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His Expectant Ex

His Expectant Ex (The Landis Brothers #2)(18)
Author: Catherine Mann

Sebastian went after the witness—the hulking father with fists clenched on his thighs—keeping a calm drive and focus that subtly shifted to a more heated push for the truth. Again and again he challenged the witness with questions that probed free unwitting admissions, each nugget strengthening his case.

She got lost in watching Sebastian at his fiery litigator best, this man she didn’t see at home. Even knowing he was reputed to be tops at his job hadn’t prepared her for the full impact of seeing him in action. He poured all that emotional energy into fighting for a child who couldn’t defend himself.

Marianna inched to the edge of her seat, the deep power of Sebastian’s voice filling the courtroom. In a flash of inspiration, she realized he hadn’t been avoiding his feelings at all. He was pouring his frustrations over losing Sophie into defending this child. And just as surely she knew he delivered the same intensity for all his clients. He’d become the kind of lawyer he’d always said he wanted to be back in the days when they’d dreamed.

Maybe as his plan played out, he hadn’t expected to use up most of his best arguing here. Was it any wonder he wanted peace at home?

The new understanding swelled inside her, along with a sense of how she could fit into his life in an unexpected way. God, she would enjoy playing devil’s advocate for a case. Or perhaps showing up in the courtroom now and then, being a part of his world instead of always waiting for him to be a part of hers.

She hadn’t been wrong in thinking it would take time to trust each other again. But now, seeing this dazzling glimpse of the man she’d fallen for in the first place, she was willing to do whatever it took, for as long as it took.

Sebastian knew the minute Marianna walked into the courtroom. Even with his back turned, he got that unmistakable sensation telling him she was near. He hadn’t missed a beat in his case, but he’d sure been counting down the minutes until they broke for lunch.His watch showed him noon just as the prompt judge rapped her gavel for a recess. Sebastian took a moment to reassure his client before finally shifting his full attention to the back of the courtroom.

He charged down the aisle, Marianna waiting there in the last row, not moving toward him or even standing. Was she here to finish venting her anger at him? He’d lost his cool with Ward, but even with his fist throbbing and Marianna’s anger in his ears, he wasn’t sure he would do anything differently. The way he saw it, he’d been protecting his wife and child.

He paused midstep, realizing that just because he was right about Ward didn’t mean Marianna’s day had sucked any less. Sebastian had known all along that the guy had been gunning for her, but she’d been caught off guard, disillusioned and man-handled to boot. And while he’d felt justified in firing off his anger on her employer, maybe he could have offered her some kind of…comfort.

Guilt nipped at his heels. He could almost see his mother shaking a well-manicured finger at him for not making time to take better care of Marianna. Of his family.

Then Marianna smiled. And he knew, deserved or not, he’d been given a reprieve, one he damn well intended to use to the fullest.

She crooked her finger for him to lean toward her. “Sebastian,” she whispered, “find a broom closet or empty conference room pronto, please.”

He didn’t need to be told twice. Even if he’d found some aspects of marriage to a feisty female a challenge, he’s always savored this side of her. Marianna might never back down from a fight, but then again, she never held back when she wanted this.

Sebastian clasped her elbow and guided her toward the same conference room where he’d carried her just a few short days ago when she’d passed out after their divorce decree. Once inside the room, she flattened him to the door, arching up to kiss him before he could so much as say hello. Of course who was he to argue with a greeting that beat the hell out of any words?

He met and answered the bold sweeps of her tongue against his, only the lack of a lock keeping him from lowering her to the sofa. God, this woman had been knocking him on his butt for nine years and counting. No problems between them had ever changed that.

She gasped against his mouth. “I gave my two weeks’ notice right after you left.”

And he’d thought her kisses knocked him flat.

“Because of what I did?” He stared down at her, trying to gauge every nuance of her mood.

“I should have listened to your concerns about Ross earlier.” Her fingers toyed with the hair along the back of his neck. “But I quit because it was the right thing to do. He was out of line.”

“What do you plan to do now?”

Tension pinched lines along the corners of her eyes, stealing some of the spark. “I hope this isn’t a lead-in to you offering to fill my bank account.”

He stayed silent, weighing the best answer. He’d been so focused on winning, somewhere along the line he’d forgotten about the power of compromise. The best lawyers realized some instances called for bargaining. She’d made a major concession in giving notice to Ward. Time to reciprocate. Keeping her in his life was too important to screw up again.

“How about I fill your refrigerator with things to tempt your palate instead?”

“Thank you.” Her smile provided a bigger payoff than he could have predicted.

Sebastian cupped her face. “I’m sorry I made a scene at your office.”

