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Forged in Steele

They drove past the war room, where most of the planning and intelligence meetings took place. She perked up, curious because she’d imagined they’d go there, but now that they’d passed it, she was relieved. She wasn’t up for a sterile, intimidating meeting where she gave an accounting.

She relaxed when they pulled up to Sam’s sprawling house. There were no other vehicles besides Sam’s and Sophie’s. It looked to be a quiet meeting, whatever it turned out to be.

Steele reached over and squeezed her hand. “There’s something I want you to know so you aren’t unprepared and also so you know it’s not too late to back out. Everyone has arranged a little surprise party for you. They’re all thrilled and relieved to have you back and safe. I didn’t want to blindside you with this, so that’s why I’m ruining the surprise, so to speak. Sam told me about it this morning when I talked to him. He didn’t want me to tell you, but I don’t want to overwhelm you. So are you going to be okay with this? Because if you’d rather not deal with this today, I’ll absolutely turn around and I’ll let Sam know we can do it another time.”

She smiled, warmth traveling through her chest at the idea that everyone was so relieved she was safe and that they wanted to welcome her back. She squeezed his hand back. “That sounds really perfect, and I appreciate the heads-up so I don’t make an ass out of myself.”

“So you want to do it?”

“Yeah, let’s do it. I can’t wait to see everyone.”

Steele got out and waited at the front of the vehicle for her to meet him, and then he fell into step beside her, wrapping an arm loosely around her waist as he guided her toward the back of the house.

When the deck came into sight, Maren’s throat tightened. The entire Kelly clan was there and so were the KGI teams. All three of them!

A round of applause broke out and cheers erupted into the air. Charlotte was holding a fistful of balloon strings and she let them go, shrieking with delight as the balloons lifted and sailed away.

Maren stood stock-still, her mouth still open as Steele turned to her and grinned.

“Surprise,” he said in a low voice. “I told you that you’re very important to us, Maren.”

Tears filled her eyes and Steele immediately looked panicked.

“Don’t cry,” he said. “Whatever you do, don’t cry.”

She whipped her head back toward the steps of the deck, where the Kellys were now pouring down, and hastily wiped at her eyes so Steele wouldn’t melt down. Then she laughed. It bubbled up from inside her, and God, did it feel good to let go.

Sam was the first to arrive and he crushed her into a monstrous hug. She closed her eyes and absorbed the hug. She and Sam had been friends a long time. Of all the Kellys, she was closest to him. He called her often just to chat. Sometimes to ask for medical advice or general advice on matters bothering him. Theirs was an easy friendship. One she was very grateful for.

“I’m so glad you’re safe,” Sam muttered. “I was worried sick, Maren. Thank God you’re here where we can watch out for you.”

“I owe you and everyone in KGI a huge thank-you,” she said, as she pulled away from his hug. “You all did so much for me. Without you, I wouldn’t be here now.”

Sam took her hand and tugged her away from Steele and toward the steps. “Come on. Everyone’s dying to see you.”

She glanced back at Steele, who looked none too happy that Sam had spirited her away. She smiled and shrugged before turning back so she could see where she was going.

“Aunt Maren!” Charlotte yelled as soon as Sam and Maren hit the top of the steps.

“There’s my Cece!” Maren exclaimed as she swept her into her arms.

Then she groaned and clutched the wiggling toddler—well, she wasn’t really a toddler anymore—because her knees nearly buckled under the weight.

“Whoa there,” Steele murmured beside her. He swept in and plucked Charlotte from Maren’s arms and then settled her on his hip so she was still right beside Maren and within reaching distance. “You shouldn’t be lifting something so heavy.”

Maren leaned in to kiss Charlotte’s sweet baby cheeks and then tickled her stomach, listening to the giggles that erupted.

“Maren, we’re so happy you’re home,” Sophie said.

Maren hugged Sam’s wife. “I’m very happy to be here too. I can’t believe how big Charlotte is getting. It breaks my heart!”

And then Maren caught sight of Rachel Kelly, sitting on the other side of the huge deck, Ethan at her side, each holding a baby.

“Oh gosh, excuse me, Sophie.” Then she caught sight of everyone crowded around her, all waiting to offer their hugs and relief at her being safe. “Sorry, guys, give me just a minute please. I want to go see the twins.”

Laughter rang out all around.

“They do have a way of stealing the show,” Garrett said ruefully. “Ethan contributes greatly to that by swearing he has the most clever children to ever grace planet earth.”

“I’m sure the Kelly genes have nothing to do with that,” Maren said with a grin.

She pushed through the crowd, smiling at so many familiar, warm faces. It gave her heart a squeeze and left a comfortable glow in her chest. These people cared about her. Really cared. They were a second family to her, as beloved as her own parents and brother.

As soon as she neared Ethan and Rachel, Rachel passed the baby she was holding to Rusty, who was sitting on Rachel’s other side, and then she rapidly stood and enfolded Maren in a fierce hug.

“I’m so glad you’re back,” Rachel said. “We were all so worried. I was worried, Maren. You scared me to death.”

“You look so beautiful,” Maren said. “Motherhood agrees with you, Rachel. Introduce me to your babies? Both boys, from what I’ve heard.”

Rachel beamed and then Ethan stood, still holding one of his sons. He wrapped one arm around Maren, hugging her to his side while still cradling the baby in his other.

“You look good with a baby in your arms, Ethan.”

Ethan smiled, and it warmed his entire face. Happiness and deep contentment shone in his eyes, and there was so much love in his gaze as he looked between his children and his wife that emotion knotted in Maren’s throat.

