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Game for Anything

Her orgasm went on and on as Cole's tongue stroked new and shocking sensitive spots along her inner walls, his fingers magic on her clitoris and br**sts.

Finally, when she was utterly spent--more tired than she'd been after running that 10K

last year--Cole shifted on the bed.

"My wife has such a sweet pu**y," he said before placing a soft kiss over her labia.

Shivers racked her as his stubble raked across the too-sensitive flesh.

"Such gorgeous tits."

Even knowing the kiss had to be coming, she couldn't prepare herself for the sweet heat of his mouth over first one nipple, then the other. A moan escaped her as he rolled her around on his tongue, then raked across the tips with the very edges of his teeth.

"And such a pretty, f**kable mouth."

Anna's mouth watered despite herself, despite the shock moving through her at the knowledge of what was coming, that she was going to be returning the favor by taking Cole's penis into her mouth.

The bed shifted again beneath his heavy weight and she felt her heartbeat kick into overdrive again.

"If I'm hurting you, if anything doesn't feel good, I want you to pinch me."

He slid his hands into hers and linked their fingers. Oh God, she'd thought she loved holding hands before. But now, feeling the slide of his wide, calloused palms against hers, a new warmth bloomed in her chest.

And then, before she could find the words to reply to his instructions, the flared, hot crest of his penis brushed softly against her lips.

Anna had given blow jobs before, but not very often. She'd never really seen the appeal of male genitalia, but the way Cole was teasing her with his erection, his skin soft against her mouth, had her salivary glands kicking into overdrive. His arousal was a clean, masculine scent that made her breathe in more deeply as he slowly painted her lips, from corner to corner, with the tip of his penis. It was pure instinct to taste him with her tongue.

Cole stilled as she made contact with him, a deep groan of pleasure seeming to come from all the way down in his chest. Spurred on by both his reaction to her touch and the surprising pleasure she was finding in being with Cole this way, she swiped her tongue all the way across his broad head, greedily licking up the spurt of arousal that resulted.

"Jesus, Anna, nothing has ever felt this good."

Even as his words resonated, she wanted to make him feel so much better.

In the end, Anna wasn't sure who moved first, if she was already opening up her lips to take him inside or if he was the one who pushed her open. All she knew was that she was glad, so incredibly glad, to be able to taste him like this, to open her mouth wide and stretch her lips around his hard, heavy shaft. She wasn't afraid of being captive to him, knew he'd never ever hurt her.

Using her tongue to explore him, she licked at every part of his shaft she could get to, using the suction of her lips to pull him in deeper.

His hands tightened on hers, another rumble of pleasure sounding in the room, and then he was rocking into her, so deep that her gag reflex kicked in.

Pulling all the way out, he said, "Your mouth is so hot, baby. I can't control myself."

Realizing he was sliding his hands from hers and shifting away from her mouth, she clamped down on his fingers as hard as she could.

"I want to taste you again, Cole." She forced herself to overcome her shyness and say it.

"I loved licking you. Sucking on you."

"I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't," she insisted, promising, "I'll pinch you if I need a breather."

"Do you know what you're asking for, sweet Anna?"

His question was low, full of barely leashed desire.

"No. But I want it anyway."

That was all it took for Cole to drop the leash and give her what she was begging for. The press of his shaft against her lips drove her mouth open and she gratefully suckled his hot, hard flesh. He rocked into her several inches at a time, in then out in a rhythm that had her heating up again between her thighs, her belly tightening with renewed need as she tasted his arousal on her tongue, in the back of her throat.

But then her gag reflex kicked in again, and he bottomed out before she was anywhere near the base of his penis. She tried to relax her throat, but he was such a big, unfamiliar presence that she couldn't.

Tears pricked her eyes behind her blindfold, but they weren't tears of pain. They were tears of frustration. Because on some elemental level, she knew she had more to give him.

She just couldn't figure out how to do it.

One of his hands came untangled from hers, then, and he gently ran his fingertips along her exposed throat. "Tilt up and back, sweetheart."

He slid his hand around the back of her throat to help her, and then he was sliding in, and past the point he'd hit before. She could feel the muscles in her throat opening up to take him deeper, could taste the musky heat of him in her mouth. Again and again he moved in, then out of her mouth, her throat, and even though he wasn't touching her br**sts or vagina, giving Cole pleasure had her right on the edge of release again.

Unable to hold back her own moan of deep pleasure, she felt Cole's penis twitch against her tongue, a large spurt of his pre-come coating her tongue and throat as he pulled all the way out of her on a curse.

A split second later, the bindings on her wrists and ankles were gone and she had to reach for Cole to steady herself. His shoulders were broad and hard, his skin slick with sweat, and she was relishing the unexpected thrill of being able to touch him, when he pulled her blindfold off.

She gasped at the passion, the desire, the need in his dark eyes. She opened her mouth to try and give voice to the emotions ricocheting around inside of her.

"I didn't know it could be like this," she whispered.

He tucked the head of his condom-covered penis against her folds. One thrust had him inside, and Anna lost her breath at the incredible pleasure.

"Tight," he ground out, sweat dripping from his chest onto hers as he worked to steady himself above her. "So damn tight."

He was right. She was small. And he was enormous. But she loved the way he was stretching her open, loved knowing that he was taking her someplace she'd never been before.

"Take me, Cole."

His eyes flashed something new, a bigger, richer emotion that even his desire, but before she could try and figure out what he was feeling, he thrust all the way into her, settling so deep inside her that she swore he was pushing into the base of her womb. And then his mouth was over hers and he was kissing her and she was kissing him back and wrapping her arms and legs around him to pull him in closer, to take him deeper.
