Read Books Novel

Gone With the Nerd

Gone With the Nerd (Nerds, #4)(29)
Author: Vicki Lewis Thompson

"I’ve … uh … been to gyms before," he said. "Nobody I’ve seen . .. looks like that." He took off his shirt. Underneath that was a regulation white T-shirt.

By observation Zoe had figured out there would be a T-shirt layer to get through, and she waited for him to peel it off over his head. Instead he reached for the buckle of his belt.

Most Hollywood types could hardly wait to show off their manly pecs. But Flynn seemed to be getting undressed in the same order he got dressed—outer clothes, then inner. But once his belt was unbuckled, he stopped and frowned.

"Is something wrong?"

"Shoes." He leaned over and glanced down at his feet, as if he’d forgotten he had any.

She could see how that could happen, given the bulge that currently blocked his view. Of course he wore laceups. He’d probably have to sit down somewhere to take them off, and he couldn’t very well sit on the chair piled with clothes and his precious PDA.

Desperate to solve his problem, she patted the bed beside her. "You can sit here."

He shook his head. "If I come over there, I’m liable to climb right in there with you, shoes and all." Instead he dropped to one knee and untied the first shoe.

Seeing him like that had the oddest impact on her. Flynn would be the kind of man who would get on his knee to propose. And the thought of him doing that with another woman made her heart turn over. She’d thought lust was the only emotion driving her. Maybe not.

He managed to get his shoes off without too much delay. When he stood and reached for his belt buckle, her pulse rate picked up. Then he stopped again and put one hand in his pocket. That’s when she realized that he hadn’t come into the room holding a box of condoms. Obviously he’d transferred some to his pocket and he wanted them available.

"I can take those," she said.

"I only brought one."

"One?" Disappointment washed over her.

"I thought that might be my limit." His gaze grew hotter the longer he looked at her. "I can get more later."

"Good." She swallowed. "That’s good."

"In the meantime…" He seemed uncertain what to do with the condom.

"Throw it to me. I’ll keep it."

He tossed it over and somehow she managed to catch it. Then she had to decide what to do with it. The logical place seemed to be tucked between her thighs, so she put it there.

He stared at the foil packet pressed between her thighs as he unbuckled his belt and pulled it through the loops. She would have expected him to move faster, but he seemed mesmerized by her. After dropping the belt on the chair, he unfastened his slacks.

Now they were getting somewhere. She licked her lips as he pulled down the zipper and stepped out of his slacks. Oo-whee, the man sure filled out his tighty whities. If Flynn would be willing to model the retro-styled briefs, they could well come back into fashion. Zoe’s heart beat faster with every second she gazed upon that form-fitting cotton.

He still wore his black socks, reminding her of some sleazy videos she’d seen, which only served to crank up her response. The black-sock-wearing guys in those videos always had an impressive package.

Next came his glasses. Once he’d taken those off and set them on top of his slacks on the chair, she was treated to a whole new version of Flynn. The only other time she’d seen him without his glasses he’d been a few inches from her face.

Now she had the whole man to gape at, and she visually devoured every bit of his long, lean body. Flynn with his glasses was sexy in a Wall Streetish sort of way. But Flynn without his glasses was . . . amazing.

The socks came off next. At last he reached for the back of his T-shirt, pulling it up and over his head. His dark hair came out mussed, and she loved that look. Then he peeled the shirt from his arms and tossed it on the chair.

Predictably, he combed his fingers through his hair, but that didn’t completely tame it. He still looked sufficiently rumpled to be sexy as hell, plus now she had a full view of his chest.

Yum. Exactly the right amount of hair and the perfect muscle definition to make the view interesting. The more clothes Flynn took off, the less he looked like her lawyer.

And now for the main event. He shoved his thumbs under the waistband of his briefs. She held her breath and said nothing, although inside she was yelling like a customer at Chippendales: Take it off; take it off; take it off.

But he didn’t. Instead he paused, let go of the waistband, and started toward the bed.

"But… but you’re not done."

He stopped moving. "It seemed safer to leave them on." "I’m not sure I want safe."

"I thought women weren’t visually stimulated. All the research says that."

She gulped and gathered her courage. "Visually stimulate me, Flynn. Please."

