Read Books Novel

Forever Consumed

“This body is going to change…” I murmur over my shoulder and against his cheek. “You’re going to lose this body, Seth. Show me how much you’re going to miss it.”

I move my hands to the headboard again, bracing myself, hoping that he’s going to take my advice and run with it. In the next five minutes I want him to drive us both home with the hardest orgasm we’ve ever felt together. With a dark chuckle, he grips my hips and plunges hard into me, almost stealing my breath. I breathe his name loudly whenever my lungs gather enough air. He reaches points inside me that are almost painful, but I can’t feel anything other than his hard length, taking me higher than I’ve ever been.

“Do you want it hard, Olivia?” he asks in a tone so dark, it’s almost taunting.

It makes me so fucking hot and I grind my ass into him, making him moan for a change. “Yes, Seth. Fuck me,” I demand as he nips my shoulder.

“Fuck you how?” He thrusts again, slower this time.

I can’t stand it… I need more! I need force!

“Hard,” my voice was barely a moan. “Hard… please, hard.”

I push back into him, and he thrusts hard, meeting me. Both of his hands dig into my hips as he takes control, pulling me back against him in time with his thrusts. He grips my hips so hard, I’m almost certain I’ll be bruised in the morning, but I don’t care. Right now, all I care about is being thoroughly fucked, by the man I thought I lost. I can’t remember ever needing his touch as badly as I do now.

Without warning he pulls out and roughly turns me around, throwing me down against the mattress. His body falls with mine, careful not to put his weight on me, and he places himself between my legs. He grabs my thigh and hooks my leg around his hip before forcing himself back into me. As my lips part, I look into his face, and in his eyes, I see his desire. A desire that I’m sure reflects my own. His eyes are dark—all traces of sweet, golden honey gone, and they bore into my own as he fucks me thoroughly. His lips curl with the beginnings of a smirk before he locks his mouth against mine and kisses me so hard I become dizzy. I lock my legs around his waist, unwilling to let him move away from me. This is it. I want to come now with his face barely an inch from my own. This new position filled more parts of me, hit new spots, and I cry out as he hits me hard, deep, and at the right angle. In the pit of my stomach, the balls of my feet, and the tips of my fingers, I feel my climax growing. I grasp Seth’s shoulders, his back, his hair, anything that’ll pull him deeper into me. I feel it then, igniting my body like a firework. I sink my teeth into my lip and groan as my orgasm builds to maximum point and pops over the edge like a champagne cork. I cry out, unable to keep my teeth in my lip as I’m tossed into the throws of orgasm. My nails dig hard into the skin of his shoulders, making Seth hiss. My orgasm barely winds down as Seth kisses me forcefully as his own orgasm claims him. He groans and pants my name in my mouth and against my own lips as I feel him emptying into me. A few minutes later our movements slow, but don’t completely stop as we each come down from our high. I smile lazily at Seth. All I wanted was to feel him inside of me… to fuck all of this morning’s problems away. They say sex doesn’t solve everything… but it’s a damn good starting point. Maybe there’d be no war if everyone was getting regular, mind-blowing orgasms.

Being with Seth is the best feeling in the world. There are no outside problems. It’s just us, all alone, consumed by passion and the need to take each other to the brink of chaos. It’s in those moments that I feel like everything is okay, that everything is perfect. Seth lowers his head to my chest and holds me tightly

“Olivia?” he murmurs, sounding tired as hell.

I run my hand through the back of his hair—up and down—massaging his scalp. “Hm?”

“There’s something I need to tell you… something I did today.”

“At the Aria?”

His entire body hardens against mine… and I can’t say that’s a good sign. “Yes.”

Silence falls and I wait patiently, trying my hardest not to assume the worst. I keep my fingers moving in carefree, soothing patterns.

“How many days are there until the fight?”

I frown, mentally counting the days. “Maybe fifteen?”

Seth lifts his head, bringing his amazing eyes to mine. His damn face is innocent and pleading, like a Goddamn puppy. “Fifteen days. In fifteen days I’ll tell you what I did.”

