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High Stakes

High Stakes (Vegas Vampires #1)(36)
Author: Erin McCarthy

"Why not?"Ethan asked sensibly. "We seem like regular mortal men, don’t we? We blend into society for the most part, and we are strong, some of us are attractive and charming and some have stronger moral fiber than others, just like mortals. There is no reason to believe your mother would have known the truth if she were seduced by a vampire."

Alexis wasn’t sure why she was so upset, but she was. Choosing to be with Ethan for a few days was one thing, but accepting that Brittany was vampire was more than she could handle. It was scary and unbelievable, disturbing and shocking. And if Brittany were an Impure, then she had a whole community that Alexis could never be a part of.

She was pretty sure that’s what scared her the most.

"Given what you’ve said about your mother, it doesn’t sound like she would have asked a lot of questions."

That made shame, pride, and anger all spark within Alexis. "Hey, that is still my mother you’re talking about. She was a lot of things, but indiscriminate slut wasn’t one of them."

Ethan sat back hard on the bench. "Alexis, I apologize. I didn’t mean to sound insulting. I just meant she seemed impulsive and carefree."

Anger dissipated as quickly as it had formed. "Shit, I know. I’m sorry. And you’re right. My mother was perfectly capable of meeting a man at her club and having an affair, thinking she was in love, without really asking a lot of questions. It’s just "

"If Brittany is Impure, where does that leave you?"

Tears rose in her eyes. It amazed her that Ethan cut so quickly to the heart of what was bothering her. That he understood her. "Yes."

He stood up and came over to her. He went down on his haunches in front of her, taking her hands gently. "You’re still her sister, the most important person in the world to her, and that will never change. You’re still Ball Buster, the best prosecutor this county has seen."

Yeah, yeah.She tried to choke out a retort, but she couldn’t manage it.

His thumbs stroked across her palms. "And you’re a very attractive woman. I hope you’ll consider dating the president of the Vampire Nation for real."

Feeling vulnerable and needy were not emotions Alexis aspired to. But Ethan didn’t make her feel small or melodramatic. He looked sincere, and strong, and unbelievably good-looking with his sharp bone structure and changeling blue eyes. They were light now, a sky blue on a sunny day. It seemed he wanted her, for now anyway.

And she didn’t have any desire to protest or play hard to get.

Maybe there was more of her mother in her than she cared to admit.

She sniffled. "I have control issues, you know. It kills me that I might not be part of something important to Brittany . Not that I’m convinced she is half-vamp. She’s not exactly fond of blood. She gets her steak and burgers well-done and flips out over getting her blood drawn."

Ethan tucked her hair behind her ear. It always amused Alexis when he did that. Despite her stature, Alexis had never really inspired nurturing from anyone. Not her mother, not teachers, not boyfriends.

Yet Ethan, the bloodsucking vampire, seemed determined to cuddle and comfort her, and treat her like she was delicate.

She liked it. She liked him.

"As for me and the president well, as long as he knows what he’s getting himself into."

Ethan smiled, his touch on her hands turning from soothing to seductive, sliding up her wrists. "He knows."

"Then tell the president that he should consider us dating for real."

"The president is pleased." Ethan moved into the space between them, head tilted, mouth open.

Alexis closed her eyes in anticipation. His lips covered hers softly, gently, with respect and kindness. She wasn’t sure she’d ever been kissed quite like that, with a confidence, but also areverence, and it awakened all sorts of emotions in her.Made her want more with him.

Lots more.With tongue more.

With a quick shift, she brought her arms around his neck, and moved forward so that her thighs slid between his chest and his biceps. Ethan had a hard, muscular body. He didn’t even strain with his legs bent the way they were, or lose his balance as she wedged herself into him.

The kiss shifted quickly, gained speed and heat, and careened into erotic as he urged her mouth open with his tongue and invaded her with wet, darting strokes. Alexis groaned, her ni**les budding painfully, her inner thighs restless and aching. She was close to him, brushing here, touching there, but it wasn’t a full body slam, and it was enough to tease, but not to satisfy. She couldn’t see or feel his erection, but she knew he was as aroused as she was.

His breathing was hard, urgent, and his technique became less exact, more grasping. Their lips were slick, colliding, and when he plucked at her nipple with two fingers, she jerked on the seat at the sharp bite of ecstasy. If he didn’t stop, they were going to wind up naked on this teak outdoor furniture, and while that had its pluses, Alexis figured they’d be visible to people in approximately twenty


"Yes, BB?"

"BB?" she asked, distracted by his words and his wandering hand. Somehow he’d made his way up her T-shirt. "What the hel ] does that mean?"

Ethan’s mouth moved over her neck. "Ball Buster is too long to keep saying. And BB can double as bold and beautiful."

"I see.Very charming." Alexis dodged the kiss he was about to press on her, and scooted her legs around his. It was time to get a grip on her control—she was not going to have sex outside. "But now you need to take me to Tom. It’s time for the concert to start, Garlic."

He groaned, toying with the clasp on her bra. "Ah, come on, Alexis. Let’s just skip it and go upstairs straightaway."

She wriggled out of his arms and headed for the door, despite the ache in her body. Walking away would hurt, but she’d thank herself for it later. She was too vulnerable to do this with Ethan right then—too raw and too willing to fall for him.

Forcing a sassy smile, she said, "You may have forever to live, but Tom and I don’t. This may be my only chance to see him."

Chapter Thirteen

Of all nights for Carrick to break his f**king routine, it had to be this one. Ringo sat at the blackjack table and glanced at his watch for the third time. Every night Carrick came onto the floor at 8 p.m., except for tonight. It had been a risk to come to the casino in the first place since it was likely they had Ringo on tape, or had security on high alert because of the shooting.

There had been a shooting. Ringo knew he had definitely pulled the trigger on his gun since there were two shots missing. But whether he had actually hit Carrick or not was a mystery. And with the guy not showing tonight, it meant Ringo still didn’t have answers. Carrick waseither late , dead, or wounded. The news hadn’t mentioned anything about Carrick or The Ava, and there wasn’t a hint of any shooting, so Ringo didn’t know what the hell to think.
