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Heartstrings (Rock with You #1)(2)
Author: Adriana Hunter

She’d never had anyone be so gentle, yet so passionate at the same time. Thoughts of Patrick encroached again, of his forceful manner and predictable moves, and she pushed them aside. It wasn’t fair to compare either man to the other, particularly when she’d just been dumped by one of them. But there really was no comparison; this was so erotic it took her by surprise, completely took her breath away.

Logan was lying next to her, his hands back on her full br**sts as he kissed her deeply, his tongue working magic as he thrust it against hers. Melody wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close, her legs moving restlessly on the bed, giddy with the sensation of being with this man, this unknown stranger, who excited her in ways no man ever had.

His hands moved to her bra, tugging it down, exposing her br**sts. Logan slid down in the bed, kissing her neck and shoulders, working his way to the soft mounds of her br**sts, finally flicking his tongue around her n**ples, moving between them, the cool air against her wet skin making them pucker. She gasped as he pulled one into his mouth, sucking gently at first, then harder, waves of arousal coursed through her body. It wasn’t long before they were both moaning, he against her skin, and Melody biting her lip, turning her head into the pillow.

The insistent pressure of his erection against her hip competed, and then overrode with the feel of his mouth on her breast. And with that, she decided to be the aggressor, seeking what her body wanted.

Melody pushed Logan onto his back, enjoying the surprised look on his face. She straddled his hips, rising above him. She reached behind her, undoing the clasp of her bra and instantly Logan’s hands were back, stroking her skin, palming her n**ples, his h*ps rising beneath her body.

“You’re a beautiful woman, Melody. I hope you know that. Any fool can see…”

She placed a finger against his lips, looked into Logan’s eyes. “No more of him. He’s ancient history.”

She leaned forward, removing her finger, and replacing it with her lips, kissing the stranger that she found so irresistible. The feel of his erection against her inner thigh again, achingly close to where she wanted him to be, reminded her of what she really wanted.

Melody reluctantly broke their kiss. Logan’s hands were now on her hips, holding her lightly, but firmly, the pressure of his fingers telling her he wanted the same thing she did, to be buried deep inside of her. And it was time for that to happen. She was ready and so was he.

Settling down, spreading her legs, she lowered herself onto Logan. She closed her eyes for a moment, exhaling, relishing the feel of his full, thick c*ck entering her, listening to the passionate, hungry sounds he made, somewhere between a moan and a sigh of relief.

His fingers were holding her more firmly, digging into her flesh, as she began to move, the friction of his c*ck inside her fanning the fire that his foreplay had started.

Logan’s hands moved smoothly to her legs, gliding over the sheer stockings from her knees upward, his thumbs sliding along the insides of her curvy thighs, finding some erogenous zone she’d never known existed. His firm pressure soon had her gasping as she brought her body down on his cock, swiveling her h*ps forward, grinding against him with unashamed intensity.

She looked down at Logan, watching the animalistic hunger spread across his face. His eyes met hers, the raw passion she saw there so intense, it almost took her breath away and she felt herself shudder from the electricity that coursed through her veins leaving her skin sprinkled with delicious, cool sweat.

Something changed between them then, a shift of power that told her Logan was no longer content to let her take the lead. He planted his feet on the bed, flexing his h*ps upward sharply, meeting her body, and exerting his own rhythm until Melody was breathless, unable to match his pace. Leaning forward, she placed her hands on either side of his shoulders as he drove himself into her, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

She suddenly found herself forcefully rolled onto her back, Logan claiming the space between her legs, his mouth now claiming hers in a rough, passionate kiss. No longer was she the aggressor; Logan was moving with power and speed, thrusting hard into her.

Melody was at his mercy and more than willing to give into to his control, letting him slide his arms beneath her legs, rising above her on his knees. His gaze never left her face, as if he were searching for something in the depths of her eyes.

His thrusts were almost, but not quite, brutal, taking her on a rapidly spiraling ride of ecstasy. She could feel her breath catch as each thrust forced a cry from her throat. Sensations flooded her body, things she’d never felt before, fleeting but intense, and suddenly it all broke apart, her release sweeping her away.

She was aware of Logan, of his body moving differently, his own sharp cries mixing with hers as he came, his body tensed above her. Instinctively she reached for him, pulling him down to her, wrapping her legs around his waist. He buried his head in her shoulder, his sounds muffled against her body as he spent himself inside of her.

After long minutes, Logan pulled away, rolling onto his back. She felt his hand moving between them, searching for and finding hers, winding his fingers through her own. She lay still, listening to his breathing returning to normal, to the beat of her own heart as it finally slowed. And she drifted into a contented sleep.

It was a long time later when she felt the bed move, felt the softness of the sheet falling across her body and then the weight of Logan’s arm heavy on her shoulder as he pulled her to his chest. She nestled drowsily against his body, resting her head against him and he moved again, cradling her, his legs entwined with hers.

