Read Books Novel

Forever Us

Forever Us (Forever Trilogy #3)(29)
Author: Sandi Lynn

“It was our pleasure, Phil. You know you’re always welcome here.”

He drank part of his drink, set it on the table, and then announced he had to leave. Connor showed him to the door and gave him the money for the pizza.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Connor said as he shut the door.

He turned around and looked at me as I walked over to him and collapsed in his arms.

“I’m tired. I think I’ll go take a hot bath,” I said.

“Okay, baby. I’ll be up in a while. I have some papers I need to go over and then I’m going to call Detective James.”

When I reached the top of the stairs, I stopped in the nursery to check on Julia. She was sound asleep. I started the bath water, poured a capful of bubble bath, and stepped into the tub. As I lay back, I slowly closed my eyes and took in a deep relaxing breath. All I wanted to do was escape into a world where it was only the three of us. As I was dreaming about my alternate world, Connor walked into the bathroom and sat on the edge of the tub.

“Are you enjoying your bath?” he asked.

“Yes, I am. I was dreaming about our alternate world.”

Connor looked at me strangely. “What are you talking about?”

“I invented a world where it’s only me, you, and Julia. Just the three of us, living happily ever after.” I smiled.

“I love your imagination,” he said as he lightly ran his finger up and down my arm. “Are you imagining the things I’m doing to you in your alternate world? Are you imagining me making passionate love to you all night long because I can’t get enough of you? Are you imagining me whispering ‘I love you’ in your ear as I’m slowly moving in and out you?”

Whenever Connor talked like that, in that tone, he always put me in a trance. It was like I was frozen by his words and I was unable to move. As he spoke, he fondled my breast. While he stared into my eyes, he ran his thumb over my puckered nipple and leaned over to kiss my lips.

“You need to get out of the bath now,” he whispered.

“What if I’m not done yet?” I whispered back.

“You’re done, Mrs. Black, because I’m going to take you to your alternate world and do things to you there I’ve never done before. I’m going to make it so you don’t want to come back.”

I gasped as he took my hand and stood me up. He grabbed the towel I had sitting next to the tub, wrapped it around me, and helped me out. He dried every part of me in a seductive manner and removed the clip that was holding my hair up, letting it fall over my shoulders. He took in a sharp breath as he placed his hand on the side of my face.

“I’m so in love with you, and I need you. I need you every day. You’re my strength and my light and, without you, I’m nothing.”

As I smiled at him, he picked me up and carried me to our bed. He gently laid me down as his fingers deftly removed my towel, and he took me to my alternate world. He was right; I didn’t want to come back.

Chapter 34


“You were right, Connor,” Paul said as he walked into my office and threw the file on my desk.

I sat there and shook my head as I read the contents inside. “Fuck!” I yelled as I slammed it down.

“I can’t believe it either. What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know yet,” I said as I paced back and forth.

Since I had taken my father’s place as CEO of Black Enterprises, I had never needed to ask for his advice, until now. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed him.

“Dad, I need you to come down to the office. I need to talk to you about a situation that’s going on.”

“All right, Connor, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

As I hung up the phone, I walked out to where Valerie sat. “My father will be here shortly. Cancel my meeting for this afternoon and do me a favor and order us some sandwiches from the deli down the street. Nobody, and I mean nobody is to disturb us, not even Phil, do you understand me?”

“What about Mrs. Black?”

“Well, of course her, but she usually just calls my cell phone.”

“Very good, Connor. I’ll get on those sandwiches now.” She smiled.

I walked back into my office and sat down at my desk. “I want you in on this meeting with my father, Paul.”

“I figured as much. Do you want me to call anyone else?”

“No, this is to stay between the three of us.”

About an hour later, my father came strolling into my office and Valerie entered with the sandwiches. We took a seat at the table and my father looked at me.

“What’s going on, Connor?”

“Take a look at this,” I said as I slid the file across the table. “Remember the conversation we had a couple of weeks ago?”

My father opened the file, looked at it, and then looked at me with an expression of shock. “Are you f**king kidding me?”

“I wish I was,” I replied.

“I’m at a loss for words, son. I don’t know what to think about this.”

As I got up from my seat, I walked over to the bar and poured a scotch.

“Connor, I can see the rage in your eyes and the first thing you need to do is to calm down. You won’t do anybody any good if you start acting crazy and out of control. Think of the situation and repercussions if you go off the deep end.”

He was right. I needed to calm myself and think this through very carefully. I sat back down and the three of us discussed the matter further, trying to formulate a plan of action. Once I was satisfied with what we came up with, my father and Paul left the office, and I made a couple of phone calls. One of the phone calls I made was to Denny to see if he was up for a visit; I hadn’t seen him since the first day he was released from the hospital.


