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Handcuffed in Housewares

Handcuffed in Housewares (Tulle and Tulips #3)(11)
Author: Nikki Duncan

He was the easy answer, but before “you” trembled from her tongue she reconsidered. Her friends had been right to say she could use more spark in her life. She’d felt more alive during the time spent with him than she had in years. Being apart from him, despite how recently they’d met, had left her with an emptiness she’d only recognized when he opened the front door and took her hand.

They’d spent one night together. When she showed up on his porch late at night they ended up talking about his ex. It wasn’t exactly a normal way to start anything. Suddenly though, the answer was easy. “Us.”

“I like the sound of that.” Burton pulled her hands back to his thighs and squeezed lightly.

Still squeezing Leigh’s hands, he pulled her hands to his hips. The move gave her no choice but to lean forward. He stared into her eyes with the intention to kiss her a nak*d declaration.

His mouth, his kisses and wanting more, had kept her driving every time she’d considered turning the car around. They’d been the motivation she needed to get out and walk to his door. Then he’d called her and she’d been helpless against the idea of feeling him, tasting him, again.


He released her hands and placed his on the mattress on either side of her hips. Leaning across the few lingering inches, he kissed her. Like the first time he didn’t plunge and plunder, though she wouldn’t argue if he did. Seduction seemed to be his natural style, which possibly made him more dangerous than any risk-loving player. He didn’t ask for anything kinky and crazy, which only made her want to give it to him.

“You’re stunning.” He pressed tiny kisses to the corners of her mouth and along the lines of her cheekbones.

“You’re not shabby.” The lack of pressure from him became a pressing weight of need in her stomach.

“Will you stay the night?” He moved his attention to her neck, lingered at the edge of her collar.

Shivers painted her body in shades of brilliance. Passion and fire. Warm and enticing. Denying Burton and the demands of her body might be the smart move, yet it wasn’t what she wanted. It was the last thing she wanted.

“I have an early meeting.”

“I have a reliable alarm clock.”

It was all the encouragement she needed to stay and indulge in a little thrill. Kissing him like he had her, she feathered soft touches along his face. When she reached his ear she shifted from light kisses to the lightest of nibbles on his lobe. “Your blinds.”

“Are closed,” he whispered.

“Would you enjoy it more if they were open?”

“Not particularly.”

His lips curled against her neck. “Besides, my room faces the oncoming street more directly than the office.”

She held his lobe and pulled gently with her teeth, extending the soft flesh almost to its max. “I’ve noticed.”

“Are you saying you’d be okay with it if I preferred them open? Someone could see us.”

She trembled. It was taboo and there was no way of knowing who might see them or how they would respond. With Burton’s mouth on her she didn’t care about the danger. The spark of his desire bled through her and inflamed her willingness to take the advice of her friends. “I think so, yes.”

He pulled back and faced her. Studied her with an unblinking intensity. “Are you asking for this because you think it’s more exciting for me?”

“Can you tell me it isn’t?” Yes. No. She wanted to hear both answers because both held a rush of possibilities.

If he got more excited by the danger it would be an excuse to indulge the side of herself she’d locked down. The idea of him being more excited by having her to himself was just as delicious.

“The thrill of being caught is tantalizing. The idea of wondering if your neighbors saw you would linger in the back of your mind every time you go to your mailbox.”

He touched the underside of her chin with the tip of a finger and made sure she was looking into the depths of his brown gaze. He searched her eyes for her secrets, and the intensity of his search scorched a path into her heart until she was certain he’d read her mind.

“You weren’t appalled when you found me in Hearth and Home.”

She shook her head.

“Surprised and a little embarrassed, but not turned off.” His finger flexed against her chin. He never blinked. “You’ve indulged in games before.”

She nodded.

“You got burned by whoever you trusted. That’s why you’re so conservative now.”

Words wouldn’t come to her. She wasn’t even sure her voice would work if she could form a thought in her brain. She settled on a single nod.

“And you’re willing to trust me.”

She nodded again.

He knew the truth; she knew there was no reason to deny it. It was in the simple silence of the moment, in the pause before he spoke next, that enlightenment made an appearance.

She was willing to take risks with him because she trusted him.

Tingles from his touches paled beneath the onslaught of truth. Her body and the world around her stalled and then jolted to life as if she’d been shocked. She felt alive, and in the danger of her realization she also felt safe.

She cared for him. A lot.

She barely knew him. They hadn’t spent enough time together to justify how deep her feelings may go, but there was no ignoring it. He’d shown her tenderness and patience and understanding. He’d apologized for comparing her to his ex. He’d been honest with her at every turn and now he was protecting her from exposing more of herself than she was entirely comfortable with.

