Read Books Novel

Full Moon Kisses

Nash was stoked all day before the first night of the full moon. I knew that he'd be going to Brandon's for the cure as soon as the sun began to set. He acted like they were best buddies at lunch and the rest of the day at school.

"Please, can't you wait one more day?" I asked after final bell. I still worried that Ryder and his guys would cause trouble and Brandon would need Nash's help in the werewolf department.

He slapped me on the back. "You're so cute with your questions. I'm off for dinner, then catching up to Brandon at his house at dusk. You can kiss my werewolf lips good-bye," he said, puckering up.

I ignored him as I had since we stopped dating. I was incensed that he was so gleeful about taking the serum when there were other potentially dangerous werewolves in our town. I left him standing alone as I, frustrated, slipped away into the crowd of students.

I was waiting with Brandon outside his guesthouse when Nash's BMW pulled into the driveway. Brandon held the serum as Nash hopped out of the car and headed for us. I'd never seen him so happy as he sauntered up to us. But as the sun set behind us, I could see the fear rising in Nash. Perhaps it was too much to ask for him to wait to be cured of his condition - even for one more day.

"Here - " Brandon said, handing the serum to Nash. "You'll have to take it after you change. And good luck."

"That's it?"

"Those are the only instructions my father gave me."

"What if he loses control after he's turned and can't take it?" I asked.

"I won't lose control," Nash assured me. "Now that I remember everything, I'll remember why I have it."

"And I'll be here," I said, offering my support. "I'll remind you."

"I'll come back as soon as I change, in case you need my help," Brandon said.

"I really appreciate this, guys. More than you'll ever know," Nash said sincerely. "And I hope Dr. Meadows was right when she talked about a cure. She said, 'When the opportunity is revealed to you, the answer is yes. Take it. You will be normal again.'" Nash was excited about the possibility of being cured, and Dr. Meadows's prediction gave him some comfort. But there still was a risk, and he fidgeted anxiously.

The sun completely set and the full moon glowed behind us.

Nash started to breathe heavily. He lurched away from me and leaned against a tree.

When I turned back to Brandon, he had already disappeared.

"Get away from me," Nash said. Suddenly his eyes turned blue gray. He held the serum in his shaking hand. I was afraid he'd drop it and spill its entire contents.

Against his wishes, I crept close to him.

His hair was now long over his shoulders. He glanced away from me as I took the vial of serum from his now finely haired hand.

He stood in full werewolf form. He turned back to me with lonely eyes. "I know what's happening to me, Celeste. And I hate every minute of this. Please. Let me have that!"

I held the serum in my hand.

"Please," he said. And though he could pounce on me and rip it from my hands easily, he didn't. He waited for me to decide.

I couldn't deny him what he wanted - what he truly needed. I held out the serum to him.

His fangs appeared golden in the moonlight. He reached for it and examined the vial.

He gulped it down as if he were a starving man finding food.

When he finished, we both looked at each other, wondering what would happen next. But nothing did. I was concerned, and Nash was enraged. He howled fiercely and I covered my ears.

Brandon, in his lycan form, stepped out from behind a tree and raced over to protect me. He was breathing heavily, too.

Then the hair on Nash's chest began to disappear. His wild beard became shorter before, all at once, it was gone. His eyes went back to their natural color.

Nash smiled like he'd won the Heisman Trophy.

There was a bit of sadness emanating from Brandon as he stood as the lone werewolf.

Nash hurried over to me and gave me an excited hug, swinging me around with delight.

"I won't be a werewolf anymore!" he shouted.

I'd never seen him so relieved and happy.

Tears welled in his eyes. He went over to Brandon. "I have to thank you, man. You really saved my life."

Brandon seemed pleased at Nash's words. He gave Nash a brilliant smile, his fangs flashing in the moonlight. Then it hit us all: Nash was cured and Brandon was not.

"I can't leave you here," Nash whispered to me. "He is a werewolf, you know."

"Yes you can," I said loudly enough for all to hear.

Brandon nodded his head.

"He's not going to hurt me," I said, defending him. "He never has."

"You're not going to hurt me - are you?" Nash asked. "You're not mad that I'm normal and you're - "

"Perhaps it's time for you to go," I said.

Nash backed up, and I took Brandon's hand and leaned against him.

As my werewolf boyfriend held me, Nash took off for his car. When he reached it, he paused.

We heard a howling coming from deep within the woods. It was followed by another one, and still another one.

Brandon perked up.

"I have to go find them."

"I'll go, too."

"No, you have to go home," he stated adamantly.

"I want to see them as well. I've seen you and Nash. I can deal with them."

There were several distant howls again.

"Who knows what they are up to?" Brandon wondered. "I have to go."

But I wasn't about to leave his side. "I'm coming, too, Brandon."

I tried to run alongside Brandon, but he was faster, and he could see his path before him where I was blinded by the darkness.

I fell behind, and I stumbled. I hoped I hadn't twisted my ankle.

Brandon stopped and came back for me. "See?" he said. "This is no place for you to be."

"Wherever you are is the place I'm supposed to be," I said, rubbing my ankle.

