Read Books Novel

Give Me Love

Give Me Love (Give Me #1)(33)
Author: Kate McCarthy

I let my breath out in a slow whoosh. “Yeah.”

He moved one of his hands from my hip to rub gently across my belly, his eyes tracking the movement before they met mine. “Baby, you’re not pregnant, are you?”

I held my breath at his soft words and the care he took in touching me. I shook my head and when he swallowed and looked away I could have sworn it was disappointment I saw on his face. “Just a tummy bug, so no cause for alarm.”

In light of last night’s chat with Coby, I changed the subject by taking a pre-emptive strike about being told to pack my bags for safer ground.

“Jared, you should know that I’m not going anywhere.”

He slapped me on the backside, not hard, but not soft either. “Yes, you are…to the shower. Quick,” he ordered.

I glared down at him. “Don’t flip me off. You know what I meant.”

His eyes went fierce. “I’m not losing you, Evie.”

“No, you’re not. I’m just telling you―”

“I spoke to Coby this morning,” he interrupted. “I know there’s no point in trying to change your mind so rather than―”

The front door slammed loudly and a ”yoohoo” interrupted our little talk. I jumped in shock from my straddled position and flew off the bed, my legs tangling in the sheets as I fell to the floor with a thud.

Jared let out a shout of laughter, gasping as he peered over the edge of the bed. “Are you okay?”

“Oh my God,” I hissed. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I scrambled to get off the floor and made a mad dash for the wardrobe, flinging the door wide and racing inside. “Where’s my robe?” I muttered as I flung clothes about wildly. I careened back out the door. “Where’s my goddamn robe?”

Jared pointed to the chair in the corner as he untangled the sheet, pulling it up to his waist and propping a pillow behind his back.

“Is anyone there?” The voice appeared to be trekking its way up the stairs.

“You are so dead,” I said, pointing a finger at Jared furiously as I made a grab for the robe off the chair.

“I tried to tell you to get in the shower.”

I tied the belt and flung open the bedroom door to make a break for the bathroom when Jenna pulled back in shock, arm raised at the ready to knock.

“Evie, honey,” she said softly.

I opened my mouth to both speak and hustle Jenna down the stairs when Jared beat me to the punch.

“Hi, Mum.” Smiling wide, there wasn’t a trace of embarrassment on his face.

She looked around me and her eyes widened as she took in her bare chested son sitting in my bed, busily tapping away on his phone. He looked comfortable, his demeanour practically shouting that my bed was a place he visited nak*d on numerous occasions. While this might actually have been the case, shoving it in his mother’s face was not currently on my list of things to do that day. I resisted the urge to close my eyes and ooze into a burning little puddle of mortification on the floor.

With a delighted smile, she said, “Hi, honey.”

“I uh…Jenna, how nice to see you,” I stammered and turned to glare at Jared when I heard his chuckle.

“You too, darling…” her gaze drifted from Jared to me and then back again “…you too. I’ll just wait for you downstairs shall I?”

Without wasting time to blast Jared for being an insensitive man-bastard and not telling me about his mother’s imminent arrival sooner, I made that mad dash for the bathroom and caught Henry running in before me, slamming the door in my face.

“Dammit, Hussy,” I shouted and banged the door down, willing him to appreciate my desperation.

“Too slow, Sandwich,” I heard him sing-song as I stormed back to the bedroom.

By the time I’d showered and slapped on a bit of mascara, blush, and strawberry lip gloss, it was close to nine. The heat already stifling, I braided my hair and dressed in a pretty lemon sundress with thin straps and delicate white crocheted lace trim and headed downstairs to find out what shit I was supposed to be doing today.

I found Jared on the phone in Mac’s office out back, so I left him to it and headed for the kitchen, catching Jenna clucking away busily in our linen cupboard as though doing a stocktake. When I reached my destination, Tim was loitering by the sink, and the kettle was boiling.

Tim chattered away as I ate my Coco Pops, talking about last night’s shooting incident for at least half an hour and finishing by telling me that he, Jenna, and I were off to get some Christmas shopping done today. I had no idea how Jenna had managed to convince Jared that going shopping was a brilliant idea in light of the shooting incident, but she was his mother after all. I decided I would watch her closely today to see if I could pick up any Jared handling techniques.

I also decided a battle plan was in order and began writing down some gift ideas. I’d only managed a few things at the Paddington Markets, and with Christmas only two weeks away, I needed to get organised. As I gnawed on the end of my pen, I contemplated what on earth to buy Jared. I never got around to giving him the surprise present I’d picked up, but that was before we were together. Now, I wanted to get him something that was a bit more girlfriend appropriate.

Thinking Tim might know, I interrupted his chatter. “What should I buy Jared?”

I tapped at the list with my pen in time to the mad bop of my h*ps as music played in the background. I started to chew the pen again as I contemplated my list so far. “Tim?”

Tim’s chatter died a quick death.

“Tim?” I frowned and turned my head.