“Fifteen days?” I sound offended. Seth notices too and quickly brings his hands to my face, cupping my cheeks.

“It’s okay—don’t freak out. What I did isn’t catastrophic. Trust me. You might blow it out of proportion a little, but I promise it’s not as bad as you’re probably thinking. You’ll understand the second I explain it to you. I know you will.”

“If you’re so sure I’ll understand, why can’t you tell me now?”

His stare flickers to my lips before settling back on my eyes. In that brief movement, I see everything. They say more than his words ever can…

“Because you might lose me…” I whisper, tears stinging my eyes. “You’re worried you might lose me?”

He nods, kissing my chin. “Give me a chance to explain what happened. In fifteen days I’ll tell you everything.”

My throat tightens, making the next few words I want to say feel painful. “Did… did you have sex with someone else?”

He flinches, like the very question caused him physical pain. “No, I would never.”

I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding and suddenly, all is right in the world again. “Then I can wait fifteen days.”

Seth kisses me hard, forcing his tongue between my lips and stealing my breath. I kiss him back, letting him know that I’m here for him—forever.

No matter what he’s done, he has my forgiveness. To me, sex is like giving away pieces of your soul. Every time you have sex, your partner takes a piece of your soul and vice versa. I believe you have a soul mate, so you can take those pieces back every other time you’re intimate together. As long as Seth hasn’t given a piece of him to anyone else, there’s little he can do to lose me. I’ll forgive him for anything and everything as long as his penis doesn’t leave his pants… as long as he doesn’t share his soul—my soul—with anyone else.

And the main thing is; he didn’t.

Chapter Twelve


I’m awoken in the morning by Olivia diving over me, making the mattress bounce as she makes a break for the bathroom, clutching her stomach and covering her mouth. If that isn’t enough to wake me up, I’m wide awake the second she slams the bathroom door.

Running a hand over my face, I turn over and look at the clock. 8:00 A.M. I guess I missed training… Olivia and I stayed up late last night talking, and then having sex, and then talking some more. Yesterday I was so certain she’d never want to see me again—especially after I all but demanded she abort our child. She forgave me… she said she understood where I was coming from, and then left me lying here, wondering what great deed I did in my life for destiny to throw me such a fucking amazing girl. She even agreed to wait the fifteen days until after the fight… what kind of woman willingly waits fifteen days to find out a secret from their spouse? A crazy one? Try one that’s crazy in love with you and trusts you, idiot.

I shake my head and kick back the sheets. Faintly, I hear Olivia groan and then spit before the bathroom tap turns on. I’ll make her some breakfast. If she’s going to be throwing up for the next couple of weeks, the least I can do is keep her belly full.

Rubbing sleep from my eyes, I stagger over discarded clothing and over to the door. When I pull the door open, I pause as the distinct smell of freshly blended juice and eggs assaults my senses. Closing the door behind me, I descend the stairs and walk into the kitchen.

“Morning,” Darryl cheers, raising a glass of orange juice.

I take in the scene before me—Jackson is preparing bacon to fry on the pan and Selena is putting celery through a juicer. What the hell is going on?

“Uh… morning.”

“We’re making breakfast,” Selena tells me, stating the obvious.

“Shit,” I swear, stepping toward Darryl, who sits on a bar stool by the bench. “Did I forget someone’s birthday?”

“No, it’s for…” Selena’s brows furrow. “It’s for… I don’t know what it’s for, but it was Jackson’s idea.”

I look at Jackson, who glances at me and quickly shrugs his shoulders. “It’s nothing, just a nice family breakfast.”

A family breakfast… I like the sound of that.

“Seth? Are you cooking?” Olivia shouts from the top of the stairs, making Selena jump. She gives me a questioning look over shoulder that asks ‘did you tell her?’ I really wish she’d stop freaking out and looking at me with those large, worried eyes. It’s not like we’re having a secret affair. It was a kiss—two kisses—and I haven’t thought about it since. I shake my head.