"Are you okay?" He guided me to a thick, broken tree branch where I sat down. He lifted my leg and checked my ankle.

"I'll take you home."

"No, I'm okay. Really."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded. I rose, but then hobbled. My ankle was sore. I could walk on it but not run.

The sounds of the howling came closer.

"Go on," I said.

"Are you crazy? I'm not leaving you here. Who knows what they'll do."

He scooped me up easily, as if I were a small child, and hoisted me on his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hulky chest, his long hair draping over them. He ran through the woods as the howling followed close behind.

Before I knew it, we were racing down the hilltop and heading toward my car. He opened the door and slid me inside.

Brandon hurried around to the driver's side and hopped in. I locked the doors and handed him my keys.

I could see the outlines of three figures with long hair standing on the hilltop.

Brandon drove me home safely and walked me to my door. I kissed him long and held him tightly. There was no place I felt more secure than in his presence, especially when I was nestled against him. He was truly impressive under a waxing or waning moon - but under a full moon he was the hottest werewolf I'd ever known. I didn't want to let go and be away from him even for a minute, but I knew our eventful evening had come to an end. I unlocked my front door and opened it and when I turned around he had already disappeared into the night.

The following day, it was Saturday, the day of the Werewolf Fest. I was on my way to meet Ivy and Abby at the coffee shop when I saw a shaggy blond and a fiery redhead lurking by Dee's Restaurant a few shops over.

They were fidgety and eyeing other's food through the window.

I crept over to them, not knowing how they'd respond to me - or me to them. They seemed sincerely hungry.

"I thought you were at Brandon's," I said.

"Uh...we were," Leopold said.

"What are you guys doing hanging out here?" I asked.

"Just getting some air," Hunter replied.

"Where is Ryder?" I wondered aloud.

"He's out somewhere," Leopold replied.

"By himself?"

"He's a big boy," Hunter said.

"Well, why don't you go inside and eat instead of drooling outside?"

They just hung outside instead of going in.

"You don't have any money," I said. Often, I'd given money to the homeless in our area, and though these two didn't look as down and out, they did seem like they hadn't eaten in days. And if they were truly werewolves, their hunger was more significant than most.

"I thought Brandon was paying you to work."

"He was, but Ryder took it," Leopold lamented, embarrassed.

I opened the door. "C'mon," I said.

They followed me into the restaurant.

"You don't have to do this," Leopold said.

"How else are you going to eat? Table for three," I said.

They eyed the menu as if they hadn't eaten in days.

"Get whatever you like," I said.

"You don't have to do this," Leopold repeated.

"It's okay."

They each ordered a few sandwiches as the waiter looked at them.

"Nothing for me," I said.

"We're sharing," Hunter said as if apologizing for their huge order.

"I thought Brandon and his grandmother were giving you meals," I said.

"They were..." Hunter said.

"He just stopped? That doesn't make any sense. Brandon is gracious, not cruel."

"He takes all the food," Leopold finally admitted.

"Brandon does?" I asked, shocked.

Hunter shook his head.

"Oh, Ryder. I should have known." This time I shook my head.

The waiter brought over two large sodas while I texted my friends. They were running late, so I took the opportunity to pump Ryder's friends for information.

"So, are you excited about the Werewolf Fest?" I asked.

"Yes," Leopold said. "It will be a blast."

"Why are you both so interested in werewolves?" I questioned.

"Same reason everyone else is," Hunter replied.

"But you don't live in Legend's Run. Huntington doesn't have a werewolf legend, does it?" I pressed.

"It does, but it's not as known."

"Really?" I wasn't as surprised as I should have been.

"Yes, it's not like you guys own werewolves or anything," Hunter said.

"Be nice," Leopold said.

"I mean the legend thing." Hunter sighed. "It happened in Huntington, too."

"What happened?"

"Werewolves. Apparently your Legend's Run werewolf - or werewolves - made his way to Huntington."

"So, that is why you are interested?" I asked. "Because of one of Huntington's historical residents?"

"It is still happening," Hunter said quietly.

"Ssh!" Leopold said.

Just then the waiter brought their several plates of food. The guys immediately began wolfing down their meals.

"Maybe it isn't such a good idea that you guys are in town," I said. "Just because Ryder wants to be here doesn't mean you both have to be as well."

They both chewed their food and gulped their sodas.

"I know he's bent on finding...girlfriends," I said.

They continued eating and didn't respond.

"I just don't want trouble for you," I continued.

"You mean for you?" Hunter corrected.

"Shh," Leopold scolded his friend.

"For any of us," I shot back.

My phone buzzed with a text from Ivy informing me they had arrived at the coffee shop a few doors down.

I picked up the check and looked at it. I dug in my purse and got out enough money for the bill and the tip. I placed it on top of the check.

Leopold grabbed my hand.

"Thank you," he said sincerely. "I guess I know why he likes you."

I felt awkward and blushed slightly. "You don't have to tell him about this," I said as I rose.

"Trust me," Hunter said. "He'll know. He knows everything."

I felt a sudden chill go through me as I headed out of the restaurant.
