Read Books Novel

Holding On

Holding On (Memories #1.5)
Author: Emma Hart

Chapter One


I look around Alec’s flat and wrinkle my nose. “It really could do with a paint.”

He laughs. “So you say every time. But it was the best your Dad could get on short notice. And the best I could afford.”

I sniff. “It still needs painting.” I tug at the peeling wallpaper. “At least you’ve finished unpacking.”

Alec wraps his arms around my waist and turns his face into mine. “I promise you can redecorate. I know you’re thinking of a million different ways.”

I look up at him, grinning, and clasp my hands behind his neck. “How did you know?”

His lips curl up into a smirk. “Because, I’d like to think I know you by now.”

“Hmm.” I twirl a bit of his hair around my finger. “Then you’ll know that right now I’m really, really, craving something.”

His stormy eyes darken slightly. His fingers flex on my back and he pulls me into him a little closer. “You are?”

“Mhmm.” I pout. “I really miss Cara’s strawberry ice cream.”

Alec stares at me blankly, then shakes his head, fighting his smile. “What am I gonna do with you?”

“Get me ice cream?” I ask hopefully.

“I love you, Princess, but I’m not going all the way to Devon just for some bloody ice cream.”

“Fine.” I narrow my eyes playfully and step away from him.

He chuckles and grabs me back. “Besides,” he mutters, lowering his lips to mine. “I’m pretty sure it’d melt by the time I got it back.”

I graze his bottom lip between my teeth slightly. “Mmm. It might do.”

He pulls me closer and traces my top lip with his tongue. I grip his arms and stand on my tiptoes to meet his kiss properly.

“Carry on,” I whisper after a minute of him exploring my mouth with his tongue. “And I’ll be melting faster than Frosty the Snowman in Africa.”

“Is that a promise?”

“Maybe later.” I grin again.

He touches his nose to mine. “Okay, but I’m pretty sure you didn’t stop by just to bitch about my wallpaper and turn me on.”

I purse my lips to hide my laughter. “There was another reason.”


“Frosty will have to wait,” I say. “Jen’s here, and we’re all having dinner with my parents.”

Alec sighs. “And it was so peaceful without her here.”

I slap his arm. “Alec!”

“What?” He grins cheekily and releases me, heading for his kitchen. “You know I love Jen like my sister, but it was kinda nice to not have a thousand sarcastic comments in my ear every ten minutes.”

I put a hand on my hip and raise an eyebrow. I clear my throat.

“Apart from your wonderful sarcasm, of course,” he adds.

“Hmph,” I grunt. “You need to get changed.”

“Why do I?”

“Because we’re going out for dinner.” I look at my phone screen. “In thirty minutes.”

Alec freezes halfway through getting a glass down from the cupboard. Slowly, he turns his head towards me. “Did you just say ‘thirty minutes’?”

I smile sweetly. “Um, yes.”

He sighs and sets the glass down. “Thirty minutes?”

“Yes, Alec, thirty minutes.”

“Hate to break it to you, Princess, but you won’t be ready in thirty minutes.”

I cross the living room and grab my bag from the sofa. “Race you.”

He raises his eyebrows and his lips curl. “It’s on.”

We both run, him towards his bedroom and me towards the bathroom. I giggle as I slam the door behind me and push the lock into place. I unzip my bag and pull out the bag containing the new black dress Mum and I bought yesterday. Pulling it from the bag, I smile at the low, dipped back.

It’s on, indeed.


Alec’s eyes are hot on my bare back as we enter the restaurant. I nudge his side and he shakes his head.

“I can’t believe you got ready in twenty minutes,” he says in a hushed voice. “And still manage to look… Well, like that.”

“Like what?” I ask innocently, turning to the host. “Table under Edwards?”

“This way, madam.” He waves us to follow him.

“Like that!” Alec whispers. “All that… Bare back. Not to mention that beautiful thing you have going on. Yeah, I’m totally not getting through this meal alive,” he finishes to himself.

I giggle slightly and catch sight of my parents and brother. Bing is here? Wait – in a suit? I giggle again.

We thank the hostess, and I grin at Bing across the table. He stares at me stony faced.

“What?” he hisses.

“Are you wearing a suit?” I ask, amused.

He tugs at the tie around his neck. “Yes, I’m wearing a bl-” Mum glares at him. “Yes, I’m wearing a suit.”

“Any particular reason?”

“I asked him to,” Mum says, looking at me sternly. “That is why. We are having a civilised meal tonight to welcome Jen to London, which means no swearing.” She glances at Bing again. “No undressing with eyes.” This time she focuses on Alec. “And no crazy-”

“You have no idea how glad I am to see you again, my little ball of summer lovin’!” Jen’s voice exclaims behind me.

“Outrageous exclamations of excitement,” Mum finishes wearily.

I laugh and stand, turning to greet Jen. We hug and she ruffles Alec’s hair. After greeting my parents in a more… Civilised way, she takes the free seat between Alec and Bing.

“Evening, Samuel,” she says, taking the menu.

“Jennifer,” he says tightly and shifts in his seat.

“No need to move away. I won’t bite.” She grins.

He swallows and hides his face behind a menu. Jen looks at me and raises an eyebrow. I shrug. Alec hides behind his own menu. His shoulders are shaking and I kick him under the table, but he just shakes his head.

I look at Mum, who rolls her eyes, and Dad is trying to hide a smile. This has to be the most dysfunctional table in the restaurant. We place our orders, and Mum takes control of the conversation.

“So, Jen, how was your journey here?”

Jen sighs. “It was okay, if you ignore Mr. Let’s Make Babies eyeing me on the train, and of course then there was the Barbie Bitch on the tube who thought I was making eyes at her man. I told her not to worry, her boyfriend looked too much like my best friend’s brother for me to even consider him being partially good looking.”

I choke on my wine and Alec pats my back. Bing glares at me across the table before turning his attention towards Jen.
