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Four: The Son: A Divergent Story

Four: The Son: A Divergent Story (Divergent 0.3)(4)
Author: Veronica Roth

I don’t know what to do, so I circle “agree” for each one and pass my sheet back with everyone else’s.

Zeke and his date, Maria, are pressed up against a wall in a hallway next to the Pit. I can see their silhouettes from here. It looks like they’re still just as pressed-up-against-each-other as they were five minutes ago when they first went back there, giggling like idiots the whole time. I cross my arms and look back at Nicole.

“So,” I say.

“So,” she says, tipping forward onto the balls of her feet and back onto her heels again. “This is a little awkward, right?”

“Yeah,” I say, relieved. “It is.”

“How long have you been friends with Zeke?” she says. “I haven’t seen you around much.”

“A few weeks,” I say. “We met during initiation.”

“Oh,” she says. “Were you a transfer?”

“Um . . .” I don’t want to admit that I transferred from Abnegation, partly because whenever I admit that, people start thinking I’m uptight, and partly because I don’t like to toss out hints about my parentage when I can avoid it. I decide to lie. “No, just . . . kept to myself before then, I guess.”

“Oh.” She narrows her eyes a little. “You must have been really good at it.”

“One of my specialties,” I say. “How long have you been friends with Maria?”

“Since we were kids. She could trip and fall and land on a date with someone,” Nicole says. “Others of us aren’t as talented.”

“Yeah.” I shake my head. “Zeke had to push me into this a little.”

“Really.” Nicole raises an eyebrow. “Did he at least show you what you were in for?”

She points at herself.

“Um, yeah,” I say. “I wasn’t sure if you were my type, but I thought maybe—”

“Not your type.” She sounds cold, suddenly. I try to backtrack.

“I mean, I don’t think that’s that important,” I say. “Personality is much more important than—”

“Than my unsatisfactory looks?” She raises both eyebrows.

“That’s not what I said,” I say. “I’m . . . really terrible at this.”

“Yeah,” she says. “You are.”

She grabs the small black bag that was resting against her feet and tucks it under her arm. “Tell Maria I had to go home early.”

She stalks away from the railing and disappears into one of the paths next to the Pit. I sigh and look at Zeke and Maria again. I can tell by the faint movements I’m able to detect that they haven’t slowed down at all. I tap my fingers against the railing. Now that our double date has become an awkward, triangle-shaped date, it must be all right for me to leave.

I spot Shauna coming out of the cafeteria and wave to her.

“Isn’t tonight your big date night with Ezekiel?” she says.

“Ezekiel,” I say, cringing. “I forgot that was his whole name. Yeah, my date just stormed off.”

“Good one,” she says, laughing. “What’d you last, ten minutes?”

“Five,” I say, and I find myself laughing, too. “Apparently I’m insensitive.”

“No,” she says with mock surprise. “You? But you’re so sentimental and sweet!”

“Funny,” I say. “Where’s Lynn?”

“She started arguing with Hector. Our little brother,” she says. “And I’ve been listening to them do that for, oh, my whole life. So I left. I thought I’d go to the training room, get some exercise in. Want to go?”

“Yeah,” I say. “Let’s go.”

We head toward the training room, but then I realize that we have to walk down the same hallway that Zeke and Maria currently occupy to get there. I try to stop Shauna with a hand, but I’m too late—she sees their two bodies pressed together, her eyes wide. She pauses for a moment, and I hear smacking noises I wish I hadn’t heard. Then she moves down the hallway again, walking so fast I have to jog to catch up to her.


“Training room,” she says.

When we get there, she starts immediately on the punching bag, and I’ve never seen her hit so hard before.

“Though it might seem strange, it’s important for high-level Dauntless to understand how a few programs work,” Max says. “The surveillance program in the control room is an obvious one—a Dauntless leader will sometimes have to monitor the things happening in the faction. Then there’s the simulation programs, which you have to understand in order to evaluate Dauntless initiates. Also the currency tracking program, which keeps commerce in our faction running smoothly, among others. Some of these programs are pretty sophisticated, which means you’ll have to be able to learn computer skills easily, if you don’t already have them. That’s what we’ll be doing today.”

He gestures to the woman standing at his left shoulder. I recognize her from the game of Dare. She’s young, with purple streaks in her short hair and more piercings than I can easily count.

“Lauren here will be teaching you some of the basics, and then we’ll test you,” Max says. “Lauren is one of our initiation instructors, but in her downtime she works as a computer technician in Dauntless headquarters. It’s a little Erudite of her, but we’ll let it slide for the sake of convenience.”

Max winks at her, and she grins.

“Go ahead,” he says. “I’ll be back in an hour.”

Max leaves, and Lauren claps her hands together.

“Right,” she says. “Today we’re going to talk about how programming works. Those of you who already have some experience with this, please feel free to tune out. The rest of you better keep focused because I’m not going to repeat myself. Learning this stuff is like learning a language—it’s not enough to memorize the words; you also have to understand the rules and why they work the way they do.”

When I was younger, I volunteered in the computer labs in the Upper Levels building to meet my faction-mandated volunteer hours—and to get out of the house—and I learned how to take a computer apart and put it back together. But I never learned about this. The next hour passes in a blur of technical terms I can barely keep up with. I try to jot some notes on a piece of scrap paper I found on the floor, but she’s moving so fast it’s hard for my hand to keep up with my ears, so I abandon the effort after a few minutes and just try to pay attention. She shows examples of what she’s talking about on a screen at the front of the room, and it’s hard not to be distracted by the view from the windows behind her—from this angle, the Pire displays the city’s skyline, the prongs of the Hub piercing the sky, the marsh peeking from between the glimmering buildings.