"If you say so." He shoved down his briefs.

She had no idea what happened to the briefs after that. He might have picked them up off the floor and put them on the chair. He might have left them lying there. He might have grabbed the butane lighter and set fire to them.

She didn’t notice. All her attention was fixed on the impressive equipment he’d unveiled. If the lawyer trade didn’t work out for Flynn, he could have a fine career in the X-rated film industry. The camera would love him.

Someone let out a soft sigh. A moment later she figured out it was her. Sighs were understandable, when faced with such an exciting prospect. In all the years she’d been going to Flynn’s office for legal consultation, she’d never suspected the treasure he’d kept hidden behind his desk.

He cleared his throat. "I… uh … guess the research was wrong. You look… very visually stimulated."

She raised her hot gaze to his, lust making her bold. "Damned straight. Now let’s get this thing done."

Chapter Twenty-One

Flynn was trying not to feel intimidated, but from the moment he’d stepped into Zoe’s bedroom and found her nak*d, he’d worried that he might not be experienced enough for her. Maybe nak*d wasn’t such a big deal for her. After all, she’d acted in nude scenes, so lying here in her birthday suit with a man she’d never had sex with wasn’t so unusual.

But her willingness to display her body had driven him to a frenzy of lust that might make him clumsy. Or too quick. If only he hadn’t opened his big mouth and mentioned the concept of a forty-five-minute session. The way he felt right now, three minutes would be a miracle of self-control.

He’d thought leaving on his briefs would be of some help, but she hadn’t wanted that. And whatever Zoe wanted she would get if he had anything to do with it. But he had to be careful not to overstimulate himself. He needed to maintain a certain amount of objectivity.

Oh, sure. Just look at those br**sts, so plump, so golden, and tipped with raspberry n**ples. He knew what her n**ples felt like in his mouth. He wanted more of that, but he was afraid even the slightest nipple nuzzle would make him come.

Only one option seemed open if he planned to keep his forty-five-minute timetable intact. There was a small clock on the bedside table. She could see it easily if she wanted to keep track.

Too bad he hadn’t thrown his briefs over it. The trick was to keep her so busy she wouldn’t think to look at the clock. But first he’d need to remove that condom she held between her thighs.

Leaning down, he braced one hand beside her head as he lowered his mouth to hers. She tasted so good—too good. He could come just from kissing that full mouth and feeling her tongue slide against his.

She leaned back on the pillow and cupped his head in both hands. He became so involved in kissing her that he forgot his goal of getting the condom and putting it safely on the bedside table before he instituted his plan. Instead he found himself stroking her breast, which felt like velvet and would taste like honey. He remembered that.

But he mustn’t taste. Yet how he wanted to. Besides, that was the logical order of things, the natural progression, to kiss her lips and her br**sts before moving south. He had to forget about order. Forty-five minutes was a long time. Maybe if—

He gasped as her hand strayed toward his penis. His eyes flew open. This would never do. She’d bring him off in no time flat. Stern measures were called for.

Grabbing her wrist, he pulled it away from the detonation zone. Then he straddled her and took hold of her other wrist for good measure. Lifting his mouth from hers, he pinned her to the bed and looked into those blue, blue eyes. "We’re going to take it slow."

Her reply was breathless but encouraging. "Okay."

"You’re probably used to being in charge, but this time—"

"I’m not used to anything." Her br**sts quivered with each shallow breath.

That gave him pause. "Meaning?"

"Meaning…" Her cheeks grew pinker. "I don’t do this much."

He stared at her in disbelief. "But you’re Zoe Tarleton." "Sex symbol. I know."

A combination of heat and tenderness washed over him. "But. . . why now?"

"I can’t seem to help it."

He got that. He couldn’t, either.

"And I feel safe," she murmured. "I trust you, Flynn."

He gulped. "I’m glad, but… I’m afraid I’ll let you down."

"Does that happen a lot, you letting women down in bed?"

He thought about the women he’d made love to. "No." But they hadn’t been Zoe. "Ever?"

"No." But this was Zoe.

She smiled at him. "Then I’ll chance it. Kiss me, Flynn."

With a groan he lowered his mouth to hers. It wasn’t like he had a choice, even considering the potential for disaster. Kissing Zoe was a given.

