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Grip of the Shadow Plague

"Thanks, Coulter. See you soon."

"Count on it. I’ll be taking a shift to watch over you and Seth before long."

Kendra exited the room and went down the stairs to the entry hall. Grandpa and Dale had already lugged the bags outside. In the doorway, Seth dropped his emergency kit. It seemed to land with an unusually heavy clunk. Looking guilty, he picked up the box hurriedly and went out the door.

Finding herself alone for a moment, Kendra pulled out the envelope, tore it open, and removed the letter from Gavin. She unfolded the single sheet of paper, trying not to feel eager, trying to forget the stupid things Seth had guessed it might contain.

Dear Kendra,

I’m very sorry I can’t be there to escort you home. Crazy news from Dougan, huh? I can hardly believe how upside down everything has become! I knew there was something shady about good guys wearing masks… they’ve done away with them now.

I’m off on another mission. Nothing as dangerous as what we went through together, but another chance for me to prove myself useful. I’ll fill you in later.

Guess why I like letters? No stuttering!

You’re an amazing person, Kendra. I want you to know how much I have appreciated getting to know you. Hopefully I’ll get a turn standing guard over you and your brother in the fall. I hope someday soon we’ll get to know each other better.

Your friend and admirer,


Kendra reread the letter, then triple-checked the part about her being amazing and him wanting to get to know her better. He didn’t just sign it "your friend." It was "your friend and admirer."

With a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth, Kendra folded up the letter, slipped it into her pocket, and walked out the front door, marveling at how fine a line divided dreading the future from looking forward to it.
