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Full Exposure

Full Exposure(23)
Author: Tracy Wolff

But happiness was fleeting and there was no guarantee on human life. She’d learned that lesson early and well. Determined to enjoy the time they had left, she slowly unbuttoned Kevin’s shirt before pushing it off his shoulders.

Her head dipped and she traced the strong lines of his chest with her tongue. Kevin groaned, fisted a hand in her hair and tugged her face up to meet his.

“Tonight we do it my way.” He traced the soft, outer shell of her ear. Ran his tongue over the hollows of her throat. Skimmed his lips over her chest until he found one ripe, raspberry nipple and pulled it into his mouth.

Serena’s knees went weak as her awareness shrank to encompass Kevin and only Kevin. Her hands fisted in his glorious hair and she arched her back, offering him everything that she had, everything that she was. To hell with the future and to hell with the consequences. She wanted him, needed him, and for this brief moment of time he was hers.

Kevin eased her onto the bed, untying her robe as she went so that she was bared to him. He stretched out beside her but didn’t touch her. Serena moved restlessly, frustrated and aroused nearly beyond reason. He was close enough that she could feel his breath against her cheek, but whenever she turned toward him he moved just a little farther away.

“Kevin!” She sounded petulant, demanding, but couldn’t stop herself. Her br**sts throbbed and her inner thighs ached. She wanted him to take away the pain.

“Serena!” The word was low, mocking and his voice was filled with laughter. “Do you want something?”

“Yes.” She reached a hand toward him, but once again he moved beyond her grasp.

“What do you want?”

“You know.” She kept her voice low and her eyes averted.

“I don’t.” He waited until her eyes lifted to meet his. “Why don’t you tell me?”


He skimmed his lips over her shoulder, then pulled away abruptly. “What do you want, Serena?” His voice was hoarser than it had been, but she was too aroused to notice.

Rising up on her elbows, she glared at him with hot eyes. “You! I want you.” Her eyes narrowed even as she rubbed her leg against him. “But that could change at any second.”

He merely laughed at her threat and for a moment she was afraid her concession hadn’t been enough. But then he leaned over her and licked a slow, hot path from her collarbone to her navel. She gasped, arched up, clutched at him desperately. He laughed again, and her stomach tightened as the sound vibrated over her abdomen. “Somehow I doubt that,” he murmured, continuing his trail from her belly button to the top of her well-trimmed pubic hair.

Serena wailed his name before she could stop herself. “Fuck me. Please f**k me.” The words poured out before she could stop them.

“How?” he asked. His mouth was hot against her, his tongue poised over her clit.

Her h*ps arched involuntarily, and she gasped with relief as his tongue swept over her. Once, twice. He pulled away and she nearly sobbed with disappointment.

“You didn’t answer me, Serena. How do you want me to f**k you?” His voice was an aroused growl and she took solace in knowing that she was driving him nearly as crazy as he had driven her.

“You know.” She wanted to beg, but some vestige of pride prevented it.

“Tell me anyway.” He leaned over her, his blue eyes burning brightly, darkly. “Where do you want my cock?” He ran his tongue over her suddenly dry lips. “In your mouth?” he asked, before licking his way to her br**sts. “Between your tits?”

She whimpered, bucked against him as her need shot out of control. “Yes,” she gasped. “Yes!”

He straddled her, his eyes gleaming. “But I haven’t finished listing your choices.” He kissed her br**sts, drew first one nipple and then the other into his mouth as his talented fingers rubbed teasingly over her br**sts.

He rolled her over, worked his way down her spine one delicious lick at a time. Without warning, his teeth sunk into her ass, nipping her before his tongue soothed away the sting. Straddling her, he grabbed a wrist in each hand, spread-eagling her before she knew what was happening, holding her in place while he explored every inch of her back.

“Is this what you want?” His black-magic voice was darker, more seductive than usual, as he traced the line of her ass teasingly. “Do you want it here?”

He followed the line around until he found her, hotter and wetter than she’d ever been. He pulled her onto her knees, slid his hand under her to get better access to the slick, hidden folds, his fingers running back and forth against her slit over and over again. Dipping inside just enough to make her crazy, rubbing her inner lips just hard enough to have her gasping for breath and pressing back against him.

“This is what you want, isn’t it, bebe? You want me right here, between your thighs.” He thrust one finger inside of her hard, followed it with another and another. Her inner muscles clutched at the fingers greedily and Serena screamed at the pleasure he brought her.

“That feels so good,” she gasped, moving her h*ps in rhythm with his questing fingers. “You feel so good.”

She looked over her shoulder at Kevin, saw a dark intensity shining in his eyes that she’d never seen before. For a minute he looked wicked, wild, and she knew that she should be afraid. Afraid of the passion and the darkness inside of him. Afraid of those same qualities he brought alive within her. But she was too far gone to worry about it, too aroused to do anything but ride out the unbelievable sensations he drew from her body without any effort at all.

“It’s about to feel better,” he murmured, shifting so he lay beneath her, her legs on either side of his head.

His tongue—talented, terrible—darted out, caressed her inner folds again and again. Serena spread her legs wider, seeking something more, something deeper. With a groan of ecstasy, he clutched her ass, spread her legs as wide as possible and thrust his tongue deep inside her.

She came instantly, screaming and bucking wildly against his mouth. He held her in place, his iron grip unbreakable as he continued to lick and suck her through the first cli**x and into a second before he relented.

Serena settled herself next to Kevin with a low, satisfied moan. She was focused inward as aftershocks of incredible ecstasy continued to rack her body. She kept her eyes closed as she savored them, one after the other. Sweat gleamed on her brow as she sucked air into her oxygen-deprived lungs and her h*ps moved restlessly against the bedspread, searching for Kevin.

