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Full Exposure

Her tongue met his, tangled, explored his mouth as he had explored hers. She sucked his lower lip between her own, nipped softly and laughed at his groan of arousal. Her hands slipped between them, teased his ni**les for a moment before she pushed him, hard.

He landed on the bed and she followed him, straddling his thighs as her mouth skimmed hotly over his lips, across his cheek, up to his ear. “I want you.” She whispered softly, urgently. “I need you. Now.”

Her fingers pushed at his shirt, lifting it out of the way so she could caress, lick, bite her way across his heavily muscled chest. Her tongue darted out, licked his nipple, darted back in. Again and again, even as her fingers fumbled desperately with his belt buckle.

“Bebe, slow down.” He reached between them, took hold of her hands and lifted first one, then the other, to his lips. “We’ve got all night.”

“I don’t want to wait that long.” Her voice was low, teasing, but with an underlying urgency that was hard to ignore.

Kevin felt his c**k grow harder—who knew that was possible—as lust, hot and demanding, roared through him. He pulled her face to his, ravaging her lips with his as he explored every centimeter of that sexy, sultry mouth. He reached for her br**sts, frustrated to find them still covered in the light cotton of her shirt. He wanted to touch her, to feel every inch of her lush body pressed against his. He had to feel her. He grabbed both sides of Serena’s shirt, his body raging, desperate for relief. With one strong downward motion of his hands, he ripped the material apart. Buttons flew, but neither paid any attention as his lips fastened over her nipple and he pushed the tattered shirt down her arms.

The scars on her chest and abdomen stood out in stark relief against her bronze skin and he paused, once again fighting the murderous rage that threatened to overwhelm him. That son of a bitch had stabbed her. Had tried to kill her. And now he was going to be free. It was too much—

“Kevin, Kevin.” Serena drew him back to the moment with her breathless pleas. She was out of control, her hands yanking his jeans halfway down his legs, her breathing ragged as she finally succeeded in freeing his c**k to her questing fingers.

He deliberately put LaFleur out of his mind, refusing to let his memories of this night be ruined by that fils de putin. He would deal with LaFleur later. Much later, he acknowledged as Serena moved against him, her long legs jockeying with his for position.

He wanted to slow down, to savor every inch of her, but Serena’s passion was out of control and infectious. Suddenly, he was desperate to feel her—to taste her with nothing between them. He worked feverishly on her bra, even as he sucked her nipple through the fragile lace.

When finally, finally, the clasp gave way beneath his questing fingers, Serena sobbed in relief. She clasped Kevin’s head to her breast, her body arching up. She had to touch him, to feel every inch of him pressed against her. Pressed inside her.

Kevin lifted his head and she nearly whimpered in disappointment. Don’t stop, she wanted to shout. Don’t give me time to think. She reached a hand between their bodies, circled his c**k and slowly, slowly began to stroke. He was as hard as the metal he sculpted, and as immense. As her hand stroked up and down, finding his tip and teasing the small drop of fluid she found there, she had a moment’s concern about whether or not they would fit.

She wasn’t a small woman, but he was huge. She should have guessed. Tall, large hands and feet. Only an idiot would have been caught by surprise. But she wanted him, was desperate for him if the truth were told, and his pulsing erection aroused her unbearably.

Again she stroked her thumb over his head, again it came away just a little wet. Staring into his bottomless sapphire eyes, she brought her thumb to her lips and slowly licked. “Mmmm,” she purred as she tasted the incredible earthiness that was Kevin.

Eyes blazing, heart pounding, Kevin kissed his way down her body, praying that he wouldn’t embarrass himself. He hadn’t been this unsure of his own control since high school, and he wanted—needed—this to be as good for Serena as it was for him. Better.

She might be cool and collected most of the time, but in bed she was hotter, wilder than he could ever have imagined. He licked his way, slowly, down her rib cage to her belly button. His tongue darted out, teased the slight indentation of her navel—played with the small gold hoop there—before continuing down her abdomen to her dark blond pubic hair.

She moaned, fisting her hands in his hair. “Now,” she breathed, her entire body taught with desire. “Kevin, it’s got to be now.”

“Soon, cher,” he murmured, as he slowly—oh so slowly—slipped a finger inside of her. She was incredibly hot, deliciously wet, and his entire body clenched with need. But two could play her game.

He slowly pulled his finger out and she whimpered, h*ps lifting, before she could control herself. “Kevin,” she gasped. “Please.”

He smiled, darkly, as he raised his finger to his mouth. He breathed deeply, loving the spicy-sweet scent of her. “Delicious,” he murmured before sliding his finger into his mouth and taking her essence inside him.

She moaned, her fists twisting in the sheets as she bucked frantically against him. “Kevin!” Her voice was high, sharp, and he knew that he had pushed her as far as she could take. But he wanted to do so much more.

He wanted to bury his face between her thighs and feast until she screamed in ecstasy. He wanted to kiss every inch of her body, make her crazy with desire until she could think of nothing, of no one, but him.

But she was whimpering, frantic, and he couldn’t take any more of her cries without exploding. He grabbed a condom and quickly rolled it over himself before reaching between them and flicking a finger once, twice, over her clit.

Ecstasy roared through her and Serena screamed, her fingers grabbing at his shoulders, her body wildly arching against his. He plunged into her as she came, moving hard and fast against her. Intensifying her orgasm, building toward his own.