He’d always respected her work, admiring the way she brought beauty to everything she touched. He hadn’t intended to mess any of that up for her. With a cooler temper now, he sincerely hoped he hadn’t compromised her ability to take her professional skills wherever she chose.

She stilled against him, her eyes wide and un-blinking so long he started to worry about her.

“Marianna? Is something wrong?”

She shook her head slowly. “Do you realize that’s the first time you’ve ever apologized to me?”

What was she talking about? “That can’t be right. I’ve worked like crazy to get back into your good graces more times than I can count.”

“I do see better now how you’ve tried over the years. But I have to confess, counselor, that sometimes it’s still helpful to hear the words.”

“Makes sense, I imagine. You are a woman who likes a good, long discussion.”

Then it hit him. She needed the words when it came to more than apologies. She wanted more than signs of his love.

She had to hear the words.

“I love you, Marianna.” He worked with speeches all day long. How could he have missed the boat so thoroughly when it counted the most? “Not just because you’re the mother of my children—Sophie and this baby and any others we may have or adopt. But because you fire me up, challenge me to be more, and God knows I have a reputation around the courthouse for enjoying a good challenge.”

Since he was also a man of action, he cemented his declaration with another kiss. Marianna leaned into him, her soft curves melding against him. The need to make love, seal their commitment, burned inside him, something he intended to follow up on the minute he got her home tonight.

Marianna took two steps back, keeping their fingers linked until the very…last…second. Hands on her waist, she jutted one hip forward, her leg extended to show off just how hot she made pink designer pumps look. His body tightened with the familiar jolt of desire.

With a defiant toss of her tangled curls, she met his gaze dead-on, with complete honesty and conviction. “I love you, Sebastian Landis. I love your sexy body when it caresses mine. I love your brilliant mind when it challenges mine. I love your peanut buttery thoughtful soul when it touches mine. I love you, unconditionally, forever.”

Sebastian felt the waves of her healing love wash over him, chasing away the last whispers of that old nightmare. “Where do you see us going from here?”

She nibbled her lip, and he hated that he’d made her hesitant in voicing what she wanted. He looped his arms low around her waist and brought her close again.

Marianna smoothed the lapels of his suit, her hands tempting even through layers of clothes. “I would like to take time to get to rediscover each other.”

Rather than hearing criticism because somehow he’d come up short in giving her enough, he heard her desire for both of them to have more. “Ah, you want to date.”

“We did sort of skip over that when we met.”

Theirs had been a quick trip to the altar. Had she been carrying around insecurities from that all these years? Something he definitely needed to fix, because he knew, without question, he would have walked this fascinating woman down the aisle, baby or no baby.

He skimmed his knuckles down her cheek. “How about we get a start on that the minute the judge wraps up for the day. No working late for me tonight. I have a special lady to take out who happens to enjoy fine dining.”

Her brown eyes glinted with wicked promise. “Lucky for you, I just bought a new pair of shoes to model on our first date.”


8 1/2 months later:

M arianna always welcomed the chance to buy a new pair of shoes. And today’s event provided the most exciting reason for a shopping spree yet.

Searching for Sebastian among the small crowd at the reception, she wove by the guests milling around the Landis compound pool. Rose petals floated along the surface, the afternoon sunlight sparking prisms off the water while family and a few close friends finished an after-lunch cocktail.As she walked along the glazed brick, her French pedicure peeked from her cream-colored open-toed heels, a Chanel purchase that had paid off more than once during the day with heated looks from Sebastian. Her off-white silk dress wrapped around her new curves, caressing just below her knees with each swishing step.

The months with Sebastian hadn’t always been easy, but the time spent getting to know each other again had proved the best investment either of them had ever made. Without question, Sebastian would always be a powerfully driven man, but she no longer doubted her ability to stand up to him and win her point on occasion. She’d learned to lean a bit more on logic, and he’d learned to listen to his heart when it counted.

Today’s gathering, however, wasn’t about them. It was all about someone else.

This afternoon, they celebrated the baptism of Edward Sebastian Landis—all healthy seven pounds, eleven ounces of him at birth, heavier now, of course with little Edward hitting his six-week birthday.

Her feet slowed as she paused for a glance across the pool to check on her son—she couldn’t look at his precious face often enough—and found Edward still sleeping soundly in his grandmother’s arms. Ginger held court at a poolside table, showing off her new grandchild from under the shade of the protective umbrella. His traditional, long baptismal gown would go on display next to Sophie’s at the end of the day.

A warm palm flattened to Marianna’s waist, pulling her back to the moment. She didn’t even have to look over her shoulder. She knew that touch intimately well.

Sebastian slid his arm around to lean her back against his chest. “You and Mom sure do know how to throw a great party.”