The last thing Melody was aware of, as she drifted off in a hazy state on the edge of exhaustion, was inhaling Logan’s scent, a combination of spicy and earthy, deeply masculine, vaguely scented with whisky, and the distinctive odor of sex, all mingled into a heady mixture that somehow soothed her into a deep sleep.

* * *

Melody groaned, rolling over in bed. The light from the window cut across her pillow, sending a wave of pain through her head. She threw an arm across her eyes, waiting for the agony to subside. She took a few deep breaths, eyes closed, and then it hit her. She wasn’t at home.

She sat up in bed, quickly closing her eyes again as the room spun around her.

“Oh, my God. What the hell have I done?”

It all came back in a rush of images. The text from Patrick, drunk at the hotel bar…and Logan. Oh, shit. Logan. She’d slept with Logan MacKenzie. Holy shit!

Melody opened one eye, looking around the room. Her clothes were neatly folded over the back of a chair, her purse on the bedside table. But there was no sign of Logan, not even a stray piece of clothing. The bathroom door was open but that room was empty to. She was alone. Typical rockstar…one-night stand with a drunken, wanton woman.

“Stupid…stupid mistake.” Melody flopped back on the bed, jarring her head again. Something crinkled beneath her outstretched arm. Rolling over, she fished a piece of hotel stationary from the pillow next to her. She smoothed it out on the sheet, squinting as she tried to focus on the scrawling handwriting.

‘Melody…Next time I’m in New York, I’ll call you. The tour comes through here in about a month. I need to see you again. Logan.’ The word ‘need’ was underlined three times.

Like that will ever happen. Shaking her head, she crumpled the note, tossing it to the floor.

“You’ve done some very stupid things in your life, Melody, but this takes the cake.” She squinted at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was well past ten o’clock. The card next to the clock reminded her that check out time was at eleven.

“Shit…” She climbed out of bed, heading for the bathroom, debating whether she had time for a shower. Turning on the hot water, she decided if she was late leaving the room, Logan MacKenzie could afford to pay for any extra charges.

By the time she got home, Melody was feeling almost normal, not craving bed and aspirin as she had earlier. She dumped her purse on her bed, checking her cell phone for messages. There were several from Patrick, all of which she deleted. One from her mother, quickly saved for later. And one from Melissa. That she hesitated over, then deleted it. She could deal with Melissa on Monday.

She and Melissa were best friends, had been since Melody had started at the firm. Melissa was her paralegal and without her, she would literally be lost. Melissa tracked everything from docket dates to filing status to all her appointments. She had a knack of being able to put her finger on any piece of paper needed, even those pesky documents that somehow went missing on Melody’s desk, buried under mountains of other papers. Melody felt a pang of guilt; her success in winning the Montague case had been in no small part due to Melissa’s expertise. She made a mental note to do something special, take Melissa to lunch or get her something special to mark the occasion. Melissa had mentioned there was a scarf at Barney’s she’d had her eye on.

The chirp of her cell phone interrupted her musings. Flipping it open, she recognized Patrick’s number. Her first instinct was to send the call to voice mail but she knew he’d just keep calling until he got through.

“Hello?” She sat back on the sofa, kicking her heels up before dropping her feet on the coffee table. There was a run in her stocking, which somehow annoyed her greatly.

“Melody. I’ve been trying to reach you since last night…I think…we should…I mean, how are you?”

Melody massaged her temple with her free hand. “Patrick. You broke up with me. In a text message. And you have the nerve to call and ask how I am? How the f**k do you think I am?” She heard the rising anger in her voice and it made her head hurt again. Damn Patrick.

There was brief silence from Patrick’s end. “I…it was a terrible thing to do, Melody. And I’m sorry. It was impulsive.”

“It was more than impulsive. It was mean and heartless. Look, you made yourself clear. We’re through. You don’t get to call now and ask how I am. You made it clear I’m out of your life. So, you’re out of mine.”

Melody took a deep breath. “In fact, I’ve moved on, Patrick. There’s someone else. And he’s more of a man than you could ever hope to be.”

Flipping the phone shut, she tossed it on the coffee table. She may have made a mistake in sleeping with Logan MacKenzie, but at least she could put the experience to some good use. She felt a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth as she thought about Patrick, who was probably staring at his phone in confusion. Let him think about that bit of information for a while.

Melody went to her bedroom, slipping out of her dress, grabbing her pajamas. Even though it was still afternoon, there was no way she was going to leave the apartment. Traumatic events called for drastic measures and being dumped by ones fiancé and sleeping with a stranger were traumatic.

Tying the sash to her robe, she padded barefoot to the kitchen, opened the freezer, moving aside frozen dinners and ice cube trays, unearthing the pint of Chocolate Therapy ice cream she kept stashed in the back, just for such emergencies.

Back on the couch, dipping into the ice cream, her mind went back over the previous night. And she closed her eyes, cringing at the memory. Never, ever had she picked up a stranger in a bar. And she was certainly no groupie. Her firm represented all kinds of celebrities and she had never fallen for any of them, even remotely. She had been professional with all of them, even those who had made a blatant pass at her. It was something she prided herself on.
