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Heartstrings (Rock with You #1)(4)
Author: Adriana Hunter

“It was…extreme.” Melody didn’t want to recount the details to Ryan, but she’d kept everything bottled up for so long the words just seemed to tumble from her mouth.

“It’s just…well, I can’t forget about it. It was…I don’t want to be dramatic, and I can’t say it was life-changing, but it was…more, maybe…” She frowned at her drink, poking the cherry with the plastic spear. She really couldn’t continue to explain just how intense the night with Logan had been, especially with her boss.

“Maybe you’ve fixated on this guy…whoever he is…rather than dealing with Patrick. You haven’t said anything about how that’s affected you. That must have been a terrible sense of betrayal, being left by Patrick, someone you trusted, someone you loved.”

Ryan’s hand had moved to her arm, his fingers sliding over her skin, quickly brushing against the side of her breast. She turned sharply, but Ryan had picked up his drink, looking at her over the edge of his glass. She shook her head. You’re far too jumpy…and more than a little tipsy here.

She shrugged, pushing her drink away, the cherry in tattered pieces. “Maybe. Maybe you’re right. I’m beating myself up over my mistake rather than let myself think about Patrick. I don’t know.”

She wasn’t thinking clearly—again—and the last time she’d been like this, something terrible had happened. But this is Ryan. You know Ryan.

“Melody…” Ryan’s voice was suddenly very close, his breath moving the hair on the nape of her neck. She turned toward him and found him right there, his gaze locked with hers. Before she could speak, their lips were pressed together and she was kissing Ryan.

With a gasp, she broke away. “Oh, I’m sorry.” She turned away, feeling a heated blush on her cheeks. When she turned back to Ryan, he was looking at her with an intensity that startled her, but that was quickly replaced by a look of genuine concern.

“Melody…you’re confused right now. I think…maybe we’d better call it a night. Before you lose control”

“Ryan, really. I am sorry. I don’t know…this isn’t like me.” Maybe it is; maybe you throw yourself at any handsome man when you’ve been drinking since Patrick dumped you.

“Let me call you a cab, okay? You should go home. Don’t worry about it; I’ll see you tomorrow at work.”

The cab ride home was miserable. All she could focus on was the fact she’d kissed her boss. Her head was spinning and by the time she let herself into her apartment, she was in tears.

Melody set the alarm, crawled into bed and pulled the covers over her head. What the hell have I done?

But sleep was elusive and the longer she lay in bed, tossing and turning, the more muddled the evening became. Had she kissed Ryan or had he kissed her? The more she thought about it, the more it seemed he’d initiated the kiss. She remembered him touching her hand, his fingers skating over the tender skin on the inside of her arm, brushing against her breast. That had happened, she was sure of it…but then…

She rolled over, punching her pillow in frustration. No more alcohol for you…ever.

Sleep finally overcame her, along with the disconcerting memory of Ryan’s lips on hers. And that memory was swiftly replaced by one of Logan MacKenzie, his irresistible lips on her mouth, sliding over her body…Logan, who had taken advantage of her. But who had also taken her on a whirlwind ride of passion.

* * *

As much as she wanted to, Melody knew she couldn’t avoid Ryan all day. It was just after lunch when she finally worked up the courage to go to his office.

He was sitting at his desk, dictating, when she knocked on his open door. He waved her to the chair in front of his desk as he finished his dictation. Setting aside his notes, he rose, closing the door before taking the seat next to Melody.

“How are you today? I haven’t seen much of you. Nose to the grindstone again?” He smiled at her as if nothing happened and Melody wondered if their kiss had really taken place last night. But she knew she wasn’t that drunk; she hadn’t imagined that.

“Ryan, about last night…”

Before she could continue, he raised his hand. “Melody, it’s in the past. What happened…or what you think happened…let’s just leave it alone, okay? You’re under a bit of stress, and I’m willing to overlook a momentary indiscretion on your part.”

Melody stared at Ryan. “Oh…okay. Um, thanks.” Her mind was spinning. I don’t think it was my indiscretion though.

“I’m glad you’re here though. We have a really big case that came in today and I’d like you to take it. I’ll be here for you, as always, but I want you to take the lead. It has the potential to be a high profile event, probably lots of publicity.”

Melody’s attention was focused on Ryan now, on the details of the case. She sat forward, anxious to get more information.

“Who is it? What’s the suit?”

Ryan laughed. “Slow down. I don’t have a file yet; Lori is gathering preliminary information. You can stop by her desk on the way out, see if she’s finished. Otherwise, you’ll meet the plaintiff this afternoon. He’s coming in around two. I thought I’d set up the meeting through Melissa; she should have let you know. I was surprised when I hadn’t gotten a reply to the meeting invitation.”

Melody shook her head. “No, nothing on my calendar.” Not like Melissa to drop the ball.