“You’re looking better every day,” I said to him as I handed him a bottle of his favorite bourbon.

“Thanks, Connor.” He smiled. “How are Ellery and Julia?”

“They’re good. I need to talk to you about a situation and something that’s going on over at Black Enterprises.” I sighed as I sat down in the chair across from him.

Denny had always been like a father to me. He’d done things for me in my younger days that my father would’ve killed me for if he knew. He’d always had my back and was there when I needed him; a strong-willed man and a person who would give you the shirt off his back if you asked him for it. Nobody in this world, except Ellery, knew how important Denny was to me and that was because he’d become a father figure to her as well. We talked for over an hour, and as I explained the situation to him, he was shocked, just like Paul, my father, and I were.

“You know what you have to do, Connor. You better be careful and, if I was strong enough, I would help you.”

“You aren’t doing a thing. I can take care of this. I need you to get better because driving in that New York City traffic is killing me.”

“Why don’t you hire another driver until I can come back?” he asked.

“I don’t want another driver, Denny.” I smiled. “I need to get home to my wife and daughter. Enjoy the bourbon, and I’ll see you soon,” I said as I walked out the door.

The drive home was terrible. As I stepped off the elevator and into the penthouse, I heard Ellery’s sweet voice singing to Julia. When I walked into the living room, I stood in the archway and watched as Ellery danced around the room with Julia. As I leaned up against the wall, Ellery saw me and smiled.

“Look, Julia, your daddy’s home,” she said as she turned so Julia could see me.

Julia screeched so loud that it was enough to pierce anyone’s eardrums. Ellery danced over to me and I took Julia from her.

“You are awfully loud, little girl.” I smiled as I held her up in the air. She continued to screech as drool came from her mouth and onto my face.

Ellery laughed as she handed me a cloth diaper. “You know she drools a lot when she’s teething.”

I didn’t want to ruin the moment, but I had to ask her. “Did you get any more texts today?”

Ellery nodded her head as she walked over to the table and grabbed her phone. I took the phone from her hand and handed Julia back to her. I stood, outraged, as I read the messages.

“Dearest Ellery, I want you on your knees, in front of me, sucking me off until I explode inside your mouth.”

“You have no idea what a sexual creature you are to me, Ellery. You don’t know what it’s like to crave something you can’t have.”

“I want to tie you up and whip you until you bleed. Then I’ll make your wounds better with my tongue as you come from the pleasure you’re going to feel.”

My skin grew hot and my pulse started racing, but I stayed calm, for Ellery’s sake. She looked at me with tears in her eyes as I handed her the phone back. I took Julia from her arms and set her amongst her toys on the floor. When I turned around, I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly.

“You’re a rock. You have more strength over this than I do, and I’m so proud of you, baby.”

“You and Julia keep me strong,” she whispered.

As I broke our embrace, I told Ellery that I needed to talk to her as we sat down on the couch.

“I need to take a business trip, and I need to leave tomorrow. It’s something urgent that came up with the Chicago office and I need to be there to straighten it out.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“As much as I want you to, you’ll be safer here. I’ll be tied up in meetings and I won’t be able to keep an eye on you. I won’t be gone long, only a couple of days.”

“But I’ll miss you,” she said.

“I’ll miss you too, baby. It’s only one night.” I hated leaving her, but I had no choice.

Chapter 35


As I packed Julia’s diaper bag, Connor walked into the nursery, holding her.

“I can’t believe you and my baby aren’t going to be here tonight.” I pouted.

“Just think of the fun you and Peyton will have. You can watch scary movies, make popcorn, and do whatever it is you women do,” Connor said.

“I guess,” I sighed as I handed him the diaper bag.

Mason was downstairs and eagerly waiting for Connor to hand over Julia. “Come here, princess. We’re going to have so much fun! Ellery, don’t worry about her. You and Peyton have a fabulous time tonight,” he said as he took the diaper bag, kissed me on the cheek, and stepped into the elevator with Julia.

I kissed her goodbye and, as soon as they left, I said my goodbyes to Connor. “Have a safe trip, darling.”

“I will. You behave yourself while I’m gone and don’t forget that Justin will be outside the door.”

“I’ll try.” I winked.

When the elevator came back up, Connor stepped into it and pushed the button. Just before the doors were about to close, he stopped them.

“I forgot to tell you that Phil is stopping by tonight to drop off some papers.”

“Okay. I’ll set them in your office.”