“You didn’t tell her?” Darryl snaps under his breath.

Selena turns the juicer up, drowning out the sound of Olivia coming down the stairs.

“No, I didn’t. I told her I’ll tell her after the fight. Thanks for your little input last night, by the way.”

“You need to—morning!” Darryl cheers over my shoulder, falling back into his happy, cheery persona. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m all right,” she replies, slipping her hands around my bare waist and pressing her warm face to my back. She kisses me twice before slipping away and sliding onto the bar stool.

“No more food poisoning?” Selena asks, switching off the juicer and pouring Olivia a fresh juice.

An awkward silence falls and Olivia, Jackson, Darryl and I exchange glances. Selena is the only one who doesn’t know O’s pregnant.

“Nope. No more food poisoning.”

She hands Olivia the glass and we curiously watch the exchange between the two. “I thought so. You’re glowing this morning.”

I noticed too, and I have to admit I wonder if it’s because she’s pregnant or my bedroom skills are just that good. I lost count how many times I made her break apart in my hands and I snort, setting off a chain reaction with Darryl and Jackson.

Selena scrunches up her nose. “Oh, ew.”

With a blush as red as cherry, Olivia brings the glass to her lips and drinks the juice, all while shaking her head at me.

“What?” I laugh. “I didn’t mean to.”

“Get over yourself, Seth.” Jackson chuckles, throwing rashers of bacon down on the pan.

They sizzle and pop, filling the room with the most delicious smell. I rest against the bench beside Olivia, leaning most of my weight onto my elbows. She shifts uncomfortably and takes a long, nervous sip of her juice. She leans forward on the counter, leaning her mouth against the side of her hand. I feel my eyes widen in realization that she’s about to puke, and sure enough, Olivia twists on the stool and makes a run for the stairs. We watch until she’s slammed the bedroom door and we hear the second slam of the bathroom. Selena looks at me and Jackson drops his stare to the pan, pretending that he’s tending to the bacon. If I look closely, I’m sure I can see his ears straining to hear who’s going to be the one to tell Selena. Darryl scoops up a nearby magazine and pulls it up to cover his face. Pussies. Of course they’re going to make me do it. I reach for Olivia’s glass and take a long sip. Celery, apple, lemon and ginger tickle my taste buds. I lick my lips and set the glass back down.

“I don’t think your juice tastes that bad. She’s just over-exaggerating.”

Selena crosses her arms tightly over her chest as hidden snickers come from Jackson and Darryl. I bite my lip, trying hard not to join them.

“Did you re-heat the chicken stir-fry?”

“What?” I laugh so hard—until my stomach burns and I’m certain I’m going to die. Jackson and Darryl do, too. “Olivia has been throwing up in the morning for the last few days, she’s glowing, she can’t handle the smell of bacon, and you assume I reheated some of your stir-fry and fed it to her?” I laugh again. “Holy shit, Selena, you’re lucky you decided against a career in law. You can’t put clues together for shit.”

She pouts her glossed lips, growing more frustrated. “I don’t get it…”

Jesus. I don’t think she’d get it even if I wrote it all down for her. Jackson must’ve come to the same conclusion as me too, because he groans, “Seth knocked Olivia up.”

“Seth and Olivia are starting a family together.” Darryl corrects him with stern eyes, making the entire thing sound a hell of a lot more classy than the way Jackson put it.

Selena’s eyes widen and she covers her mouth with her hand. “Are you serious?”

I nod, unable to help a small smile.

“With yours?”

Well, there goes my smile. “Of course with mine. Who else’s would it be?”

Her cheeks blush pink and she shakes her head quickly, making her curls bounce. “Right, sorry.” She falls against the cupboard, staring at me in disbelief. “I can’t believe it. Is she all right?”

“Did she look okay to you?”


“Then she’s fine.”

As I finish, Olivia strolls back into the room, drawing everyone’s attention. She moves slowly as she takes it all in. “Well… this is kind of creepy,” she mutters.