He was right next to her, smiling, as he reached a hand out to stroke her hair. To toy with the pearl necklace she still wore. “I couldn’t get it off when I undressed.” She answered his unasked question as she stretched against him. Her smile was lazy, her voice content even as she reached for him. “Your turn.”

“Not yet.” He shook his head, his eyes as turbulent and mysterious as the ocean she could see from the hotel balcony.

Her hand found his erection and she pumped gently as she ran her thumb back and forth over the tip. “Now.” She leaned forward and took him in her mouth, savoring his low groan as much as the feel of him against her lips, in her mouth.

His hands fisted in Serena’s hair before he could stop himself, anchoring her in place as she did the most amazing things with her mouth. He watched her lips sliding up and down his cock, watched her tongue swirl around him, pausing to flick at the drop of moisture he couldn’t stop. He hadn’t thought it possible, but he grew longer, thicker, harder.

He ran a finger lightly down her cheek, marveling at the delicate skin. She was so beautiful, so fragile, that he feared breaking her every time he put his hands on her. Even so, he couldn’t stop, couldn’t let her go. She was his and she would remain his.

Groaning as she took his entire length in her mouth, Kevin couldn’t stop the involuntary thrusting of his h*ps against her. But she didn’t mind—instead, she reached beneath him, cupped his ass and held him to her as her teeth lightly scraped the underside of his cock.

He took the incredible, mind-blowing torture as long as he possibly could. But when he was as close to coming as he dared get, he sat up abruptly and flipped her onto her back.

She looked up at him with passion-glazed eyes, licked her lips as if savoring his taste. Sweat trickled down his forehead and over his chest as he fought for control of his raging body. This night was for Serena, he reminded himself. There was plenty of time, later, to take care of his own needs. Besides, watching her come again and again was almost more pleasure than he could bear.

“Why did you stop me?” she asked, eyeing the rampant proof of his desire for her.

“When I come, it’ll be inside you.” His voice was harsh, rusty with need.

“Sounds good to me,” she purred, turning behind her to the nightstand and the brand new box of condoms that rested there.

He took advantage of her turned back, reaching up and unhooking her necklace before she realized it. She turned back, eyebrows raised. “What are you doing?” she asked.

His grin was wicked. “I have a better use for these.”

“Better use?” She frowned as she mulled over his words. He knew the exact second they sank in because her eyes widened in surprise. “Really? That’s not just a myth?”

“Definitely not. Now lay down.”

She followed his directions, her eyes both wary and excited as he began arousing her all over again. His lips were everywhere at once—her face, her br**sts, the back of her knees, her shoulders, her ankles. Every place he touched caught fire and soon she was thrashing against him, as desperate for him as he was for her.

He reached a finger between her thighs, gratified when it came away soaked. He didn’t know how much longer he could last. “Are you ready?” he asked, rolling the pearls slowly over her br**sts and stomach.

Her eyes met his, clung, and he saw her trust for him. A trust that at once awed and humbled him as he knew how much it cost her. “Yes.”

He stopped for a moment, lightly kissed her cheek, the corner of her mouth. “I love you, Serena.”

And then he began slipping the necklace, pearl by pearl, inside of her, murmuring encouragement until only a few remained outside. “How’s that feel?” he asked, brushing soft kisses over her abdomen and upper thighs. She tasted better than anything ever had.

Serena wiggled her h*ps experimentally, more nervous and more turned on than she’d ever been in her life. The pearls shifted inside of her as she moved and she gasped, shocked by the pleasure the simple movement sent shooting through her. “Really good,” she answered, looking into Kevin’s bold, beautiful eyes.

His grin flashed, dark and dangerous. “Good.” And then thrust a finger inside of her without warning, manipulating the pearls against the walls of her vag**a as he did so.

She gasped, arching off the bed as a wave of ecstasy more intense then anything she’d ever felt before rocketed through her. The pearls were everywhere, touching every single spot inside of her. Kevin found her G-spot with his finger and rolled pearl and after pearl against it until she screamed with frustrated abandon.

“I can’t take it, Kevin. I swear I can’t.”

His grin was dangerous. “You want me to stop?” His voice was low and teasing, his accent dark and pronounced.

“Yes.” Her h*ps arched against his hand. “No. Oh God, I don’t know. Do something. Do something!” Her h*ps jerked with each word, her voice getting louder and louder as he continued to torment her.

“How about this?” He leaned down, blew against her cl*t and she screamed, her h*ps coming completely off the bed.

“Finish it,” she begged. “Please. Don’t leave me like this. I can’t take it. I can’t—” Her h*ps jerked against him, again and again, as her head thrashed back and forth on the pillows. “Kevin!”

He grinned, watched sweat pour down her body as she undulated against the sheets, desperate for release. Then he closed his mouth over her cl*t and sucked until she was at fever pitch. Her hands grasped the sheet greedily, her legs moved restlessly against him and tears poured, unnoticed, down her cheeks.

This was what he wanted. Serena lost in ecstasy, on the brink of an orgasm so fantastic she couldn’t think, couldn’t worry, couldn’t control herself at all. He reached between her legs and slowly, slowly began to pull the string of pearls out.

One bead at a time, letting each slip against her cl*t as he did so. She began coming with the third pearl, clutching his hair and screaming his name loud enough to wake half the hotel. But he didn’t stop—he continued to draw the necklace out slowly, steadily, making sure each bead rubbed both her G-spot and her cl*t as it came out.

When the last pearl was removed she was still coming, still screaming. He rolled her onto her stomach and pushed into her from behind. He thrust into her again and again, harder and harder, riding her through the contractions rhythmically milking him. He felt her tension build, felt his own orgasm approaching, and when she spasmed again, he finally let himself go, pouring every ounce of himself inside of her. Hoping, praying, that she could give him just a little of herself back.