“Well, in any event, we’re meeting in the twelfth floor conference room. I’d like you there about fifteen minutes early, if you can, so we can go over what we know. The case is still pretty straight-forward at this point; our client is suing his manager. But from what I understand, the client is also part of a group, who use the same manager. It probably has its complications, but I’m sure you’ll be able to handle it with no problem.”

Ryan stood, Melody following his lead. He took a step and she turned toward the door, placing her hand on the knob. She turned to say something, but before she could speak, Ryan placed his hand against the door, almost pinning her between him and the solid wood.

“Melody, I want you to know this is very important, not just because it’s a high-profile case for the firm, but how important it will be for you, for your career. Winning this is going to greatly help you in making partner; it could almost be a lock if you win.”

Ryan moved closer still; Melody could smell his cologne, feel the warmth of his breath on her neck. His voice was a dangerous rumble.

“I want you to succeed at this, do you understand? You making partner is going to be very good for you, for the firm. I take great pride in knowing I’m helping you succeed. And I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to help you. Are you willing to do whatever you need to do to succeed?”

She looked at Ryan, nodding. There was nothing she could think to say. Of course, she wanted to be a partner in the firm; who didn’t?

Ryan reached out, his hand on her arm, his fingers caressing her softly. An involuntary shiver ran through her body and she swallowed hard, her throat suddenly dry. The intensity she thought she’d seen the night before – thought she’d imagined – was back in Ryan’s eyes, desire prowling across his face.

“Good. So we’re on the same page then?”

Melody nodded again and Ryan reached for the doorknob, pulling the door open. The sudden movement of the door and the pressure of Ryan’s hand on her arm forced Melody to take an awkward step forward into Ryan, who didn’t step back. Melody’s hands came up automatically against Ryan’s chest and for a moment, they were pressed together.

Her breath caught in her throat. She’d never thought of Ryan in any terms but professional, but now, pressed against him like this, a flush swept through her body. Ryan looked down at her, his gaze intense, locked with hers.

“Remember, same page.” Ryan’s voice was a whisper, a conspiratorial look flashing in his eyes. He stepped back quickly and Melody stumbled forward as the door swung open behind her. Ryan was still holding her arm and he steadied her, his fingers gripping her elbow.

“Melody…you okay?” Ryan’s voice was full of concern as she lurched forward, clinging to Ryan.

Melody was pressed up against him, hands splayed across his chest, but this time standing in the open doorway of his office. Ryan’s paralegal, Lori, was looking at them with wide eyes, mouth open.

“Oh, sure…I’m fine…clumsy of me. See you at two.” Melody tried to jerk away from Ryan, her face flaming, but his hand still held elbow, guiding her through the open door. He finally released her and she bolted for the elevator, feeling as if every eye in the office following her as she fled. She tried to control her racing heart as she waited for the elevator, cursing herself under her breath.

Back in her office, she checked her schedule. There was an appointment on her calendar, entered by Lori. But not by Melissa. What is up with her lately?

Melody didn’t have time to think about that now; she was flustered and confused over her meeting with Ryan. What the hell had happened? Was he making moves on her or was she just making this up? Was she really that desperate for a man’s attention that she was throwing herself at Ryan? Like I threw myself at Logan?

Melody glanced at her watch. It was almost time for her to get upstairs to the conference room. As confused as she was about Ryan, she was excited to have a new case, something high profile. Taking a quick trip to the ladies room, she combed her hair and checked her face in the mirror, pronouncing herself presentable for her meeting with the new client.

Back in her office, Melody shrugged into her suit jacket and grabbed her legal pad and pen, tucking a couple of business cards into her pocket before heading out to the elevator. Melissa was at her desk, head down hidden behind a stack of files, and Melody briefly debated asking her to join the meeting. On impulse she detoured past the elevator toward Melissa’s cubicle.

“Hey, come with me. Ryan’s assigned me a new case, something big, and I want you to be there. You can take notes and we can talk after. There are a few things we need to discuss anyway. Did you get the invitation from him?”

Melissa shook her head, a slight frown briefly creasing her forehead. But she grabbed her legal pad, following Melody and they rode the elevator to the twelfth floor.

“What’s the case? Do you know who the client is?”

Melody laughed. “No…you sound like me in Ryan’s office earlier.” She frowned, momentarily distracted and confused by images of the meeting in Ryan’s office. But she forced herself to concentrate on the upcoming meeting.

“Just that it’s high-profile, client suing manager. Didn’t even get a name yet.”

The conference room was at the end of the hall. The door was closed as they approached. Melody hesitated, hearing male voices coming from inside. She glanced at her watch. It wasn’t even quarter of two yet; she couldn’t be late. Knocking softly, she swung the door open. And stopped dead in her tracks, Melissa bumping into her back.