And once the kissing started, there was no stopping anything. His blood ran hot, and possibilities sparkled in his brain. He was inspired. He would do this.

Releasing her wrists, he slid down her warm, supple body. With her allover tan she was like a golden river carrying him south to the glory land of natural redheads and Brazilian wax jobs.

His weight forced her thighs apart, although they didn’t seem to take much forcing. The condom packet fell and scratched against his chest, but he didn’t have time to secure it now. She needed him to give her satisfaction, and he planned to do exactly that.

She smelled glorious, and with the first lap of his tongue he confirmed that she tasted even better. He took a brief second to congratulate himself. After all, it wasn’t every day that a guy like Flynn ended up with his head between the thighs of a world-famous goddess like Zoe.

Then the importance of that factoid disappeared. They were no longer Flynn Granger, nerd, and Zoe Tarleton, superstar. Stripped of their roles, they were free to become lovers—a very eager man working to give pleasure to a more-man-willing woman. From the change in her breathing and her little cries of delight, he seemed to be succeeding.

He didn’t rush it. The forty-five-minute boast hung over his head, taunting him to make good on it. So he’d give it his best shot.

If that meant hanging out here for a while, pacing himself, pacing her, that was okay with him. She hadn’t started to beg yet, so he figured she was happy with the roller coaster he’d put her on. He switched from intense to lazy, taking her almost to the top, then easing off and letting her zoom back to earth.

Maybe she’d forgotten about the forty-five minutes. He got excited thinking about that. If she had, then he could move faster. If she had, he needed to find the damned condom, which was somewhere in the bed with them, but he wasn’t sure exatly where.

He teased her some more, building the tension, waiting to see if she’d beg him to finish it. If she didn’t, that was fine, too. He loved his work, loved making her wiggle and moan.

She gasped for breath. "Flynn."

"Mm?" He circled his tongue around her flash point.

"Are you trying … for… forty-five … minutes?"

So she hadn’t forgotten. "Could be." He let his breath tickle her damp skin and she gasped again. She was so hot. Between the two of them, they could probably power a town the size of Long Shaft.

"I don’t… care about… that, anymore. Make … me … come."

"Sure thing." And he settled into a task that was ridiculously easy. In no time her cries had escalated to wails, and he had to clutch her h*ps to keep her from thrashing around and dislodging him.

Apparently she didn’t want any disconnect, either, because she grabbed his head so that he wouldn’t stray from the target. Her enthusiasm sent a surge of lust through him that resulted in an even more painful erection, but those were the breaks. His time would come, and soon. Assuming he could find the blasted condom.

Jeez, Louise! After all those golden opportunities to do it outside where I could watch, they choose the damned bedroom for their boinkathon. No imagination whatsoever, plus my viewing angle is terrible and I can’t hear worth a shit.

Flynn doesn’t have a clue how dangerous that bedroom could get, either. He was better off sleeping in his own beddie-bye, but no, he has to take his throbbing manhood, as they used to say in the old romance novels, and park it in Zoe’s bed.

Those two idiots are such a cliché. She strips and he climbs in and starts his program. Where’s the mystery, the intrigue, in that? Too easy. Make ’em beg for it, I say. Withhold, then give in a little. Then back off. Work on yourself for a while and make them watch.

Wouldn’t Flynn be surprised if he looked out this window right now. He won’t, though, because his head is wedged between her legs for the duration. You ‘d think she was serving hot fudge, the way he’s going at it. But if he did happen to glance this way, he ‘d get turned on by what he saw, no question. If things were different, we could make it a threesome.

But things aren’t different. They are what they are. And by tomorrow we couldn’t make a threesome even if we tried, because Zoe will be indisposed. Or disposed of, I should say. I get hot thinking about that. Very hot.

When Zoe cli**xed, she nearly levitated. Had Flynn not been holding her down, he could imagine her flying around the room like a helium balloon as she cried out his name. His name. That fact wasn’t lost on him. He wasn’t just another talented tongue.

As she sank back to the mattress, still panting, she whispered a word. It sounded like more. He could do that. But when he settled in for round two, she dug her fingers into his scalp and lifted him away from the target.
