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High Stakes

High Stakes (Vegas Vampires #1)(40)
Author: Erin McCarthy

Ethan laughed. He had a nice laugh, rich and full, like a good beer sliding down your throat on a hot day. "You aren’t going to start humming, are you?"

"No, but I do feel like I should honor you in some way. Wow." She didn’t even mind that her words might go straight to Ethan’s head. Bothheads, and she’d be in business.

"You do realize that by saying things like that, you’ve eliminated my ability to make love to you slowly and tenderly." He dropped to the floor in front of her and spread her legs with a quick jerk on her calves.

"I didn’t think we were going for slow and tender.Maybe next time." Alexis closed her eyes when he kissed her, licking along her bottom lip. He moved, nuzzling into her neck, while his finger worked its way inside her, sinking deep, then stroking her clitoris."Yeah, definitely next time. Fast and hard is good," she panted as he petted and kissed, his tongue doing a delicious little swirl over her flesh. Then she felt his teeth sink into her neck, a quick sharp invasion that startled her.

"Oh!" Alexis tried to shift away from him, but Ethan held her firmly, and as he drew on her with erotic tension, she felt an answering ache between her legs. When he pulled harder, she went wet, her body aching with want, as the room tilted dizzily behind Ethan’s head. Closing her eyes, her startled gasp drew out into a moan of ecstasy.

" Oooo, yes," she breathed, raising her hips into his fin- ger, her br**sts crushing into his hard, warm chest.

It was like the ultimate tease, like he was stimulating her every-where, over every inch of her body, dipping into and tasting every crevice, drawing her passion right out of her, except the one place that so desperately wanted him.

"More," she said, wiggling and squirming beneath him, pinned on the hard carpet.

Ethan broke the embrace, removed his finger,placed his mouth over hers. His tongue thrust between her lips right as he entered her body with a hard slap.

Alexis came, rocking and shuddering with her violent climax, unable even to reach up to grab hold of Ethan. She heard the yelps that ripped from her mouth, couldn’t believe them, even as she rode the wave of pleasure on and on, squeezing herself around him as he thrust.

He moved through her aftershocks as she murmured, "Damn, I’m easy." She sucked in a gulp and tried to shake her hair out of her eyes, woozy and drowning in endorphins.

But he didn’t stop thrusting in her, not even when he rolled ontc his back, landing her on his chest and lap. "Move on me," he demanded. "Make me come."

There was a challenge. Alexis propped herself up with her hands, still wet, still aroused, but feeling limp and done in. She looked down at him, his fierce expression, which had more of the warrior he’d been than the angel his mother had called him. Ethan was a complex man, of many shades and sides, and he obviously knew just how to push her buttons.

Without hesitation, she dug her nails into the carpet, sat half up, and rode him. Slowly at first, then faster, then with total abandon, until they were both moaning in tandem, the slick sound of their bodies joining driving her like a whip. When Ethan gritted his teeth, she knew he was there, and she rocked down hard, letting go with her own orgasm right as he catapulted into his.

Hands on her arms, he squeezed harder than was comfortable as he convulsed inside her, but Alexis didn’t care. Vampire sex rocked.

After an eternity in which nations could have fallen, and whole new species discovered, Alexis collapsed on his chest. She needed water, but first she needed to rest for about a decade.

His fingers raked through her hair as he continued to pant. "Now I’m the one wowed. That was absolutely incredible."

She smiled against his chest. Considering how much experience he probably had, she was thinking that was quite a compliment. "You know it."

When he kissed the top of her head, she felt a weird lump rise out of nowhere and lodge itself in her throat. Embarrassed, she stayed draped over him, but pinched him lightly on the arm. "So what was that bite all about? You got hungry and had to take the edge off?"

Not that she had minded. She should, but Ethan hadn’t lied when he’d said she would like it, and there was no pain now, just a sore satisfaction over her whole body.

"That wasn’t a bite to feed. I only tasted your blood, I didn’t drink it."

"So what was it for then?" It was nice to know that he saw her as more than a snack.

"That was a bite to mark you.To claim you as mine." His hand landed on her butt and he held her tightly against him. It wasn’t PC, but Alexis liked the way his words sounded. Ele-mental.Raw.When man wants woman. "Like a ‘keep away’ sign for other vampires?"

" ‘Keepaway.’ ‘No trespassing.’ ‘Touch her and you die.’ And it’s just for me, too, the desire to touch you, to invade you everywhere I can."

Hello. That was sexy. But he didn’t need to know that. "Well, I let you this time, but don’t expect to do that whenever you feel like it."

Alexis shifted, adjusting her sticky body on his. He really made a nice contoured mattress.

"Yes, dear."He bit her ear.

She lifted her head to give him a glare.

"Whatever you say, dear."He reached out and nipped her bottom lip.

"Stop that." Because she was getting aroused and it really seemed like she should play hard to get at some point.

"Make me."

Oh, yeah, Ethan liked to play it rough and tumble. And she was just the girl to give it to him.

Chapter Fourteen

Kelsey pursed her lips at him and avoided his eyes as Ringo pressed her back against the wall with his body, one leg wedged between her skinny thighs.

To anyone walking down the hall, they looked like a couple getting it on. But all he felt was a cold, unpleasant fear that his carefully constructed, unemotional life might be collapsing in on him. "What did you mean by that? And don’t think you can play me, because I can snap your neck right now and get away with it."

He was lying. He wouldn’t kill her. He didn’t even like the way he had to threaten her, but he had no choice, and no time to feel sorry for the dark-haired ditz.

Kelsey licked her already glossy lips. Her breath panted in his face, quick and distressed. It had a sickly sweet scent to it, like she’d been drinking one of those girl drinks with fruit in them. "You have to stop what you’re trying to do you won’t be successful. I can’t see who wants you to do it, but you’ll only get caught, and he still won’t die."

Ringostared at her, his heart pounding, his grip on the waist of her red dress tightening. She had to know theItalian, there was no other way any of this made sense. But how and why, that was the question. And was he being set up? Had Kelsey purposely been a distraction?