Her legs twined around his, her feet digging into the back of his thighs as he pounded into her. “Again,” she murmured. “Again.”

“And again and again and again.” He grinned, watching her beautiful eyes dilate with passion. She was hot, disheveled, sweaty. And he loved it. Loved knowing she could let go like this, loved knowing that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

Kevin reached down, drew her nipple into his mouth. He sucked hard as he continued moving inside of her. He was close, so close he thought he’d explode any second. His balls were boiling, his c**k throbbing, but he wanted to make her come again. Needed to see her face as it ripped through her. Had to be inside of her when it happened this time.

She was sobbing, her hands tangled in his hands as her body shuddered over and over again. “Please, please.”

“That’s it, baby. Come for me again. I have to feel you.” His words were strangled as he moved faster and faster, loving the warm, wet feel of her muscles clenching around his cock. He lowered his mouth to her breast, sucked hard even as he reached between them and stroked her clit.

Serena screamed, her body bucking wildly against him as a second orgasm—more intense and out of control than the first—ripped through her. He rode her through it, took her higher and higher until nothing existed but the intense, rolling pleasure that went on and on. Grabbing her hips, he tilted them until she was open fully to him.

He was going to explode, he couldn’t hold back any longer, he had to—With a groan of ecstasy he came, harder, longer, and more intensely than he ever had before. The world went black and he was lost, totally, to the insane pleasure overloading his senses. He was dimly conscious of Serena’s own cries, of her body convulsing again and again, milking him as he emptied himself inside of her.

* * *

Serena’s head was swimming. Pleasure, satiation, confusion, fear—they chased each other around in her brain even as her limp body relaxed into the warmth of Kevin’s. Her breathing was still harsh, her head muddled, and a part of her wanted nothing more than to roll over and start the whole wonderful, confusing ride again.

But she’d been wild, out of control, totally unlike herself. She wanted to say something, anything, to keep the most beautiful experience in her life from becoming awkward. But she could already feel the tension coming back; her skin felt too tight and her muscles were slowly turning rock-hard. She’d poured her heart and soul out to Kevin, both physically and verbally, and now she felt raw.

They’d planned a simple sexual encounter and she’d gone and complicated it. She could feel his eyes on her, studying her even as his fingers tangled in her hair. She knew she should look at him, deal with the whole situation, but she was afraid. Afraid of her lack of control, afraid of her emotions, and perhaps most important, afraid of the pity she thought she’d see in his eyes. If he turned the most amazing sex of her life into a pity f**k she’d completely lose it. And once she did, would she ever get it back?

With a deep breath she pulled away, forcing a smile that she didn’t feel. “I’m going to go clean up.”

His eyes narrowed and a fierce frown turned his lips downward. “Already?” he asked.

She shrugged and turned away. “I’m hot. I’ll take a quick shower and be out in a few minutes.” She gathered her clothes as she spoke, darting into the bathroom and closing the door before Kevin could say another word. Holding her breath, waiting to see what Kevin would do, she finally released it in a shaky puff when she realized he wasn’t following her. Serena’s trembling legs refused to support her any longer and she sank slowly to the bathroom floor, wrapping her arms around herself as tears flowed, slow and silent, down her cheeks.

Chapter Six

Fuck, f**k, FUCK! Kevin rolled out of bed and began to pace the length of his bedroom, naked, as anger turned his stomach inside out. He’d damn well known better. He’d known it was too soon, known she’d regret it. But he hadn’t been able to keep his hands to himself or his c**k in his pants. Instead, he’d made love with a woman who was using him to forget the pain of her past. He’d taken Serena when she was lost and vulnerable and now they were both going to pay the price.

Fuck! He thrust both hands into his hair, sinking heavily onto the bed. What the hell was he supposed to do now? Pretend he hadn’t just had the most mind-blowing sex of his whole life? Act like he didn’t want her so much it was painful to breathe when he wasn’t inside of her? Ignore everything but the work?

No way. His teeth ground together. No f**king way. There was no way he was that good of an actor. And even if he was, there’s no way he’d do it.

Serena couldn’t stumble into his life, turn him inside out and then stumble out again, pretending nothing had happened. She might be able to compartmentalize her life into neat little boxes, but he didn’t work that way. He couldn’t work that way. Besides, the thought of never being inside of her again, of never again hearing the soft, sexy sounds she made as she came, was way too horrible to think about.

He heard the water start and images of Serena, n**ed and wet and in his shower, tormented him until his c**k stood straight up and the mere act of existing hurt. He studied the door through narrowed eyes, weighing his options as he listened to the water pound against the glass shower door.

He could play things Serena’s way for a while, give her some time and space. His mouth twisted in displeasure. He could wait for her to come out of the bathroom and have a civilized conversation about where they would go from here. His frown deepened and his eyes narrowed to little more than slits. Or he could go in there and demand to know what the hell was going on.

Before he could talk himself out of it, Kevin crossed to the bathroom and rested his hand on the doorknob. He would simply go in and talk to her about why she was upset—before she could get her defenses back in place. He knew, instinctively, that she’d fled because she didn’t want him to see her vulnerability, because she couldn’t stand for him to see the rawness that was still in her. But he couldn’t fight her if he didn’t know what she was thinking—confronting her before she had herself completely under control again was the way to go. With a decisive nod, he turned the handle and pushed the door open.
