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High Stakes

High Stakes (Vegas Vampires #1)(57)
Author: Erin McCarthy

He pulled back, in agony. Once he started, he wasn’t sure he could stop. He wanted to bite her everywhere, starting with those soft plump folds displayed so enticingly in front of him. "Alexis "

She grabbed his head, shoved him down. "Please, now, I’m going to come, Ethan. Take me."

His vision sharpened as he groaned. That was an invitation he couldn’t resist, didn’t want to even try. Sliding his tongue up and down each side of her, he pushed a finger inside her right as he sank his teeth into her tender flesh.

The hot taste of her flowed over his teeth as she screamed out in pleasure, arching off the bed in a violent climax.Ethan’s eyes sank closed as he took in her pleasure, felt it rush past him in a tidal wave of satiated ecstasy. His finger moved in her swollen flesh with slow, steady presses as she shuddered on and on, little whimpers assaulting his ears.

Forcing himself to retreat, Ethan swallowed hard, feeling the heat of Alexis’s lifeblood scattering out to all his limbs, filling him with her essence, her strength, her love for him.

It was a good thing he was kneeling, because he wasn’t sure he could stand on his shaky legs. She’d rocked him to the core.

A pounding filtered through his consciousness, and it wasn’t the pumping of either of their hearts.

It was Seamus, knocking on the door. "Ethan! Jesus, where the hell are you? If you are in there, get your ass downstairsnow . Donatelli will make mincemeat out of you if you’re late."

Alexis gave a soft laugh, limp on the bed, dress shoved up past her thighs."Oh, my God. He has the worst timing."

Ethan thunked his head onto the edge of the bed—once, twice, three times. "This is one of those moments where a man has to choose selfishness or responsibility. I have to have you or I’m going to die."

Alexis drew her legs together and fixed her skirt. "I don’t want to take you from your duties."

She was starting to grin, the little tease. "Yeah, easy for you to say, you were on the receiving end here."

"No, the biting was all for you. I got nothing from it." She couldn’t quite pull off the innocent look.

"Seamus can wait a minute. That’s all I need." He started to unzip his fly and push to his feet.

The door pounded again."Carrick! I know you’re in there. I can hear you."

"Shit." Ethan stared at Alexis in agony. He wanted nothing more than to fill her with his hard flesh, pumping faster and faster into her, but he really didn’t want Seamus standing outside the door listening.

Alexis sat up, looking more sympathetic than teasing now. "Don’t worry. I’ll make it up to you later. You don’t want to rush it It’s more fun if we have all the time in the world."

"I’m going to die," he told her, most sincerely.

She grinned. "No, you’re not. You’re a vampire. Now stop being dramatic and go beat the crap out of the other guy in this debate. Then we’ll sneak away for a little victory celebration."

Sighing, Ethan rezipped his pants. "I don’t think you understand how much pain I’m in." He wasn’t sure he could even walk.

"Since I don’t want Seamus breaking that door down and walking in on us, we’re just going to have to wait. Besides, that way I’ll have time to suck you first."

Ethan groaned, his vision blurring, body tightening every where. "Alexis, you’re torturing me."

"No, that comes later." She stood up, pushed her dress down, and headed toward the door.

He noticed she was still wearing her high heels and the thought had him groaning all over again. He could have done her with her shoes still on, damn that was hot.

"Hi, Seamus.Sorry to keep you waiting."

Bloody hell.Running his hands through his hair, he took a few tentative steps in the direction of the living area. His c**k didn’t break off and fall to the floor, but it ached abominably.

He needed to think about something else, divert his blood flow elsewhere.

"You’re a sick man," Seamus told him when he walked in the room.

"No, just horny."

Alexis laughed.

Seamus flushed an ugly beet red. "Look, maybe you don’t take this election seriously anymore, but I do. I’ve worked my ass off on this campaign and I’d appreciate a little cooperation."

That was enough to cause contrition and deflation. "Seamus, I apologize. I know how hard you’ve been working. I’m heading down now. But first you can offer us congratulations—Alexis and I are engaged to be married."

Seamus’seyes narrowed."Really? Well."

He faced Alexis, who had turned a little pink. Ethan was amused. Getting caught in the act didn’t embarrass her, but being engaged obviously did.

"Congratulations." Seamus’s words were clipped and hard.

Too late, Ethan remembered Seamus supported an engagement to Brittany, not Alexis. He hoped this wouldn’t cause a permanent breach in their friendship.

"We’re not engaged," Alexis said.

Ethan took in her pale face, her stiff shoulders.Uh-oh. "But you said you said yes."

"To living with you.Not to marriage. You never asked me to marry you."

Well, if she wanted to get technical. "But I’m going to."

"And if and when you do, maybe I’ll say yes."

That almost sounded positive."Really? You might say yes?" Ethan grinned at Alexis. She wanted to marry him.

His answer was an eye roll. "It’s probable. Good odds, I’d say,if you don’t tick me off in the meantime."

But then she smiled, softening her words, and Ethan felt like every cliche ever written. He was in love. He was a Celine Dion song waiting to be written.

Seamus made a sound of impatience. "Can we head down now?"

"Absolutely," Alexis said. "Sooner we go down, the sooner we can come back up." And she winked.

Ethan almost groaned. Damn, she was hot. Taking Alexis’s arm, he followed Seamus.

"By the way," Seamus said, "we can’t get an ID on the shooter. And Kelsey is missing."

"Missing?" Ethan frowned at Seamus, jerked out of his sappy and sexual thoughts.

"Well, no one has seen her since last night. She didn’t show up for work today, but then Kelsey is known for late nights and partying. I just thought it was a coincidence since she was with the shooter that night."

They stepped on the elevator. "I don’t like the way that sounds," Ethan said. "Kelsey was really frightened by him. I don’t think she knows anything about him, but what if he thought she did? I suspect he was just an off-balance gambler, who lost a life savings or something, but would he hurt Kelsey?"

"Wouldn’t she call for one of us if she were in trouble?" Sea- musasked.
