Read Books Novel

Holding On

Holding On (Memories #1.5)(7)
Author: Emma Hart

She grins, pulling me off towards the dance floor.


Bing blinks after her for a second, and shakes his head. “Shit.”

I laugh, and take a long drink of my beer. He wasn’t wrong when he said we were being eyed up. I can feel eyes on both of us from every direction, and I’m glad Jen distracted Lexy before she noticed just how many girls are staring at us.

Bing shakes his head again, and looks at me. “I’m sayin’ this ’cause I actually like you, which is kinda odd. You followed her here so I know you love her, Alec, okay? But trust doesn’t come easy for Lexy. That’s my fault. I’ve spent so long treating girls like shit she thinks that one day someone is gonna come along and do the same to her. I’m a dick for that, believe me, I know.”

“And you’re saying she’s scared that now we’re in London on her territory, I’m surrounded by a bunch of girls I’ve never met before that I might be attracted to. She’s scared I’ll run off.”

“Deep down.” He nods. “You just gotta… Prove to her. I know you already did it once but it’s different now. Now is when you really gotta prove your love to her.”

I blow out a breath. “I’ve only gotta settle in and start a new job. Now I have to do this too?” I shake my head. “This is bullshit.”

“So you’re back to Devon then?” Bing’s eyebrows rise in challenge.

“Not a f**king chance,” I say firmly, looking him dead on. “You haven’t found her yet, Bing, but when you do, you’ll know. When you meet the person you wanna be with for the rest of your life, you know. Your sister is the person I wanna be with, so it doesn’t matter how many girls bat their eyelashes, flick their hair, or stick their chests out at me. It’ll always come back to Lexy, because no other girl can compare to her. Lexy has nothing to worry about, because it’s always gonna be her. It’s been her since I met her and it’ll be her until I die. That’s something I can’t control. And when you meet the girl you wanna be with forever, you’ll understand that.”

Bing stares at me. He nods and looks back out to the crowd, drinking his beer slowly.

I really wish I was in his head.


I find Lexy in my kitchen in a strap top and shorts, running her finger round the inside of a yoghurt pot.

“What are you doing?” I smirk, and lean against the door frame.

She looks up, and sucks the yoghurt off her finger. I shift slightly.

“I’m finishing my yoghurt,” she replies. “What?”

“Most people don’t run their finger round the inside of the pot, Princess.”

She shrugs a shoulder. “I’m not most people.” She throws the pot in the bin.

I cross the room, and hug her from behind, resting my chin on her shoulder. She sighs.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She shakes her head and flicks the kettle on. “Something.”

“Talk to me.” I spin her round and lean back against the counter, holding her to me. She sighs again and rests her hands on my chest. Her eyebrows draw together in a small frown, and I nudge her.

“Remember how Grammy used to tease me about not having a boyfriend until we met?” she asks. I nod. “Well, I used to reply that I didn’t want one, and if I did I had plenty of admirers.”

My fingers twitch. “Mm.”

Her brown eyes snap up to mine. “Don’t go getting all caveman on me, Alec, or I’m not telling you.”

“Caveman stored away,” I grind out. “Carry on.”

“Damn jealous males,” she mutters. “Anyway. I saw one of them out last night. I’ve known Ade since we were about twelve – we went to secondary school together – and he’s tried convincing me a few times over the last year to go out with him. He’s one of my friends so I said no. I don’t go out with friends.”

“So we were never friends?” I smirk a little.

She shakes her head. “No, we were never friends. You were always the one. Friendship was never an option.”

I relax slightly, and press my lips to her forehead. Her arms slide around my waist, and she rests her cheek against my chest.

“Carry on,” I tell her.

“Well, like I said, I saw him out last night. We spoke for a few minutes on the dance floor. He asked about Devon and that, and when Jen mentioned your name, he did this puffing chest out thing, and got kinda pissed. He stormed off.”

“Wait, what does he look like?”

“Blonde hair, about your height, not as muscular.”

“You think I’m muscular?” I tease.

She laughs, pulls back, and squeezes my arm. “Very.”

I wink. “He was giving me a death look half the night last night. I’m guessing he knew who I was because I was with Bing.”

She nods thoughtfully. “Well, that’s Adrian. I don’t think he’ll do anything, more than likely just try to get under your skin. I don’t think he’s got big enough balls to do anything else. He’s scared of Bing.”

“He’s scared of your brother?” I raise an eyebrow. “I can’t imagine why.”

She blinks. “He threatened to break your legs, too, didn’t he?”

“Yep. I told him if I hurt you, he could.” I kiss her quickly.

“Huh.” Lexy’s head tilts to the side. “No wonder he actually likes you.”

I look around. “Good to know.” I laugh.

She grins, and I’m glad to see the worry and annoyance removed from her face. “So yeah. Just… Ignore him, okay? He’s a good guy but he’s also kind of an ass**le.”

“That seems to be a trend amongst your friends.”

“You’re probably right there.”



“Mum? Are you in?” I drop my bag by the door.

“I’m just popping out, Lexy. What’s up?” She appears from the front room, buttoning her mac.

“Nothing. I was just wondering if you were here.” I smile, and kiss her cheek.

“Did you have a good night?”

“It was… Okay, I guess.” I shrug a shoulder and pass through into the large kitchen.

“That doesn’t sound good. Would you like to talk about it?”

I sigh. “Maybe.”

“I’m going to the park, to the stream,” Mum says hesitantly. Grammy’s favourite spot in London.

“Is that where you’ve been disappearing to lately?” I peer at her over my shoulder. She nods.

“It helps me to feel close to her when I’m so far away. I just… Go there to think. Remember.” Mum smiles weakly.

“I don’t want to ruin your time, Mum.”

“If you want to, Lexy, I’d love you to come with me. Maybe we could remember together?”
