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Hard and Fast

Hard and Fast (Fast Track #2)(32)
Author: Erin McCarthy

When she added her hand to her movements, trailing her mouth with a firm grip on his shaft, Ty forgot about relaxing.

“Yes, that’s it,” he told her. “Give it to me, honey.”

She didn’t answer, for which he was hugely f**king grateful. She just kept on doing what she was doing, and Ty held on to her hips and pumped himself into her mouth, taking over the rhythm. Imogen let him, holding her hand and mouth steady while he thrust into her, and Ty gritted his teeth and exploded with a tight groan.

Imogen held steady, taking him, and he rode out the ecstasy, the room hot and bright, his thoughts nonexistent, his body pulsing and throbbing and rejoicing. When his shudders slowed, he brought his thrusts to a stop, and lay on the bed for a second, stunned and depleted. God, she was magnificent. It was another second before she pulled back, then she just turned and shot him a sly smile over the curves of their tangled-up bodies.

Wait a minute. Her lips were shiny, but otherwise clean.

“Did you swallow?” Ty asked, a little shocked.

“Uh-huh,” she said. “You don’t mind, do you?”

Like he even needed to think about that. “Hell, no. Damn, you are so f**king hot and sexy. I just can’t say that enough, Emma Jean. In fact, I’m thinking of giving you a new nickname. I might just start calling you Engine, since that’s what you do to me. Turn me on. Rev me up.”

“Really?” She shifted so that her legs were no longer on either side of his head. “I turn you on?”

Ty couldn’t resist the urge and smacked her retreating ass. She had an adorable, spankable little ass. “Uh, yes, babe, trust me. I am one amazingly lucky guy to have tapped you.”

“Tapped me?” She raised her eyebrows, but she looked amused even as she looked confused. “What does that mean?”

“Tap you. Like a keg. Let the fun begin, the spirits flow, open it up . . . I don’t know. It’s just an expression.”

“So I’ve been tapped?” She rested her chin on his chest and gave him another sleepy smile.

“Yep.” Ty kissed her palm. “And I’m going to tap you again on Monday when we’re camping, so rest up this weekend while I’m gone.”

“Are you leaving today?”

“Yeah, I should be out of here within . . .” He glanced at the clock. “Shit, an hour and a half. Do you want a shower? I’m going to fix us some breakfast.”

“I could use a shower.” Imogen leaned over and fumbled around for her glasses. She stuck them on her face and widened her eyes. “Ah, that’s better. Now I can see.”

Ty sat up and leaned against his headboard. “So you really can’t see all that well? Damn, girl, you could have lost an eye doing what you were.”

She laughed. “I can see something that big. I’m not totally blind.”

“True, it is really big,” he joked. He’d say he was on the high side of average, nothing to either worry about or brag about, and hey, it worked for him. But he enjoyed teasing her.

“I like it. A lot,” she said in a voice that was neither joke nor flirtation. It was just Imogen honesty, and that as usual was totally arousing to him.

“Why, thank you, honey,” he said, thinking if she didn’t shift off of him, she was going to find herself liking it a whole lot more. Since he didn’t have a condom within reach and he had to leave, that was not a good idea. Time to change the subject. “You ever thought about Lasik eye surgery?”

“No, not really.”

“Too expensive?”

“No, I can afford it. I have a trust fund from my grandparents.”

“Really?” Although Ty knew Imogen was educated and had guessed she was from an upper-middle-class family, he’d never suspected she had an actual trust fund. But he reasoned she had to be living off of something while she was in school. “Then why do you drive that shitty car?”

Imogen laughed. “Just because I can afford a new car doesn’t mean I should buy one. I didn’t know how long I would be in Charlotte, so it seems like a waste of money.”

That made no sense whatsoever to him. “A good car is never a waste of money.”

“It’s just not important to me to have a splashy car with all the bells and whistles. I didn’t even get my driver’s license until I was twenty-three.”

“Why not?”

“I was chicken, and I didn’t need one. I rode the bus, the subway, or grabbed a taxi.” She propped her hands on his chest and smiled up at him. “And I don’t get Lasik surgery because I am not sure I would recognize myself without glasses. I’ve had them so long it’s part of my identity.”

Now, that made sense to him. “I can totally understand that. And you wear your glasses well. You are very beautiful.”

She sighed. “You say that so earnestly. Like you actually mean it.”

He laughed. “I do mean it. Now get up, Engine, and jump in the shower. There are towels under the sink. Come on down to the kitchen when you’re ready and I’ll have a good Southern breakfast ready for you.”

Peeling herself off him, she said, “Is this going to involve gravy?”

“Uh, yeah. You can’t be eating a biscuit without gravy.”

“I’m not entirely sure my backside needs calorie-laden gravy and buttermilk biscuits.”

“Your ass looks amazing, thank you very much. And don’t even go there about calories with me. You’re rail thin and I am sick to death of women who won’t eat. It just sucks the fun out of everything.”

“So does gaining weight,” she pointed out, though she didn’t sound particularly passionate about it.

Ty frowned. “You think I give a shit if a woman has a curve or two? Hell, more for me to play with.”

Imogen smiled. “That’s good to hear, Ty. That’s a healthy attitude. And no, I am not in the business of denying myself foods I enjoy to maintain a completely unrealistic weight goal in order to satisfy society’s ludicrous standards of beauty. I am naturally thin and I try to eat healthy for longevity, but I am not going to turn down cake when it’s offered.”

“Or gravy and biscuits.”

She grinned at him. “Right. And I was just curious how you weighed in on the issue, pun intended, since Nikki starves herself.”

“It drove me nuts, plain and simple.” But he didn’t want to talk about Nikki. “Now get in the damn shower.”
