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High Stakes

High Stakes (Vegas Vampires #1)(29)
Author: Erin McCarthy

"Who the hell are you talking to?" It must be one of Brittany ‘s neighbors in her apartment complex. Probably wondering why she was screaming into her cell phone on her patio at one in the morning.

"Hmm?Oh, I’m so glad you and Ethan are getting along. I think he really needs someone like you."

According to Ethan, he needed a wife, and she wasn’t going that route. Had always known she wasn’t ever going to get married. Not that he had "suggested anything of the kind, but if she ever lost her mind enough to think she wanted marriage, it wouldn’t be with a dead guy.

"Yeah, he’s okay. Now let me go to bed, please."

"Sure thing, Alex.I’ll see you tomorrow?" There was a rustling sound as Brittany shifted the phone and said, "Don’t go. I’m hanging up now."

"Who are you talking to?" She’d forcibly removed Brittany from the company of vampires. If her sister now took up with some yahoo, Alexis was going to be seriously annoyed.

"I’m talking to you." Brittany giggled."No, not you. Her."

Alexis groaned. "You know what? This conversation is beyond me right now. I love you, good night, lock your doors,see you tomorrow."

"Bye, Alex. I love you, too."

Hanging up the phone, Alexis went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth.

Her mind still racing, she wasn’t sure she could sleep just yet, so she decided to check her e-mail on her cell phone."Only seventeen messages, a light night."

Nothing but crap.Irritating e-mails from coworkers who couldn’t think without someone holding their hands, an advertisement from Ticketmaster for " YanniLive," and an invitation to join something.

"What is this?" Alexishovered the cursor over the invitation."From The Redeemer? Doesn’t sound like  p**n ." Against her better judgment, but curious enough to risk it, she clicked on the e-mail.

Hello! You’ve been invited to join VampireSlayers-at-yahoogroups .com. We are a group dedicated to the destruction of the unholy undead. Join us for lively discussion and strategy planning on this private list. Your invitation will expire in seven days.

Okay. Alexis read it again. "That’s freaking weird." She double-clicked on the sender—The Redeemer—and saw the e-mail address was, which told her nothing except the sender was grandiose in his view of himself.

Without conscious thought, her eyes drifted over to the open drapes at the hotel window. She yanked them shut. Granted she was twenty-some floors up in the air but it made herfeel better. The e-mail gave her the creepy feeling of being watched.

"How could someone know who I am? Or my e-mail, or who and what Ethan is." Grabbing her room key and still holding her cell phone, she went into the hallway and pounded on Ethan’s door. He needed to see this.

There was no answer, even when she hit the door with the butt of her hand six times in a row. It occurred to her that as a vampire heProbably slept during the day and worked at night. There was no guessing where he was.

" Argh."She stomped back to her room, went to the minibar , and grabbed herself a Coke. After popping the top, and taking a huge sip that made her eyes water, she sat down on the couch in her little sitting area.

And clicked on the // smcjoin this group!button .

Four hours later she lost the fight to keep her eyes open, and fell asleep on the couch, cell phone clutched in her hand.

Chapter Eleven

Ethan jerked straight out of sleep. He sat up, scanning the dark room, and assessed what he had sensed. He had been born the son of a warrior, he himself had fought in battle, and his undead instincts had averted him from many a danger. No longer needing a weapon, since he could kill any mortal or young vampire with his bare hands if necessary, he still had the habit of reaching behind his head for his dagger.

Naked, arm stretched up, and feeling like he’d been doused in freezing lake water, he heard violent knocking on his door. "Ethan! Get up, damn it."

Relaxing his tense body, he sighed and rubbed his eyes. No threat there—just Alexis, having no respect for the sanctity of his sleep and privacy. Maybe if he was quiet, she’d go away. Sleep was a luxury he’d discovered later in his life, when he had time, money, and better security. It was a gift he’d taken to really well, and he liked his eight hours uninterrupted.

From the way his head felt, he’d only gotten about four.

Sitting still, he held his breath when the silence continued. Maybe she’d gone back to her room. He hoped. That was the downside to involvement with a mortal. They were awake during the day, something he was decidedly out of habit doing.

Probing with his mind, he tried to find his way into her thoughts since she couldn’t see him and might not be guarding against him. There was nothing. No feelings, no snatches of thought, no real sense even of her temperament, mood, or posture.

It was frustrating to feel so merely mortal around her.To not have the benefit of one of his greatest vampire gifts.

Then again, maybe she had left and that was why there was only silence.

"Ethan! Come on, I want to talk to you."

So much for hope.With a groan, he got out of bed and stretched. He felt sluggish and tired, perhaps residual effects of losing so much blood the night before.Or getting ripped out of sleep by a persistent, loud, short woman.

Not bothering to put clothes on, he went to the door. If she was going to force him out of bed, she was going to get him as he was.In the flesh.

It gave him a sick sort of anticipation to know he was going to shock her. Nine hundred years didn’t necessarily bring profound maturity when dealing with women.

Ethan pulled the door open, knowing he was probably smirking.

Alexis paused with her hand in the air. She was wearing jeans and a tank top, which did nice things to her br**sts.Tight, snuggly things that gave him the sudden urgent need to suck and bite her ni**les until she moaned.

"Oh, there you are. Were you sleeping?" Alexis blinked innocently, like she hadn’t just been making direct contact with her fist on his door.

"Yes, I was. Is there something I can help you with, my dear?" He leaned on the doorframe, crossing his arms and ankles.

She glanced down. Where he had expected blushes and squea-mishness , he got a bold, direct stare. Her head tilted a little, her eyes widened.Maybe with a little surprise, yes, but mostly with interest.

Which had him reacting to her interest.

Her tongue slipped out and licked her lower lip, while she tucked her loose, wavy hair behind her ear. He may not have been able to read her thoughts, but he could see the desire on her face.Or at least, the very real sexual curiosity.

"Morning woody?" she asked, eyes still trained on his erection.