He was treating her the way Trevor and Jace treated Lori and Misty.

He was the biggest threat to her security and the biggest thrill. If he figured out how much power he held there would be no escape.

“Leigh, I don’t care about that as much as I think you think I do.” He shrugged the shrug of a man who accepted he was what he was—a man who liked sex. “I won’t deny that public displays can be fun, but knowing I and I alone have the honor of watching you give yourself over to an orgasm… There’s no bigger rush.”

“Oh, God.” She swallowed. Her organs leapt into a thrilling dance that shot life into every molecule. “You don’t make things easy.”

“Then let’s simplify them.” Smooth and confident, he took her shoulders in his strong hands and laid her back in front of him. Stretching out beside her, he traced a fingertip along the collar of her shirt, teasing her skin with only the occasional contact.

“You’re beautiful.” He slid his finger over her chest and down her stomach. Flattening his palm on her stomach, she was sure he was going to untuck the shirt. He instead settled on rubbing her pelvis and hip.

“I enjoy spending time with you.” Gripping her hip lightly, he rolled her to him and then slid his palm down her thigh. Cupping the back of her knee, he raised her leg over his.

“I love having you nak*d and against me. Then there’s the thrill of your p**sy squeezing me when I’m buried deep.”

She shuddered and popped her h*ps forward, rubbed against the erection pressing against his jeans.

“I’m also perfectly happy doing nothing other than make out with you. I could spend hours kissing you and seeing just how hot we can get before we implode.”

Leigh flattened her hand over the bulge of his pecs. Her panties grew wetter and the seam of her pants pressed against her, enticing her. Every syllable he uttered in his smooth, seductive voice made her hotter. If he thought she could last hours without implosion… He was so wrong.

“What do you say we see how long we can last?”

“I think hours are too long, but I’m game.”

Chapter Ten

Weeks passed in a blur of work and dates and make-out sessions that always ended with Leigh’s nak*d legs wrapped around his waist. She helped finish the floor in the entryway, painted walls and re-grouted the tile in the showers.

She walked into his house each evening in raggedy clothes and her hair in a loose ponytail. She walked out each morning in sensible business clothes and her hair in a well-secured bun. She shared both sides of herself with him, and both sides seemed like the real her.

More and more the idea of Leigh becoming a permanent part of his life settled in Burton’s mind. In the hours he spent home alone, he saw and heard her. He viewed the rooms as if they were finished with every touch she suggested. Every touch that reflected him perfectly.

Through helping him get the house sale-ready she had him looking at it as if it were his home. As if it were the place he wanted to start a family. With her.

Every day he spent with her was a day he fell a little closer to love. By the time his eyes slid closed at night he was sure he’d gotten there, but each morning he watched her walk away he thought of Paula, and that had him wondering how long Leigh would stay before she decided he wasn’t the best she could get. Those thoughts had him pulling away until she returned in the evening.

The up and down of his emotions was exhausting. He hated the insecurity and wished he knew how to talk about it with Leigh, but talking it out would require revealing himself to her. He wasn’t ready for that.

The mattress dipped at his side. Leigh’s soft lips came to rest on his with a sweetness he’d been allowed to taste every morning for weeks. His lips curved a moment before he opened his eyes. “You’re dressed.”

“Yes.” She kissed him again and then moved away. “And you need to be too. We’re supposed to be at Jace and Misty’s in less than an hour.”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her down. “Plenty of time for sex and a shower.”

She giggled the way she often did when he talked directly about sex. She’d admitted after a few drinks one night it wasn’t embarrassment that made her giggle. Her claim was he made her feel like a teenager and that made her giggle. Of course her telling him that had him finding ways each day to make her giggle. It was almost as cute as when she sneezed.

“I have sweet rolls in the oven. I don’t want them to burn.”

“You cooked?” She excelled at take out while he was the one who did most of the cooking, when they cooked.

“Even I can open a tube of rolls and put them in the oven.” She kissed him sharply and pulled back. “Now get showered and dressed so we’re not late.”

Arguments sprang to mind. He’d discovered which buttons to push when he wanted to coax her into bed. He’d also discovered if he made her late for work or something with her friends she withdrew and he had to work twice as hard to coax her out of her embarrassment.

In a humoring mood, he let her go deal with breakfast while he followed her orders. He stepped into the kitchen to see a sight he’d never have expected.

Leigh stood in front of the refrigerator with the door open. In her hand was a jug of dark chocolate milk, and she was drinking directly from it. She was the kind who frowned on double dipping. Her eyes would shout her disappointment if he moved a chip toward the salsa bowl for a second scoop. Yet, there she was with the jug cap in one hand while she drank freely from the jug.
