Read Books Novel

Full Moon Kisses

I wasn't able to see Brandon until the following day at school, and I was so hungry to tell him the latest details.

"Remember those weird guys that I saw at the convenience store and the mall? They showed up near my house." We sat on the school's front steps as I told Brandon all about what had transpired.

"I wish I had known what was going on at the mall," he said. "I would have jumped out of the doctor's office and come right away."

"You had a good reason to be somewhere else. Is your grandmother all right?" I asked.

"I should be asking if you are okay."

"Yes, I'm okay." I smiled sweetly. "What did the doctor say about her?"

"To beware of the full moon."

I was stunned. But then he grinned, and we both laughed.

"It was just her annual checkup," Brandon went on. "I can't believe I wasn't there for you," he lamented.

"It's okay. I'm fine. Just a bit shaken up."

"Who are these guys?" he wondered. "Why have they come to town? And why are they bothering you?"

"One of them said that they've come for the Legend's Run Werewolf Fest."

"But that's a week away."

"I know. But I might know why. I think they are werewolves."

"You do?" he asked with concern. "Why?"

"The way one of them eyed Champ. Champ was barking and growling. Then Ryder stared at him, and Champ lay down as if he were ready for a nap. It's the same skill you've had since you transformed. Nash did it to Apollo, too, remember?"

Brandon turned away from me as if he was really hit by this news. "There are more werewolves than just me and Nash?"

I nodded. "I think so."

"This can't have happened," Brandon said. "How?"

"I don't know. But I am convinced that they are werewolves."

"This can't be happening," Brandon reiterated.

"I'm freaking out, too," I conceded. "And what if they aren't like you and Nash? You saw it - Nash isn't the same kind of werewolf you are. He's mean. These guys are rude by day - imagine what they'd be like if they turn at night?"

"We have enough to deal with already." Brandon was clearly worried. "This isn't fair. How can we handle everything at once?"

I was overwhelmed, too. "We'll have to think of something. They said they were looking for new friends. I think I know what they mean."

He turned to me. "You?"

I nodded again. "I'm afraid."

"I won't let anyone hurt you."

"I know that. But what if they want all of us? You can't be everywhere!"

"Nash will be taking the serum soon. Then at least he will hopefully be normal. But now you think there are more? I haven't got a cure for all of us."

"I don't know if that is what they're after. They seem like a gang. I think they might be searching for more members."

"More werewolves?"

"I know.... They seemed so interested in me - and Ivy and Abby. I can't have my friends in jeopardy."

"What do we do?" he wondered, frustrated.

"Maybe we should ask Nash to wait to take the cure in case we need help with these new werewolves."

"I can't ask him that."

"I know. I will," I said.

"We can handle this alone. I can handle this alone."

"I'm not sure we have that choice. Dr. Meadows warned me - so if it isn't you or might be - "

"One of them?" he asked.

I was truly frightened. My eyes filled with tears. My whole life was so far out of hand.

"We need to find them before the full moon," Brandon said just as first bell rang. After class, I caught up to Nash at his locker.

"I need to talk to you," I said hurriedly.

"Me first," he said. "I want to tell you and Brandon thank you. I've been acting so strangely lately. I know it's the full moon approaching. But the only thing that is saving me from going crazy is knowing that I'll be able to take that serum."

"That's what I want to talk to you about."

He paused. "He doesn't have it?"

"No, he does."

Nash was relieved. But then his bright expression darkened. "He's not going to let me have it?"

"Can you just listen?"

"Fine. Go ahead," he said impatiently. "But I do want to say this: When I am normal, things can be right again between us. He'll still be a werewolf - with all the unpredictable events that go along with it. But you should be with someone you can count on. You deserve that, Celeste."

"I appreciate your looking out for me," I said as sweetly as I could. "But this isn't about us. You understand I am with Brandon - whether he is a werewolf or not."

He rolled his eyes. "A guy can try."

"I need you to understand that." I wanted Nash to know where we stood - for now and the future - and do it in a kind and sympathetic way.

"Yes. Yes," he said. "I do."

"But I need your help this time. For me."

"Okay. Just tell me."

"There is something that happened in the last few days."

"What happened?"

"These guys that came to town - you might have heard about them from Ivy and Abby. They are here for the Werewolf Festival."

"Are they the creepers?"

"Yes. That's them."

"Did they bother you?"

"Yes. And I'm afraid of them."

He gazed at me earnestly. "Me, Jake, and Dylan can straighten them out," he said. "I have no problem kicking their - "

"You don't have to do that."

"I can," Nash said, his chest puffed out.

"I know. But there is something else you can do."


"Don't take the serum on the full moon," I said, looking at him with my eyes wide and pleading.

"Are you insane? Why would I do that?"

"Nash, I think they might not be just regular guys."

"Then what kind of guys are they?"

"I think they are werewolves."

Nash was shocked. As if he couldn't comprehend any more werewolves other than him and Brandon.

I stared at him intently. "And I think they are searching for others - girls - to join their pack."

"How did you get that in your head?"

"This one guy - Ryder - stared down Champ like you did Apollo, like Brandon did in the wolf enclosure at the zoo. The only humans I've seen who can do that are also werewolves."

"How can that be?" he asked. "More werewolves in town? I've never even heard of this Ryder guy."

"They are from Huntington. And I think they want to try to turn me."

This time Nash was the calm one, being helpful to me. "You don't know for sure that they really are werewolves."

"I do, Nash. I've seen it with you and Brandon. I know what these guys are. And remember Dr. Meadows's prediction? If you aren't the one who is going to bite me, that means one of them is."

"So we'll have to do something," he said. "No one is going to hurt you."

I felt relieved by his protectiveness toward me and decided I could ask him the tough question. "Will you delay taking the serum until the following full moon? I need you to be as fast and strong as they are so Brandon will not be all alone. You have to be on Brandon's side, as a werewolf, in case they try anything crazy."

He scooted back and looked away. Then he leaned in again. "I can help - and I will help. But as a human."

"What? You won't wait?"

"I can't wait. I have to be normal again."

"But can't you even at least think about it?" I asked.

He put his hand on mine. "I can do more as myself than I can as a werewolf, Celeste. I am a monster when I turn - uncontrollable. I still might be the one that would be biting you. I can't take that chance."

"Please do it for me," I begged him.

"But I am - I'm taking it for us both."

"Nash, when have I ever asked you to do anything? How can you say no to this? It's only one more month!"

"You are asking me to not be normal anymore. And now that I remember everything - I know what's in my heart. I can't be the one who hurts you."

"I am asking you to do something for me. For once in your life not to leave me just sitting on the sidelines, helping you." I was so exasperated with his selfishness. "Uh, Brandon was right. He can do this on his own. I was stupid to think you cared about anything but yourself."

I turned away from Nash and stormed off. I could sense his bewilderment as I left him sitting alone, students staring at him as they walked down the stairs.
