Read Books Novel

For You

For You(57)
Author: Mimi Strong


I found heaven, full of clouds and sunshine, with every lick.

My sack pulled up tight, and the chain reaction started without warning.

“I’m coming,” I whispered.

“Mmmmmmmm,” she moaned, as in yes, you are. Come here. Come now. Come as you are.

I scrunched my face and flexed my legs, trying to drag out the moment, to let it last forever and ever and ever.

She was hungry for me, though. As insatiable for me as I was for her. She gripped my c**k irresistibly tight at the base and shoved me into her mouth, so deep and amazing. Plus she was humming. Mmmmm. Into me.

Looking down, I saw her perfect face, so focused, and her gorgeous lips around me.

I fell apart, my muscles clenching and letting go, everything beyond my control.

I fell apart and she pulled me into her, thirsty for more, draining me.

Sated, I let out a long sigh and took a normal breath.

Suddenly, worry and regret set in. I whispered, “Was I too loud? I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t wake her.”

She climbed up alongside me and nestled in against my arm. “You were quiet as a mouse.”

I flexed my stomach as she ran her hand over my skin. How were girls’ hands so smooth and nice? Her touch was like being massaged by a goddess. A goddess I was going to go wild on, just as soon as I caught my breath.

My plans for the second round didn’t exactly pan out, though. The room was dark, quiet, and warm. I had a gorgeous girl snuggled up next to me.

I closed my eyes to enjoy the perfect moment, and when my eyes opened again, the room was bright with morning sun.

The covers were over us, and Aubrey had her back to me. I snuggled up to her, my nose in Aubrey’s dark hair, breathing in her scent.

I got the feeling I was being watched, so I turned back slowly and found a little girl standing next to the bed. She had pale eyes, more blue and less gray than Aubrey’s, and her hair was much lighter.

Pulling the covers even higher over myself, I remained still. “Hello there. You must be Bell. My name is Sawyer and I’m a friend of your mother’s.”

I wasn’t sure what the protocol was, so I moved to offer her my hand to shake.

In slow motion, her mouth dropped open and she began to scream.

The sound turned my guts to water, instantly.

Aubrey jumped up, and to my relief she had her tank top and pants on. That meant I wasn’t there by accident, or so I hoped.

In a flurry of motion, she scooped up the little girl and got her out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Alone in the room, I wrestled off the bed covers and got myself clothed as quickly as I could.

So much for meeting Bell under a calm, controlled situation and not emotionally scarring the kid for life. Part of me wanted to laugh, but the other part of me felt like a disgusting low-life bastard. I had the motorcycle out front, scary tattoos all over my arms, and I was the jerk here. Poor kid.

I stood at the door, listening as they talked. It didn’t sound great, but at least she wasn’t screaming anymore.

Should I leave the bedroom? Stay there until they left for school and then slip away like a ghost?

The TV came on in the living room, and a moment later, Aubrey let herself back into the bedroom.

“She’s okay,” she said, pushing me back toward the bed.

“I’m so sorry. This isn’t how I wanted this to go.” I shoved my hands into my jeans pockets, wishing I could go back in time and not fall asleep like a big, stupid lug.

“Listen, I wanted you to stay because I couldn’t let you leave before I tell you something.”

Her face was somber, and her tone made me break out in a cold sweat.

I sat on the bed and she joined me.

“You can tell me anything,” I said.

“This isn’t like… like I put your portrait in my drawing without asking. Sawyer, this is truly awful, and I want you to know that if you don’t like me anymore, that’s okay, but please, can you promise you won’t tell anyone?”

I took her hand and squeezed her soft fingers, so tiny and fragile in my banged-up hand.

“Aubrey, just try me. I can take a lot. You’d be surprised.”

“The reason I have Bell is because my mother was a lousy parent. She left us.”

“Okay. Well, you stepped up and took responsibility. That makes you a good person.”

“She left us with a dead body. Her boyfriend, Derek. We were living at his house, with him, just the four of us. I found him in the kitchen. Blood everywhere. There was a knife, and I guess someone stabbed him with it, because there were these cuts in his shirt. A lot of them.”

I stared straight ahead at her closet door, no idea what to say.

She continued, “I heard a noise down the hallway, and I thought for sure whoever killed Derek was going to kill me next. I picked up the knife and went down the hall. Bell was there, rubbing her eyes, just up from her nap. I grabbed her and held her so tight, and I knew right then, that out of all the people in the world, she was the one I cared about. I’d do anything for her.”

Her hand was still in mine, damp with sweat. Aubrey’s words felt heavy in the room.

“I don’t understand. So you mother’s in prison?”

“No, I don’t think so. I check the internet at the library for her name every so often, and from what I can tell they never found who killed him.”

“But you’re sure it was her? I’m sorry to say this, but couldn’t they both have been killed?”

She shook her head. “My mother’s things were gone. Not just her purse and her jewelry, but some of her clothes, and her suitcase, and her car. I waited for her a while, thinking she’d come back for Bell, if not for me. I never saw her again.”

“What an awful experience for you. I can’t even imagine. We’ve had some drama with my family, but nothing like that.”

“There’s more.”

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

Her face has an odd expression, like she was looking at something a thousand miles away.

She continued, “Even after all the shitty things she’d done, I still had some loyalty to my mother. She didn’t come back that night or the next morning. So I packed up what few things we could fit in a vehicle, and I made Bell go wait in the chicken shed. I dragged Derek’s body into my bedroom, where there was the most amount of wood, and I set the trailer on fire.”

The room got even heavier than I’d imagined possible as I thought of Aubrey dragging a body around, and setting a fire.

“I took Derek’s car, the one that barely ran, and Bell and I drove away from town with the fire at our backs. I thought for sure we’d only make it a few weeks before they caught up with us, but I hoped my mother would turn herself in. I was only seventeen, and I hoped to buy some time. I didn’t want to get put in foster care, but more than that, I didn’t want Bell to get put in the system.”
