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Give Me Love

Give Me Love (Give Me #1)(55)
Author: Kate McCarthy

He closed them briefly before he nodded and pressed his lips against mine, quick and soft. Then he smiled, and once again I found myself watching him back out of the car park and drive away.

The next morning there was a brief blurb in the newspaper along with a grainy photo of Casey’s lips meeting mine. The small story commented about who the mystery man was and asked if “Evie had finally found love?” They also included a brief summary of the shooting. News must have been light on the ground yesterday if that was worth reporting about.

“Did you see the paper?”

I nodded at Mac from the dining table because I had a mouthful of Coco Pops.

“What was that about? I thought you and Casey didn’t have a thing, but the proof is on the page.”

“No, Macface, the paper was indicating we had a thing. I can’t explain what that was. It almost felt like a goodbye somehow.”

Mac poured some Coco Pops in her bowl as Henry wandered in, sleepy eyed and shirtless, scratching at his head as he yawned.

“So you and Casey don’t have a thing?” she asked.

Henry looked confused as he frowned at Mac. “I thought we established that Evie and Casey weren’t going to have a thing and that things might be moving ahead with Jared.” He aimed his frown at me, his voice harsh. “You told us you were going to find your middle.”

I exhaled noisily and narrowed my gaze on Mac. “No, we don’t have a thing.”

She put her hands up in surrender before opening the fridge door to get out the milk. “Okay, okay. Just checking.”

I pointed my spoon at both Mac and Henry in turn, milk flying across the dining table. “You two just worry about your own things.”

“But we don’t have things to worry about,” Henry complained as he flicked the kettle. “Cuppa?”

“Yes, please,” both Mac and I replied.

“That’s because you’re the retarded relationship bastard,” Mac informed him.

“So what’s your excuse, Mac?” Henry asked, folding his arms and leaning against the kitchen counter.

“My excuse is that I’m too busy to have a thing.”

“Argh!” I shouted. “If one more person says thing, I’m going to throw my bowl at their head.”

“Thing,” Mac taunted.

I picked up my bowl threateningly as I half stood, and she squealed and leaped behind Henry’s back.

Henry shoved her out of the way. “Jesus, Macklewaine, I almost spilled hot tea all over you.”

Henry plopped a cup of tea on the table in front of me. “What’s on the schedule today, Mac?”

“Got our music video tomorrow. We need to be there just before lunch because we’ll be doing some later afternoon/evening type stuff. So today is prep work for that. Not to mention I’ve got someone coming tomorrow morning for the assistants interview.”

“Yeah?” I piped up. “Who?”

“Quinn Salisbury is her name.”

“Cool. Nice name,” said Henry.

“I agree. I like the sound of her, Henry, and I need someone desperately, so you keep your eyes off her, okay?”


Henry gave a salute and took his coffee back upstairs.

The day passed by quickly and the next morning found me having a strange dream where a hotdog was trying to eat my leg. I was holding a gun and telling the hotdog I would shoot it because I was a badass bitch but then it turned into a snake that spoke to me with Snoop Dogg’s voice and told me to “drop it like it’s hot.”

My phone ringing woke me from the ridiculousness that was my mind, and thankful, I reached out from under the pillow to snag it from the bedside table, pulling it back under to answer with a muffled greeting.


Peter growled at the noise from somewhere deep beneath the fluffy white confines.

“Did I wake you?” Jared’s smooth sexy rumble washed over me.

“Yeah,” I whispered sleepily, “but that’s okay because I was having a really weird dream.”

I told him about it and when he laughed I woke up just that little bit more, realising that I was actually speaking to Jared for the first time since he left my hospital room. Not only that, it felt so damn good that tears filled my eyes even as I chuckled lightly at his laugh. Peter growled again at the noise.

“Was that Peter?”

“Yeah. The phone call woke him up, and he’s pissed.”

“Tell him I said sorry.”

“Okay, but I’ll wait until he’s in a better mood.”

“Sorry for ringing so early, but I thought I’d be catching you after your surf.”

“No surf today. Casey begged off. How did you know I’ve been surfing?”

“Casey told me. You don’t surf on your own?”

“No, I don’t,” I replied. “Attempting a surf on my own would be tantamount to suicide.”

He laughed and I figured then that he’d heard all about my relationship with the ocean floor.

“Listen, uh, I was wondering if we could catch up?”

I shifted out from under the pillow, realising I wouldn’t be getting back to sleep after this conversation. “Um, okay.”

“What about this morning?”

I sat up, breathless. “This morning?”

“I’m home, Evie.”

The words sent a thrill through my body that started at my toes and ran the entire length of my body until I was sure my hair stood on end.

“But…you’re not due back for another month.”

“I know, but you know Casey was originally supposed to do the contract job over there. He’s flying there this morning to take over the last few weeks so I could come home early.”