Rusty stood so that Maren was flanked by babies, and Rachel smiled proudly as she pulled the blanket away from their faces so Maren could see.

“This little guy Rusty is holding is Ian. And the one Ethan is holding is Mason.”

“Can I . . . can I hold one?” Maren whispered.

Rusty promptly handed over Ian, and Maren nestled the baby just right in her arms and then pulled the blanket under his chin so she could see his features.

Tears filled her eyes. This would be her soon. Holding her own child. Hers and Steele’s. She lifted her head, automatically searching him out in the crowd. His gaze was locked onto her, and it was clear that the image of her holding a baby had affected him just as profoundly.

If she’d doubted his earlier declaration of love, there wasn’t a single doubt now. His love was there for the entire world to see. No one could possibly look at him, at how he was looking at her, and believe for a minute that Steele’s heart wasn’t involved.

It was a look she’d never seen on his face. It was a window right into his soul, an opening he never gave anyone. And he didn’t look like he cared who saw it.

She glanced down at the baby and then back up at Steele, hoping he got the silent message.

He smiled at her, his entire face softening. He’d understood perfectly. He knew that she was telling him that soon this would be their child she held. She committed that smile and the love in his eyes to memory, never wanting to forget this moment.

“They’re so beautiful, Rachel. I can hardly wait to hold my own baby.”

Rachel squeezed Maren’s hand and then wrapped an arm around her waist as they both peered down at the baby she held.

“Any plans to have a child, or are you talking a long way into the future?”

Heat crept into Maren’s cheeks, but she refused to be anything but truthful. She didn’t regret for a moment that she was pregnant or that she was having Steele’s baby. And since Steele planned to tell everyone anyway, it wasn’t as if Rachel wouldn’t know soon enough.

“How’s about five months sound?” Maren asked.

Rachel’s and Rusty’s mouths popped open. Ethan blinked as if he’d misheard.

“Really?” Rachel squeaked. And then, as if realizing the possibilities, Rachel’s gaze grew worried and anxious. “Oh God, Maren. Is this a good thing? It wasn’t . . . I mean, he didn’t . . .” She broke off, sorrow creeping into her eyes.

Maren handed the baby back to Rusty and then took both of Rachel’s hands in hers. “It’s a very good thing. You’re all about to hear our news anyway.”

“I’d say now is as good a time as any,” Steele said.

Maren whirled around, letting one of Rachel’s hands drop, to see Steele standing right behind her. His hand went to her nape, his fingers wrapping around it while his thumb caressed the spot right behind her ear.

“Everyone already wants to hug you and tell you how glad they are you’re back. We may as well tell everyone the good news so they don’t have to hug you all over again.”

His tone was dry, and it amused her that he sounded so uncomfortable with all the hugging and emotion being flung around. She slipped to his side, accepting the warmth of his hold when he dropped his arms over her shoulders.

“I’m ready when you are,” she whispered.

“You sure?” Steele asked. “I don’t mind who knows. I’d tell the world. But I want to make sure you’re comfortable with this.”

“As long as you’re right here beside me, I can take on anything, Steele.”

“Bet your ass,” he murmured, right before he leaned down and kissed her right in front of everyone.

When Maren pulled away, she felt a little goofy and she was sure she was wearing an even goofier smile.

Rusty had a total deer-in-the-headlights look. Rachel’s mouth was gaping open and Ethan just looked confused. He stared at Steele as though aliens had invaded his body. She had to admit, it had taken her quite some time to adjust—and she was still adjusting—to the differences in Steele’s demeanor when he was around her.

As her gaze swept the rest of the crowd, she saw similar reactions there. Everything from amusement to disbelief. Grace and Rio were both present and Grace looked smug. She had a knowing smile, and then she turned to Rio with her palm upward in a clear “pay up” gesture.

She didn’t even want to know what that was all about.

She tucked her hand into Steele’s and let him lead her back to the spot where Sam stood against the house. Steele turned to face the others, his hand still securely around Maren’s.

He didn’t have to ask for attention. Everyone had gone dead silent the moment he’d kissed her. And now all eyes were on them as they waited for what Steele had to say.

“Maren is pregnant and she’ll be having our child in about five months time.”

Never one to mince words, that much was certain.

Maren braced herself for the reaction. It was actually quite comical. No one was staring at her in the least. Every eye was on Steele, and the expressions were priceless. She wished she had a camera to record the reactions.

Then the silence was broken as everyone began talking at once. Beside them, Sam looked stupefied. It was obvious he wanted to say something to Steele, whether it was to congratulate him or something else, but his eyes were blank and his lips stayed parted as he stared at both Maren and Steele.

And then Steele’s team pushed to the front and surrounded her and Steele. P.J. was the first to hug Maren. The rest of the team fist-bumped with Steele and made several cracks about Daddy Steele and raising little kick-ass ninjas. P.J. offered sniper lessons while Baker and Renshaw argued over who best would teach the baby about explosives.

“Not trying to be rude, Baker, but um, I’m thinking you aren’t the best instructor for anything having to do with explosives,” Maren said dubiously.

The team cracked up and immediately started giving Baker shit about getting too close to the explosives.

“This is going to change things,” Cole said, drawing his words out. He’d said it in a quieter tone so it didn’t carry to the others, but his team heard and acknowledged it with grim nods of their heads.

“It does change things,” Steele said. “I’m not going to discuss it right here and now, though. I’d like to have you all out to the house tomorrow where we can talk without thirty other people present.”

They all acknowledged his declaration with a nod and then moved back so the others could swarm in with their well-wishes.

Maren hadn’t yet met the two newest members of KGI, and she was delighted that P.J. was no longer the only female member of the organization.