“Uh, Evie…”

I followed the direction of his eyes and saw Casey leaning against the kitchen bench, arms folded and looking amused. I pulled the pen out of my mouth before it fell and straightened up, watching his grin get wider.

I smiled. “Hey, Casey.”

Tim said nothing which I thought was a bit rich. I mean, Tim worked for him after all. Surely, he’d gotten used to the way Casey looked by now. I hadn’t and still managed to say hello.

I elbowed Tim.

“Casey,” he managed feebly and I rolled my eyes.

“Cuppa?” I asked Casey.

“Uh, yes please,” Tim stuttered.

I looked at him incredulously. “Not you, dweeb. Casey. You’re supposed to be the one making it. The kettle’s been boiling on and off for the past half an hour.”

Tim came alive, pushing off from the bench as he suddenly found his voice. “Oh my God, are you retarded? Dean is the dweeb in our relationship, Evie.” Dean was Tim’s boyfriend, and at a muscle-bound six foot two, I highly doubted that Dean was the dweeb in anything.

I turned to him with a grin. “Oh yeah, if Dean is the dweeb, what does that make you?”

He smoothed his hair. “I’m the badass,” he said and then paused, “but I can’t talk about it.”

I refrained from pointing out that he already was. “Why not?”

He looked at me in disbelief. “Because the first rule of being a badass is that you don’t talk about being a badass. Period.”

“Why do you get to be the badass? I can be badass!” I retorted.

“Uh, honey, see? If you were badass your status would already be revoked because you’re talking about it.” He nodded knowingly. “Besides…” he waved his hand over at Casey who stood there watching our interaction with apparent fascination “…have you seen the people I work with? It’s practically automatic qualification into badass status.”

I rolled my eyes. “What’s a girl gotta do then? I’ve been involved in a high speed car chase, rammed a Camry off the road, been in hospital with a head trauma, slept with a badass―several times in fact―my brother is a badass, I’ve been shot at, and potentially scored a contract with Jettison Records. If that doesn’t qualify my membership to the badass club then I’m forming my own.” I folded my arms, letting my eyes narrow threateningly as I clenched my jaw.

Ignoring my look, Tim let out a little shriek that had Casey flinching. “You’ve almost got a contract with Jettison Records? Oh my God. Why didn’t anyone tell me?” He turned to give Casey a vicious look and Casey shrugged. “No one tells me anything,” he hissed.

With no tea or coffee in our immediate future, I reached over past Tim to flick the kettle on to re-boil, all the while Tim continued on his merry way with his little rant.

“Yes, thanks,” Casey said, arms folded, still leaning up against the kitchen counter.

I looked at him stupidly. “What?”

“Coffee,” he prompted.

“Right,” I muttered and pointed at Tim. “Make yourself useful Tyler Durden.”

He pulled a face. “Who the hell is Tyler Durden?”

“Fight Club,” Casey interjected and I grinned at him.

Tim nodded. “Okay, I can be Brad Pitt.”

I kissed him on the cheek and patted his shoulder reassuringly. “Of course you can.”

He pointed the teaspoon at me threateningly. “Don’t patronise me.”

I held up my hands. “Dude.” I turned to Casey. “Jared’s out in the back office.”

He rubbed at the back of his neck uncomfortably. “I’m here for shopping duty actually.”

“Seriously? What did you do in a past life to deserve that?”

He chuckled. “Somebody doesn’t like me, or…” he looked me over in a way that made me feel my sundress wasn’t enough coverage “…maybe they do?”

Jared rolled into the kitchen, freshly showered, and slapped Casey up the back of the head. “Heard that.” He leaned over and planted a swift kiss on my lips. “Where’s my mother?”

I folded my arms and arched a brow. “Why, Jared, you sound a wee bit scared. Shall I go get her?”

He cleared his throat. “No, no, I’ve got to get going. Walk me out?”

I nodded, leaving Casey and Tim to the kitchen as I followed Jared to the door. He pulled me in close, and I rested my hands on his chest. “Don’t be fooled by Casey’s looks babe. He’s the meanest, toughest, and smartest son of a bitch I know. He’s also a good friend, so I know he’ll take good care of you.”

I wasn’t surprised. The man had rolled his car and walked away. That was pretty impressive in my books.

“Him being with you is the only reason I’m letting you go out shopping okay? Make sure you stick to him like―”

“Velcro, yes, I know.” I nodded and waited patiently for his lecture to continue. My eyes started to glaze over as he went on a bit more before tuning back in.

“…and make sure you keep your phone switched on at all times.”

I nodded at that very important piece of information, wrapped my arms around his neck, and tugged him down for a kiss. He ran his hands down my back and cupped my ass, pulling my h*ps in tightly against him.

“Be safe,” he whispered against my lips.

“You too,” I whispered back. “You’ll be back for dinner?”

He nodded. “I’ll be back for dinner,” and with that, he opened the door and left and I walked back to the kitchen to get my cup of tea.