I put a shaky hand to my forehead, remembering Casey’s words yesterday morning at the beach. The way his eyes scanned my face before he’d gotten in his car. I let my breath out slowly. “Casey’s leaving? Today?”

“Yeah, Mitch is dropping him at the airport this morning. His flight leaves in an hour or so. Anyway, I have something I want to show you so did you want to? See me that is.”

“I…yeah, but we’ve got our music video today, so I can’t stay long, okay? Give me an hour?”

“Sure. I’ll message you the address.”

I threw the phone on my bed and bolted for the wardrobe. Flinging clothes about in a panic, I realised I needed Mac.

“Mac!” I shouted, running down the hall to her room. “Mac!”

I flung myself on the bed, landing on top of her. She grunted but otherwise didn’t move, so I grabbed her shoulders and shook hard.

“Mac!” I shouted again, this time in her face.

“Fuck off,” she mumbled without opening her eyes.

“Mactard, open your eyes. I need you. Help! I’m meeting Jared this morning, and I need something that says sexy bitch, but in a casual ‘I didn’t try hard to look this sexy’ way, and it also needs to channel a ‘I shouldn’t have left you, but now that you’re here, I want to devour you’ kinda vibe.”

Mac opened bleary eyes as I straddled her, hands still clutched desperately to her shoulders.


“Mac! Don’t ask me to repeat that because I have no idea what I said.”

I let go of her shoulders, and she pushed up on her elbows. “Jared’s home?”

“Yes, now get out of bed.”

I climbed down and holding her arm, began to drag her off.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to get you out of bed, asshead. I need help with something to wear.”

“Wait, what? Why?”


I returned to my efforts and with the core strength I’d worked so hard for coming through, she slid carelessly to the floor.

“Jesus, Sandwich, this better be good.” She growled.

“Just hurry up.”

Back in my room, she burrowed into my wardrobe, ordering me to put some blush, mascara, and lip gloss on. Finished, I sat on the edge of the bed explaining my conversation with Jared to Mac as she threw clothes to the floor, muttering to herself. Out came a pair of short aquamarine coloured shorts with a scalloped hem and large button detail lining the pockets. Huh, I didn’t even realise I owned those. I slid them on and checked the mirror, noticing they showcased the long length of leg, tanned and toned from the hours trudging the sand in my quest to ride the ultimate wave. Okay, it sounded good, but my quest to not face plant on the beach was more accurate. I was assured that the ultimate wave would come later.

“Evie, you there?”

Mac was snapping her fingers in my face with one hand, the other was holding out a top.

“Sorry,” I muttered. I slid it on. The white, silver studded scoop neck top was perfect―loose to convey casualness, yet covering enough skin to make the length of leg on display sexy rather than skanky.

“Shit, what’s the time?”

“No idea, Mac.”

“I’ve got that interview for the assistant this morning. You can’t leave now. I want you here for that.”

I slid strappy silver sandals on my feet and a thick silver and diamonte bangle up my bicep. “No can do, Macky Wacky.”

“Thanks a bunch,” she hissed and sent me an icy glare. “Next time dress yourself.”

“Mac, I’ll be late. Go and get yourself ready for Quinn okay?”

I sauntered down the stairs to the kitchen, added my phone and purse to my handbag, and picked up my car keys when the doorbell rang.

“Mac!” I shouted. “That’ll be your interview.”

I opened the door to see a young girl in a hat and giant sunglasses. She had a death grip on a leash that was currently restraining a giant Rhodesian Ridgeback from barging through the front door. The dog had a giant white bandage wrapped around his head, making him look earless and completely ridiculous.

“Hmmm, maybe not,” I muttered.

“Excuse me?” the girl asked.

“Nothing,” I offered her a brilliant smile. “Can I help you?”

“Ah, is Mackenzie Valentine here?” She flushed in embarrassment as she struggled to restrain the giant beast.

“Sure. Come in,” I stood back a little to let her pass.

“Mac,” I shrieked. “It’s for you!” I waved at the couch before I brushed past her to the front door. “Excuse me, I have to go.”

I jumped in the car, peeling out of the driveway and planting my foot until I arrived at my destination. Parking the car, I didn’t bother with my bag. Instead I grabbed my phone and raced for the entrance, checking the board to make sure I could find where I needed to be. Bingo. Jogging to the right gate number, my gaze searched the crowds until I found who I was looking for.

“Evie,” Casey said in shock when I reached him and Mitch.

Hands on my hips, I sucked in a few breaths until I was able to speak.

“You’re leaving,” I wheezed accusingly as I tried to catch my breath.

“I need to get going.” Mitch gave Casey a nod. “See you in a few.” Mitch gave my shoulder a squeeze. “See you tonight, sweetheart.”
