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Hell's Knights

She glares at me, turns and begins taking orders. Well, at least I can finally take my break. I throw the towel off my shoulder down onto the counter, and turn, yelling out as I walk off. I’m just about to turn down the hall, when a hand reaches out and grips me. I’m pulled into a hard, firm body and I break out in shivers all over as Cade presses me against a nearby wall. I’ve been making it my mission to avoid him since the afternoon in the shed. I know it’s annoying him, but I don’t want him to see that he affects me how he does. There’s going to come a point where I can no longer say no to him.

“What the hell, Cade? You can’t just pull me into a dark hall and do what you want!” I snarl.

“Sugar,” he growls. “You’re fuckin’ with me. You know I’m watching. You know it and you’re still doin’ it. Watching me from the corner of your eye, givin’ me those sexy little stares. I can see it, and fuck, you know I want it.”

“I am not…”

“Seein’ you out there, smilin’ at the men as you serve beers makes me fuckin’ angry. I want to take you, then and there, and slam you against the wall and let everyone here know you’re mine. I want to spread your legs and drive my cock deep, claiming you, owning you.”

“Cade, you’re insa…”

“Sugar, shut the fuck up. You know you’re my girl now. You’ve known that since the day I took you on the back of my bike. I don’t just take girls like that. If I wanna fuck, that’s just what I do, but it ain’t never like that. You’re callin’ for me, and I can’t look back. I need to claim you, and now you’re playin’ with me.”

“You might have claimed me,” I growl. “But I didn’t claim you.”

“Did you take my cock?”

“What? You know the answer to that,” I snap, frustrated.

“Then you claimed me, too.”

“Cade, you’re fucking delusion-”

“I warned you once,” he growls, cutting me off. “I won’t fuckin’ do it again. Shut the fuck up, sugar. Now, I’m gonna kiss you ‘coz I’ve been without those sweet lips while you play stupid little bullshit games with me. I won’t be without for another minute. Open your lips, baby, and kiss me.”

He doesn’t let me answer; he simply grips the back of my head, tangles his fingers into my hair, and pulls me close. I expect his lips to crash down over mine, but he just grazes them across, causing shivers to run down my spine. Cade knows I want him, he’s known since the day I laid on his bike and let him claim me. He sees something deep inside me, a want that I don’t recognize fully yet, and he’s pulling it from me, both hands wrapped tightly around it. I lean into him, wanting to deepen the kiss, but he pulls back. He tastes so good, just a touch, and I need more but he won’t give it to me. Instead, he just stares down at me with hungry eyes.

“My house, tonight. You be there, or I come and find you. Don’t think I’m fuckin’ kidding, Addison. Be there.”

“I don’t even know where you live,” I retort.

“You do, babe, ‘coz I fucked you on the bike right outside my front door.”

Ohhhh, so that was his house. Thank God for that.

I swallow, licking my bottom lip. He doesn’t give me a chance to argue any further. He lets me go and moves away before I can take my next breath. I stare at the empty space a moment longer, before letting out a rude snort. Cade Duke is going to see that he doesn’t get to order me around.

I won’t be at his house tonight.

Let’s see how he takes that.



“Addison, baby, you’re killing me.”

I smile up at Billy. He reaches over, takes my hair in his fingers and twirls it. We’re driving, and for the first time in years, I feel completely at ease. I run my fingers up his thigh. When you’re nineteen years old – which we both are – that’s an extremely sexual gesture. He’s all stiff and squirming, begging me to stop teasing him. I’m giggling. I almost forgot what giggling felt like.

“I’m not doing anything,” I smile innocently.

He grins, flashing me his charming, crooked smile. His blonde hair blows in the wind and his eyes twinkle with amusement.

“I won’t be able to drop you off if you keep that up.”

I frown now. “I wish you didn’t have to drop me off.”

He gives me a pained smile. “I know, baby, but for now I can’t keep you. I have to get a place first.”

I nod, knowing that’s the truth. He’s trying. He’s trying to get out of his parents’ house and find a way to save me. I’m sure he will too. At least, I hope he will. Right now, he’s my light at the end of the tunnel. If that light snuffs out, I really don’t think I’ll find another one.

“We’ll be fine,” he assures me as he turns onto my street.

My heart sinks, that quickly. There’s nothing but darkness here.

“Thanks, for today,” I whisper as Billy comes to a stop.

He reaches over taking my face in his hands. “I’ll find a way to save you, Addison. I swear.”

I lean over and brush my lips across his. He tangles his fingers in my hair and deepens the kiss. Finally, we break apart, my heart thudding. He strokes a thumb down my cheek.

“I’ll call you, I promise.”

“The phone has been disconnected again,” I sigh.
