. I tossed it aside, then shifted down his body, kissing his neck and Adam’s apple, and then down his smooth chest. I found one nipple with my lips and sucked until it was small and hard, then did the same to the other.

Sawyer’s breathing was shallow, his body tense and still, like a pond with small ripples coming from the life beneath. I moved down further, tasting the salty sweat of his flesh, smelling the musk of his body. His scent intoxicated me, arousing my hunger.

I licked a trail down his stomach, then gripped his hard c**k in one hand and plunged the tip into my mouth.

He groaned and clutched the bed covers as I sucked and pulsed him within my mouth.

“Slow down,” he begged.

I eased him out of my mouth and lovingly ran the tip of my tongue up and down the length of him, teasing around the edge of the head before plunging him in and out of my wet mouth.

His c**k was hard and responsive, straining.

Gasping, he pushed me away. “Intense,” he said, and as we made eye contact, I felt the intensity, too.

I went limp, falling to the bed, weak with desire. Take me, I pleaded with my eyes.

He climbed on top of me, and old memories bubbled up. I was in my little bed, in that stinking plywood room.

I pulled my knees together and squirmed out to roll sideways. I clenched my eyes shut.

“Aubrey? Is this too fast?”

He rubbed his fingers tenderly along my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw him. Sawyer Jones. He was good, and kind, and being so gentle. I was in my apartment, not the old trailer.

Nodding, I said, “Slower would be better.”

“I agree,” he said, and he stretched out alongside me, relaxed. “You’re so perfect. So beautiful.”

I grabbed his hand in mine and kissed his fingertips.

Sawyer. I was in bed with him, and he was a good guy. I wanted this.

I ran his fingertips down over my breast. He smiled as he traced lines around my nipple.

He whispered, “Does this feel good?”

I nodded, yes, and pushed his hand down further, so his fingers slipped under the edge of my bikini bottoms.

“Still good?” he asked.

I held my hand over my face in embarrassment as I blushed. “Really good.” My body was so warm and sure, and the fear that had crept up on me was completely gone.

Now he was in control, and I nodded after each question. Could he take off my bikini bottoms? Yes. Could he touch me like this? Yes. Deeper? Yes. Harder? Yes.

With his fingers, he took me to the edge of orgasm. Teetering on the brink, I put my hand on top of his to stop him. Take me, I thought as I stared into his eyes.

He understood, and reached for the condoms.

When he plunged into me, I cried out so loud he stopped.

“Did I hurt you?”

No. Not physically. I shook my head. “Feels so good,” I whispered.

He shuddered at my words and pulled back, catching his breath.

I whimpered and angled my h*ps up, splaying my legs out so he could go deeper.

He kissed my arm and shoulder, then took a deep breath and started moving again.

I didn’t want to startle him and have him stop, so I grabbed onto his bu**ocks with both hands and helped drive him into me as I cried out for more.

After a few strokes, he got the idea and stopped holding back.

I didn’t know if I’d be able to come with him on top like that, just from his cock, but it felt so good, I didn’t want to stop. Then I didn’t have to worry, because I was coming, multi-colored lights flashing behind my eyes as I quivered and shook and cried out beneath his big, muscular body.

He was sweating now, the muscles of his neck bulging out as he kept moving, rocking into me with pleasure.

He swore, gritted his teeth, and moaned as he also came, his c**k impossibly hard and shuddering inside me.

My fingertips were digging into his thick back muscles, and I relaxed my hands and arms. I moved my hands down to his firm bu**ocks and gave them a squeeze. He shook, as though surprised, and then let out a nervous laugh.

I turned my head to the side and kissed his ear, where his head was buried face-down in the blankets next to me.

He pulled back, red-faced, and blinked at me. “So much for hours of riding,” he said.

I smiled up at him, and not just with my mouth, but with my whole body. The entire room—the entire world—was smiling.

“I really don’t need hours,” I said. “That was perfect.”

He reached down and held onto the base of the condom as he carefully withdrew. “We can always go again later. Give me a few minutes.”

I turned to the side and looked at my digital alarm clock.

The readout made no sense. It was two-thirty already? How could that be?

I sat up quickly, heart pounding. “Shit! I have to get Bell at three.” I got up and started hunting around for clothes. “Oh, dammit, how am I going to get there in time?”

“I’ll give you a ride,” Sawyer said calmly.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I snapped. “You can’t put her on your bike.”

“Aubrey.” His tone was serious.

I looked up, angry that this man was naked, on my bed, chiding me. What if I’d fallen asleep and forgotten to go get her?

“I’ll drop you off,” he said. “The two of you can walk back here like usual. I can even drop you around the corner, so she doesn’t see me.”

I clapped my hand to my forehead. “Of course. I’m sorry. I just… wasn’t thinking.”

Looking defeated, he got up, grabbed his clothes from the floor, and shuffled off to the bathroom.

This wasn’t at all how I expected today to go.

Or was it?

Maybe I hadn’t expected this, but I’d foreseen disaster of some sort. Since I ran away with Bell, not many guys had been interested in dating me, but with the ones who did, something like this always happened.

The worst part wasn’t them ending the relationship. Not at all. The worst part was that in order to make themselves feel better, they made me out to be the bad person. The crazy, emotional woman with all the unreasonable demands. Never mind that I hardly ever asked for anything.

They couldn’t see themselves as the users they were, taking what they wanted and then moving on to the next girl. They were in denial of their dark hearts, that they would “pump and dump” a young single mother. So, there’d be some small incident that would be inflated to something bigger than it was. I’d lose my temper, just for a moment, and they’d seize their opportunity. They’d tip their heads and give me that smug look. Aubrey, you’re giving me no choice but to break it off with you.
