Read Books Novel

Give Me Love

Give Me Love (Give Me #1)(16)
Author: Kate McCarthy

I arched a brow.

“I’ve done this before, granted it was a long time ago when Mac was seventeen, but if she let me at her face, then you know you can trust me.”

I found that very hard to believe, and my mouth opened wide in shock. “Mac let you at her face with a mascara wand?”

He nodded, amusement curling his lips, but still his face was sincere. “It was Mitch’s fault. We were lifting weights at home, and you know how competitive Mac gets. She sprained both her wrists on a weight she shouldn’t have been allowed anywhere near. The next night she had a date with Tom Fraser who was apparently the man of the hour. With Mum and Dad away, Mitch being on her shit list, and Travis conveniently disappearing, who do you think was left with helping her get pretty?”

I laughed wholeheartedly at the image of Mac ordering Jared about with makeup. “How have I never heard this story?”

He grinned at my response. “I’ve got plenty more where those came from.” He held up the mascara. “Now will you let me?”

Thoughtful, I pursed my lips. “On one condition.”

He raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“Give me more stories.”

“Okay,” he agreed.

He leaned forward, gently brushing the wand across my eyelashes, and proceeded to do just that. I stared into his green eyes as he spoke. They were focused in intense concentration on my eyelashes, and the little flecks of gold had me mesmerised. He pulled back now and then to check on his progress. Then he grinned, flashing his dimple.


“You’re beautiful, Evie,” he whispered quietly.

I flushed. “Thanks.”

He leaned in to do the other eye. “You know, we’ve never sat down and watched a movie together. Tell me what your favourite movie is. We can watch it tomorrow.”

“Anchorman,” I said without hesitation.

He pulled back, raising his eyebrows in surprise. “Yeah? Will Ferrell, huh?”

“I don’t know how to put this, but I’m kind of a big deal,” I said with a chuckle.

“Would you like to come to the party in my pants?” he asked, laughing. Putting movie quotes aside, his face turned serious. “I would’ve thought you’d say something like The Notebook or Sleepless in Seattle or some other girly crap.”

I flushed. “The Notebook isn’t girly crap. It’s a beautiful movie.”

“Course it is.” He nodded unconvincingly.

“You haven’t seen it, have you?”

Worried I’d ask him to watch it, he ignored my question.

“You’re all done.” He sat back on his heels to inspect his handiwork.

Feeling mild panic at the thought of having black streaks all over my face, I raced to the mirror. “Jared!”


He came over to stand behind me as I pursed my lips, examining my eyes closely. “You actually did an excellent job.”

He winked. “I excel at anything I do if you’d care to find out.”

I laughed at his playful attitude, and forgetting about his stitches, shoved at his shoulder.

“Ouch!” he yelped.

“Sorry, sorry.” I patted his arm soothingly as he grumbled. “You should leave so I can get dressed. Tate will be here any minute.”

Jared frowned at the mention of Tate’s name and stalked over to the dresser where he’d shoved my clothes over to make room for his own.

“Right, Tate. How could I forget?” He grabbed a shirt and shrugged it on before he walked out the door, closing it quietly in his wake.

Surrounded by silence, I sat down on the bed and worried that I was somehow ruining everything with my idiocy, but I wasn’t sure how to fix it without risking anyone getting hurt.

Chapter Eight

J: So what was on this afternoon’s agenda? A heavy bout of Halo?

E: Do you have to message me during every date I go on?

J: Of course. Where’s the fun otherwise?

Tate gave my phone an eye roll. “Does that thing ever stop?”

“Apparently not,” I muttered and tucked it carefully back in my purse.

We pulled into the car park at The White Demon Warehouse after a late afternoon trek around Paddington Markets. We were only there a couple of hours, so there wasn’t time to see everything, but Tate said the markets were on the Things You Have to do in Sydney list. I had to agree if the mountains of bags in the back of the car were anything to go by.

E: Paddington Markets.

J: Seriously. He took you shopping? That guy is good.

E: Yes. You be good or you won’t get your present.

Tate switched off the ignition and turned to me. “I think we’re a little early. Do you wanna go in and have a quick drink?”

I checked the time and nodded. “Sure, but I need to be back stage in twenty minutes to help set up and start my vocal warm up.”

“Yeah? How long does that usually take?”

“I usually just do some scales for about half an hour.”

J: You got me a present? What is it?

E: It’s a surprise.

“You don’t happen to have an older sister you haven’t mentioned, do you?”

He pulled the keys out of the ignition and gave me a puzzled glance. “No, why?”

I explained my first date with Beetle Bob. “The bridge climb and the markets were unexpected.”

He laughed. “You were expecting a Halo marathon? I can teach you how to play if you really want, but I didn’t think it was your kinda speed.”

I grinned. “I have several speeds. I don’t mind a computer game now and then. I just thought maybe you might have had a little double X chromosome whispering in your ear on the best places to take your date.”

