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Hard and Fast

Hard and Fast (Fast Track #2)(48)
Author: Erin McCarthy

There was no further protest. She swam over to him and lifted her arms up in the air, her chest rising and falling rapidly, ni**les tight beads in her bikini top, goose bumps on her chest and arms, whether from cold or arousal, Ty wasn’t sure. She blinked up at him, wanting him, lusting after him, wanting his body in hers the same way he wanted to take her with his cock, to pound into her again and again.

Ty reached out and lifted Imogen, pulling her up onto the tube with him, maintaining his balance with difficulty, but managing to get her settled on top of him. It was unfortunate that his ass was actually in the water and he couldn’t really feel her pressing against his erection, but it would do for now.

“We’re going to fall,” she whispered, looking down into his eyes, her fingernails digging into his flesh as she gripped his arms, her mouth a hairbreadth from his.

“So?” he asked. “We’ve already fallen. And this is worth the risk of a second dunking.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah.” And Ty kissed her, closing his eyes as the cool, sweet taste of her lips washed over him.

He could kiss her forever, he decided, just pressing his lips against hers over and over, letting their mouths mingle together. She did things to him that no woman ever had, she made him feel hot and possessive and tender and elated. He’d never thought of himself as a romantic guy, but with Imogen he wanted to be. He wanted the words to describe to her how good he felt when she was with him.

It was a place of perfect contentment for him, lolling around on the water with Imogen in his arms, no worries about the Chase for the Cup, nothing but gratitude for his life, what he had, and where he was.

“Mmmm,” she said when they broke apart. She relaxed on him, her head on his chest as they bobbed in the water.

Ty thought about finding a way to give Imogen o**l s*x, but decided he’d either drown in the process or knock them both into the water. So instead, he moved his hand between her legs and stroked along the front of her bikini bottoms.

“Stop that,” she murmured.

“Why?” Ty used the pad of his thumb to circle around her clitoris.

“Because you’re turning me on.”

“And that’s a bad thing?”

“It is when you can’t do anything about it.”

“Who says I can’t do anything about it?” Ty maneuvered his fingers inside the damp bottoms and slid along her warm flesh.

“Ahhhh,” was her response, which he took as a positive sign to continue.

Finding a slow, easy rhythm, he went in and out of her, feeling her body respond with a rush of moisture. It was a little bit of an awkward position for him, but he didn’t care when he heard her breathing quicken and felt her hips tense.

“Oh,” she said, her breath tickling his cheek. “Oh, that is rather nice.”

“Yeah?” Ty played with her clitoris before slipping back inside her. Hooking his finger, he stroked deeply along the inner wall and was rewarded by her whole body jerking slightly.

“Oh!” she said again, only this time it was shock, excitement, serious hot and juicy pleasure. “Nice doesn’t . . .” She sucked in a breath when he repeated the action. “Cover it. Oh, God, oh God . . .”

It looked like he’d found her G-spot again, a happy, hot discovery. Ty throbbed with desire as he stroked again and had the acute pleasure of feeling and seeing her come, her cries loud and frantic, her inner muscles convulsing around his finger. He held on until she had stilled, panting in his ear. Then he slowly slid out of her and trailed his hand up her side.

“You okay?”

She nodded, blinking at him. “That was . . .” Her raspy voice trailed off.

“Nice?” he suggested with a grin.


“Good.” Ty moved his legs and separated from her. “Because we’re going back to the site now. We have a date with a sleeping bag.”

“Nice,” she said, sprawled across the inner tube like a lazy cat in the sun.

Ty laughed and rolled off into the water, welcoming the cold submersion.


IMOGEN rather expected Ty to get her back to their campsite and fling her down onto the sleeping bag posthaste. Which she would not have objected to in the least.

But he was courteous enough to suggest she change out of her wet bathing suit and have some lunch. Ty also pointed out the bathroom facilities to her, such as they were.

After a precarious few minutes in the outhouse, she emerged to find Ty had spread out a lunch of sandwiches, fruit, and crackers on the picnic table.

“Wow, aren’t you domestic?” Imogen took a seat on the bench and grabbed a grape.

“Note there’s no red dye. I don’t want you having an allergic reaction on our trip. That would seriously interfere with my plans.” Ty raised his eyebrows up and down. “And my mother taught me to take care of myself. She always said she was raising future husbands, not boys.”

Touched he had remembered an allergy she had only mentioned once when he’d been eating candy at Tamara’s house, Imogen said, “Thank you, that was sweet. And I should thank your mother as well.”

Immediately she realized how that could be misconstrued and she tried to explain. “I mean, I should thank her for ensuring you were capable of preparing decent meals, as I’ve now been the recipient of them twice. I wasn’t at all making any reference to your potential as a husband.” Imogen bit her grape and told herself to shut up.

Ty looked more amused than put out. “I kind of figured that out, but thanks for clarifying. And you already made it clear what you think of my potential as a husband when you asked Nikki why in hell she’d ever want to marry me.”

She knew he was teasing her, but she still couldn’t help defending herself. “I explained that to you. The girl was using absolutely the wrong set of criteria to choose a spouse and, frankly, to reach the conclusion that marriage was even what she wanted at this juncture in her life.”

“I agree. But what is the right set of criteria, Emma Jean?” Ty bit into a turkey sandwich as he sat on the bench across from her. “How do you know when the time is right?”

“Prevailing opinion would have it you just know.”

“I thought I knew and I was wrong.” He shrugged. “Does it matter in the long run? No, I guess it doesn’t. No harm came out of it. And it’s funny now that I can look back and see it was more of a puppy love on my part than a true and deep love.”