He got out of the car and came around to open my door sheepishly. “One of the girls at the station might have done that a couple of times.”

J: Mac has a surprise for you too she says.

Mac’s message came through a second later.

M: Brace yourself, Sandwich. I have an epic surprise for you.

I got out of the car wondering what the hell was going on but confident her surprise wouldn’t outdo the present I got for her. What could possibly beat an acre sized piece of homemade double chocolate fudge and a pair of jade earrings that matched her newest dress purchase from Collette Dinnigan?

Before I could reach into the car for my bag, or even blink, Tate had me pushed up against the car, his legs between mine and his lips on me. Not even a second later, I heard someone shout my name.

Tate rested his forehead against mine. “Christ,” he muttered. “Between your friends and your phone, I feel like I can never get you alone for five minutes.”

I peeked over Tate’s shoulder. Mac, Henry, Travis, and Jared were walking towards the car.

“Evie,” Mac shouted again, grinning and waving happily.

This left me feeling confused. Mac was in Diva mode when I’d left earlier, and being caught in a passionate embrace with Tate should’ve turned her rabid.

“Hey, guys.”

I pushed away from Tate, untucking his arms from my waist, but he used the opportunity to hold my hand in his, tugging me close and rubbing his thumb across my palm in lazy circles. Jared’s eyes cut to our linked hands and he frowned.

“What’s going on?”

Mac dragged me away from Tate and grabbed me in a hug, jumping up and down. “We’ve got a scout, baby!” she screeched.

I stopped breathing. “Wait, stop.”

She stopped.

“What? A scout?”

She grinned, nodding her head like a maniac. “Not just some random scout, Sandwich. One who’s come specifically to see Jamieson.”

“You got us a f**king scout?” I whispered, tears in my eyes.

She started madly jumping up and down again, and I screamed, joining in with her lunatic behaviour.

“We got a f**king scout,” I screamed at Jared in excitement, and he laughed at my hysteria. I pulled Henry into a hug and three of us jumped up and down like we were eight year olds on pogo sticks.

I stopped and squeezed Henry hard. “Henry…”

He squeezed back hard. “I know my beautiful girl.”

“Tell me,” I ordered Mac when I gained control of my mental faculties.

“Okay,” she said happily, “let’s all go get a quick drink.”

“Fuck a quick drink. Let’s get a bottle of champagne.”

I leaped on to Henry’s back in excitement, and he hollered as he piggybacked me towards the entrance of the bar. Laughing, I turned my head to wink at Jared as the group followed behind us.

“Will you still love me when I’m famous, baby?” I joked.

Jared shook his head and I turned back around. Tate hadn’t missed the complete and utter look of adoration on Jared’s face and eyed the two of us warily as Henry set me down inside the door.

I started to tremble with nerves when Henry, Travis, and Tate hit the bar. Mac took my hand and squeezed it hard when she realised I was losing it.

“Mackerelface, I love you.” My voice wobbled as the emotion overwhelmed me.

“Oh shit.” She pointed a warning finger at me. “Don’t you start the floodgates, Sandwich. You’ll ruin my makeup.”

Deep breaths helped me pull myself together, and the next half hour was a blur of champagne and chatter.

“Famous rock star now, hey Evie?” Travis winked at me from across the table with the words he said as more of a statement then a question.

“Yep. Too good for any of you plebs.” I arched my brow loftily before laughing. “Oh my God, Mac, we have to go backstage and talk to the Rice Bubbles. Do they know?”

She shook her head. “Not yet. I wanted to tell you first.”

With Tate saying he’d hang around to watch the show, Mac, Henry, and I left for the dressing room.

Henry busted open the backstage door with force in his excitement. “We’re here, motherfuckers!”

Jake, Cooper, and Frog greeted our arrival from their various positions on the floor where it looked like a heated argument was going on. It was fierce and after a moment became apparent they were arguing about whom of the three could “pull the most chicks,” a guitarist, keyboardist, or drummer. Bets were being placed. I grabbed my purse and handed over a twenty in favour of Jake.

Cooper protested. “Evie baby, say it ain’t so?” he said in mock sadness.

“Shut up, asswad.” Jake smirked and flexed his big ass muscles. “We all know who has the bigger dick here.”

Everyone looked at me, assuming I was the expert on Jake’s size considering I gave him such good odds.

“Hey!” I held my hands up in surrender. “Just because my bet is on him doesn’t mean I’ve seen his package.”

“You can’t miss it, Evie.” Jake winked. “It precedes me in every room I walk in.” He grabbed his crotch suggestively.

Loud ribbing came from the boys at his lewd gesture, and Mac threw a cushion at his head. I wanted to say it was unbelievable that he was the second man that day to grab his junk in front of me, but that would be a lie.

“I’m sorry,” I shouted over all the noise, “but look at Jakie’s arms. You don’t get those playing keyboards or guitars.”
